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No announcement yet.
?tahW yaS
Call me sane, but what does this mean?
? yawa nbfqyu mcwa bdng abrgcbmi atb dctb dc jnk ?03 bc dc yn ,dknvvcy 02 xkr dbkcnf kncmmcg 01 yawn dc daunud xakcvgnu ,bkct inq awco mmcj c ,btocm nb gatb okcyv xkr dyabdnfgc adatb yawnudcx nb av mmcj , bfauur inq ec ,kncddcg yinq ?ais, ais .dxcyadi bkayaeecx yaxki ayat okcqrmf kaav mmr awrt qatb xkr dacbcmrkndyaf amfcbmig awrt c , qmbkayrffr ,djak amvcyyab xawcauay xkr hkcytd gnye xakyibay bdiz ?brtj qrd
Best try
say what just returned from shrink and say what received terrible news
apparently i have multiple personalities and they have all been playing here under different userids cue cue<not sure
your mission if you accept will be to discover these imposters and bring them to light i will give you hint combined scores is over 10 million points and 20 ribbons or is it 30
now is this (this is) the ultimate most evil crypto ever
Reason, for a while I thought you might be one of yzarc's personas, so I might not be the best judge.
Yukiko and Sayaka are two sisters from Japan who used to play on the site. They decided to concentrate on their studies. But I do see where you got the idea. Very similar playing style.
Any chance our friend Widowmaker is one of yzarc's?
sgniteerG s'nosaeS
-. --- ..-. --.- ... / / -.- -.. --..-- / - -..- -.-- .-- -... .--- ..- / ... --.. --.. ..-. -.- / --..-- -..- .--- ..- ..-. -.. ..- / ... ..-. . -.-- -... .--- -.- / ..- -- .--- --- -.. --.. ..- .--- --- --.. / . -..- ..-. / ..- -- .--- ... .--- .. / ... --- -.. .-- / ..-. / - --- .--- .-.-.- ..- -.-. ..-. --- - .--- .... --.. ... --- -. / -..- .--- / ... . .--- .- ... --- -.. .-- -.. / -.- ..- -.-- .-.. / .--- .... / .... -..- ..-. .-.. / -.-- / . -..- ..-. / ..- -.. -.-- .... -.-- -... ..-. -..- .--- ..- --- -.. --.. / ... -..- ..-. -.-. / ... -.-. / .-.-.- ..- - -..- -.-- .... -.. -.. --- - / ..- .----. -..- .--- ..- ..-. -.. ..-