I just solved a short quote from Ezra Pound in just over thirty seconds, checked the records to see how I did, and found I held the fastest time...I'd solved it before in twenty.
No announcement yet.
No need to be embarrassed.
I've failed to beat my own record on a puzzle more than once, and I don't hold all that many records. And most of my records are for puzzles that no one has done very fast.
I just feel happy on those few occasions when I do either beat or hold a record.
On the rare occassions I come across ones I have the record on, I usually solve it slower the second time around. I can't ever remember solving it the first time. I hit one the other day. I solved it in 50 seconds. It was an "average" one. I got the record. The previous time was 80 seconds by ferrym85. It didn't seem all that difficult. Someone should have solved it in 19 seconds. It had a solve percentage of 53.1% What's up with that?
Here's another one for ya'll.... 127 seconds. I held the record at 29 seconds. Plus I broke my own record earlier... what's up with that?I guess that's the way the ball bounces sometimes. I find it kind of amusing.
(Some minutes later...)
I just beat my own record again! I bet Bansaisequoia does that all the time... What a great avatar name too. (I must admit it took me a while to figure out what it actually was. I didn't separate the "bansai" from the "sequoia" LOL!)
(One puzzle later...)
O.K. This is getting ridiculous. Apparently the only records I can beat tonight are my own. I just did it again. Darn it! I'd rather hold more records than keep beating myself... hee hee!
Not so bad
Hey, I think that's terrific. It's better than taking way longer than it took you last time. I love to beat my own score on the rare occasions it happens, and am usually astounded at how quickly I did it before.
Actually, much more often I'm amazed at how quickly bansaisequoia, ferrym85, flutefish, digirl28, and a few others can bang those suckers out. Wow! And Kat, you're up there too. Anybody can rack up big scores by playing 150 hours a month (like me) but solving quick takes talent. I am so addicted to solving cryptograms partly because I keep trying to bring down my solve time while keeping my solve rate up. It must be that dreaded OCD.
I beat bansaisequoia once on Sat (35-32)and again on Sun (25-23). I have to stare at the computer to make sure it's right. My solving time leaves a lot to be desired, so I thought I was in shock. I truly stand in awe of many of you, and am trying to hold my own. If it's bansaisequoia who holds the record, than most often it is Laura. The difference, Laura, is that you have the whole package: time and success rate. I don't really judge somebody on their total points, because you could have a 65% success rate and a solve time of 100 seconds, but still be in 4th place. Some of you are so amazing with your time. My fingers will start to shake the faster I try to type, then I hit the wrong key (aargh) and have to back space.
Time is shrinking; the eons are closing
The record solution time feature has only been around a short while. My prediction is that very soon there will be few cryptograms that have a record solution time of over 35 seconds. The cryptogram I solved in 10 seconds has an economy of characters. There are only 11 different letters in "There is nothing certain, but the uncertain." Each one of the crypts we solve can have no more than 26 characters, so it's my belief that soon there will be very few puzzles left that won't have record solution times under 35 seconds.