Okay the story went well but didnt attract as many of the new or shy players sooooo lets try this one and its easy and fun and you get to know people. Please keep adding to it though if you wish Im curious as to how it turns out.
Its called "Guess something about the person below me" game and it works thusly:
I will start with a statement about the person who will (hopefully) post after me...
The next person will answer with only a True or False ...then they will make a guess about the next person to post after or below them...
For example:
The person below me loves word games.
Lets say Lily H was next
She would type True
and add her next statement ie The person below me eats bananas.
Yes lame examples I agree however I was just demonstrating.
Now, if you dont like this game, dont play. If you are NEW or shy please give it a try.
If you arent sure how to post, ask in the chat box or PM any of the regular players and we would be happy to help.
Stephen? Hope you dont mind???
kk lets start shall we...
The person below me has eaten a worm.
(remember just True or False and then make your next statement right underneath your True or False)
Er...yes I know. We grow old but some of us never grow up.

PS: Please dont let this interfere with the reason we come here and that's to play. This is just
a way to get to know each other better and hopefully know some of the many many people
who rarely chat or post.