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Very slow site

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  • Very slow site

    Yesterday and today the site has been very slow to respond to creating and starting puzzles. It has also been very slow to respond to decide if the puzzle is correct when finished. This causes slow solve times and many times when I don't bother to start new puzzles as the times would be very slow and not worth the time to solve them. Other times the site locks up and goes offline. Imagine how you would feel if this happened to you. No other sites I go to have had this problem, so it has to be on your end Admin. Have others had this problem. If it hasn't affected everyone else, it makes it useless to compete against others who have no problems with this.

  • #2
    Just now when I submitted the above post it took a long time to post.


    • #3
      Yes, it was a little bit slow for me yesterday, and extremely slow today.


      • #4
        Yes worse today.


        • #5
          HORRIBLY slow today. Borderline nonresponsive.


          • #6
            When I tried loading this discussion, it actually timed out. I had to load it again.

            Yesterday was bad. Today is worse.


            • #7
              This is the first time I've even been able to post to the forum -- I e-mailed admin -- no response. Anybody know what's up?


              • #8
                Admin rarely gets involved in anything, good or bad. They are content to sit back and make money from the site.


                • #9
                  Not true! The admin who runs these games is actually very friendly and responsive................


                  • #10
                    This is an old issue: see topic 6-9-2019 connection issues
                    Last two months it was fairly gone as a problem, but now it seems to start all over again.
                    Admin does nothing to solve this


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by RussDNails View Post
                      Not true! The admin who runs these games is actually very friendly and responsive................
                      If he is very friendly and responsive, why has he said nothing on this thread. Even an acknowledgement that the site is having problems and they are working on it would be nice. But, crickets. He also ignores valid criticisms. This has been so since long before this iteration of puzzles.


                      • #12
                        Response I got was that he’s away on holiday and that the server company has rebooted the server to fix the issue.


                        • #13
                          I'm surprised you even got a response. However, the server company seems to be inept as well. Stil sloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.


                          • #14
                            The admins name is Stephen and he works his tail off to keep these sites clean and functional. If he's on vacation then so be it. I've been here for a long time and over the years he has personally taken the time to write to me and address issues I've had, mostly with WordTwist. If you're not happy you can leave at any time................


                            • #15

