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Technical problems

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  • Grandmacat
    I just signed up for a subscription for a premium account. Without the ads playing has been easy and enjoyable.

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  • Grandmacat
    Wow thank you so much for your quick response. I have been shutting down all my open apps before playing.

    I appreciate all the feedback and assistance.

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  • admin
    Grandmacat - I've bumped you up to premium (ads free) for a week to see if this improves things for you. Please let me know.

    I believe you are correct, though - our ad server appears to be overloading iPads in particular when the same page is open for an extremely long time. I've opened a ticket with them to investigate the issue and see if the memory load can be reduced.

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  • waldo
    I've been solving puzzles on this site for many years. Never had a problem as has been described here. Try turning off all the apps you have running in the background to free up available memory.

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  • Grandmacat
    I have only been doing this a few days but it seems like if I do only shorter problems the game is not stalling. I’ll see if this continues.

    I guess all the ads are just too much and make it almost impossible to complete longer puzzles. I understand the need for ads, but when they are so intrusive that you just have to quit playing , nobody is really benefiting. I love these puzzles, they are my favorite.

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  • Natsun
    Thank you!

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  • admin
    Thank you Natsun - I have put in a request to have the Allegra ads removed. Will bump you up to premium status (ad free) free of charge for a week to get rid of the issue immediately.

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  • Natsun
    It just happened again. I was at least 90% finished too ! It was the same Allegra ad as I emailed to you.

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  • Grandmacat
    Thank you admin.

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  • admin
    This sometimes happens if an ad is trying to load which requires more memory than a person's system can currently allocate. If you notice this issue happening when a particular ad is displaying on your screen, please post a screenshot here or email it to me at and I will work to get that ad removed.

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  • Gammygamer
    Same here, sometimes I can’t enter anything for a bit.

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  • Natsun
    I’ve been having the same problem. Don’t know the solution. But it’s very annoying. Sorry for your issue. I’m sort of glad that it’s not just me or my iPad.

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  • Grandmacat
    started a topic Technical problems

    Technical problems

    Puzzle resets itself and wipes out progress. Does anyone else have this problem? Any solutions?