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Fastest times

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  • Fastest times

    Hi there,
    I was just wondering why in the little side notes people are saying that they completed a game at a certain speed (i.e. 465) but at the start of the game it said that the fastest speed wasn't that speed (i.e. 790), and then mine shows up as the fastest speed (i.e. 565) even though it is slower than that people claim to have completed it in? Just wondering if people are making it up or if the scores haven't registered properly?

  • #2
    The fastest score is recorded with a little star by it, yes?
    I am new to this site, and have yet to do a puzzle where there are any statistics, i.e. fastest time and record-holder, but it seems to think that my scores are all "very fast" and they come up with a little star next to them each time for maximum points.
    I don't entirely understand why this is, but perhaps I have yet to do enough puzzles to find one that many other people have done.

    As an example, I just did one in 288 seconds and, even though there was no previous best time that I could see, they still seem to be able to say that the average time is 1707 seconds - perhaps this is a flaw, perhaps it is still under development, who knows. I have sent them a message asking a similar thing, since their other sites seem to do so.

    I hope that was at least partially useful.


    • #3
      It's probably showing the fastest times for your difficulty level, and other people are stating their times on a different level.


      • #4
        Originally posted by MJ77 View Post
        Hi there,
        I was just wondering why in the little side notes people are saying that they completed a game at a certain speed (i.e. 465) but at the start of the game it said that the fastest speed wasn't that speed (i.e. 790), and then mine shows up as the fastest speed (i.e. 565) even though it is slower than that people claim to have completed it in? Just wondering if people are making it up or if the scores haven't registered properly?
        The scores aren't registering properly. We've been wondering about this for a while (and posted threads about it) and the site owners haven't addressed it as of yet. As far as posting scores on the side, it's kind of a mini-competition among some of us to see who can complete the puzzles the fastest. We don't get any extra points for it or anything (i.e. the max points you can get on a 16 x 16 is 350) but it just adds a little extra challenge to the game.
        [I]“If you find it hard to laugh at yourself, I would be happy to do it for you.”[/I]
        - Grouch Marx


        • #5
          It seems to me that each puzzle has its own scores. There are quite a few different puzzles in each category, and each one has its own scores. If you are a registered member, and you do get the fastest time, then it does register properly - as far as I have found them.

