Sometimes, we have that moment of sudden inspiration where we nearly instantaneouly lock onto a key word that leads to a very quick solution of a cryptogram here on this site. Even if we've never seen the quote before, we might be able to solve it under 20 seconds or less. My theory is this: eventually, we will see very few cryptograms with a record solve time over 20 seconds because one of us will have that quick moment of inspiration. If this site continues for many years, one of us will have that quick moment, just by the laws of chance. There's even a wikipedia article that touches upon this.
Here's another point to ponder: we are solving English language cryptograms, therefore, if we solve them with maximum expediency, the greatest number of keystrokes we would make would be 26, the number of characters in the English alphabet.
Here is the quote that led to my first 10-second solution time, back before Steven made the upgrade to automatic letter advancement: "There is no instinct like that of the heart."--Lord Byron. Looking at the quote, it has an economy of characters--only 12. It did not use all 26 characters of the English alphabet. Obviously, quotes which have fewer characters will have an even faster solve time than those which include X, Q and Z, which are on less accessible parts of the keyboard.
I think soon, most cryptograms on this site will have a record solution time of under 20 seconds. Do any cryptedians or cryptediennes beg to differ? Here is your forum.
Here's another point to ponder: we are solving English language cryptograms, therefore, if we solve them with maximum expediency, the greatest number of keystrokes we would make would be 26, the number of characters in the English alphabet.
Here is the quote that led to my first 10-second solution time, back before Steven made the upgrade to automatic letter advancement: "There is no instinct like that of the heart."--Lord Byron. Looking at the quote, it has an economy of characters--only 12. It did not use all 26 characters of the English alphabet. Obviously, quotes which have fewer characters will have an even faster solve time than those which include X, Q and Z, which are on less accessible parts of the keyboard.
I think soon, most cryptograms on this site will have a record solution time of under 20 seconds. Do any cryptedians or cryptediennes beg to differ? Here is your forum.
