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Words used in Lexicus but not defined in Lexicus

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  • Words used in Lexicus but not defined in Lexicus

    A word used in Lexicus, but the definition is not found therein: partainym. "We're sorry, but that doesn't seem to be in our dictionary."

    Googled it. The list returned by Google has to be one of the shortest on record, with only 8 results, 2 pairs of which were essentially identical. One of those was useful, as was the last returned. Only 2 useful results from Google. Wow! "(a) set of words that have an adjective-noun relation (partainyms)" ". . . given by WordNet". However! when I searched for partainym: "Your search did not return any results."

    I then found: which is an amazing list of words that will delight many of you! However, many words have no links to definitions or etymology.

    The last result from the Google search is: 113 pages compiled by C. S. Bird and Associates. Fun for all! It is the second source that gives a definition of any sort: 'partainym - A descriptive word, usually one whose definition begins with ”Of or pertaining to...” '

    How did I get on this search? By looking up lexical: Partainym is used twice on the page, and on many others, although I did not become curious about it until today.

    Rather amusing that Lexicus USES a word routinely, but does NOT contain the definition of it!