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My all-time ranking is less than 1,000 - finally!!

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  • abra
    Congratulations to you too, SippyGurl.

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  • Barnabas
    Guest replied
    Originally posted by gryhnd51 View Post
    I'm pretty sure that being a "senior member" simply means that you THINK you have something of importance to add to the conversation, however untrue that may prove to be...LOL!
    I see gryhnd has been reviewing my posts again

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  • Barnabas
    Guest replied
    Congratulations on the top 100, Oddcouple! That is a very rewarding moment when it arrives; I thought so anyway

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  • oddcouple
    Well, yeah. I work 50 hours a week with a seventy mile daily commute. So I'll never have an opportunity to become one of the top scorers. But I was pleased yesterday to see after 33 months on the site to hit the 100 ranking. That was a goal of mine for the last three months. My goal for the next three is to continue to move up and maybe get to about number 80 by the end of the year. Well, that, and to set a few record times. It's been almost a year since I saw the flying Baron.

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  • gryhnd51
    I'm pretty sure that being a "senior member" simply means that you THINK you have something of importance to add to the conversation, however untrue that may prove to be...LOL!
    I'm far more impressed by the accomplishments of so many of you, who work full time jobs and still find time to play. You SHOULD be very proud of yourselves!
    Congratulations to all who have reached their goal, and I mean that from my heart.

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  • mikehallbackhoe
    I just noticed that I am a member. never gave it any thought before

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  • Lurker
    I forget who did it, but someone created something like "senior annoyer". And I think LLL had "Sparkle Plenty". It must be in the settings.

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  • wvwoman
    i think one starts out as a junior member, becomes a member after about 30 forum posts, and a senior member after...80? 90? somewhere around there.

    lurker, what's the tag you mentioned?

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  • SippyGurl
    me too!

    just looked at the side and saw that you were less than 1000! grats!
    checked misself, and am 999! lol

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  • oddcouple
    Thanks Lurker. For some reason I was assuming it was length of time you had been on the website. Or maybe number of points you achieved. Like right now, I am ranked 101 and ready to move into the register of 100 after about another 30,000 points. That should happen next month. I had thought maybe that might be the cutoff. But I hardly ever post, so if you're right, I'll never be a senior member.

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  • Lurker
    Oddcouple, for some reason it's tied to the number of posts you have in the forum. I can't remember the numbers for each level. So post more replies and help out with the story! It adds up.

    And if you're a Premium Member, you can make up your own tag.

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  • oddcouple
    I've noticed for some time that such and such a member is a Senior member, another (like me) is a Junior member, and some say neither Senior nor Junior. How are those rankings assigned and will I at any point be promoted from a Junior member to a Senior member?

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  • damsel22
    I recall when I first started out. I played as a guest for the longest time to get my confidence up. At the point where I realized that as a competitor I could see my ranking, I was between 3000 and 4000-around 3600, I think. I started setting small goals to get inside the top 3000, then 2000 and so on, then just kept going. That was four years ago! Congrats and just keep plugging on; you'll get where you want to be.

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  • wolf
    Thanks for all the replies!!

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  • gryhnd51
    Well done!! It might seem like it took a long time, but some folks have been here longer and not gotten as far. Good job.

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