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Wit Twister #10, plus answers to #8 and #9

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  • Wit Twister #10, plus answers to #8 and #9

    Good Morning,

    Here’s another Wit Twister, similar to the ones at #thenewyorkimes.

    Each of the missing words is an anagram of the same six letters.

    In a theater box I sat, entranced
    By the stage’s _ _ _ _ _ _ as the dancers danced.
    I missed a _ _ _ _ _ _ as I stood to clap
    _ _ _ _ _ _? A stolen _ _ _ _ _ _, scarf and cap.

    Scroll down for the answers to my Christmas-themed WT’s.



    At Christmas, Mom ENLISTS the family:
    Dad and I hang lights; Sister TINSELS the tree.
    We put on a favorite movie (one without violence).
    If no one LISTENS, that’s okay – after all, films started as “SILENTS.”

    Greed RIMES the heart of MISER Scrooge
    Who dwells in MIRES of subterfuge
    Till three wise ghosts, EMIRS of verity
    Guide his way to love and charity.