Can anyone please tell me how a trophy is won? I have come second and third a few times (never first - still too new at this) but when I check the user info, it shows "no trophies". Am I missing something?
No announcement yet.
Trophies are given at the end of the month
Monthly Competitions
We run three competitions every month, the High Score Challenge, the Success Rate Challenge and the Fastest Solver Challenge. Competitions start fresh on the first of every month.
So it's not for each solve but how you score at the end of the month.
Be sure you're logged in!
Hi Kju,
Welcome to the site. You can play in competitive mode or just as a guest. In competitive mode, you can get trophies and place in the monthly and all-time rankings. To find that, check out scores. You have to be in the top 20 of one of the three categories to get a trophy.
When looking at your profile, it shows that you haven't played any games while you are logged in. Maybe you've been playing as a guest so far?? So log in and join the fun!
Thanks everyone for your answers. When I play I am playing "online" but I guess not "logged in" which is why it looks like I have just played as a guest. I have played a couple hundred games I think. I can also check my stats at any time, but I am not likely to get into the top 20 in any category. Will keep trying though. Cheers!