Upon completion, there is a box that shows statistics for the completed puzzle. The statistics include:
But how are these computed?
Success Rate - Is this the number of attempts that finished divided by the number of times the puzzle was presented?
Penalty Rate - Is this, for the number of attempts that finished, how many had at least one penalty?
Median Time - Is this, for the number of attempts that finished, the average or the median (part of the website uses median and average as interchangeable terms, but they are different: the median is the point where half are below and half are above, while the average is the total time divided by the number of (attempts that finished?).
Update, 13 June 2020:
Ok, I think I finally understand.
Attempts (100%) = SuccessRate (%) + PenaltyRate (%) + Didn'tFinishRate (% not shown)
Attempts = presentations of a puzzle, regardless of what the user did thereafter;
SuccessRate = finished the puzzle without any penalties for hints or wrong entries;
PenaltyRate = finished the puzzle but had at least one penalty for hints or wrong entries; and
Didn'tFinishRate = did not finish (didn't even start, computer died, abandoned without finishing)
MedianTime = (durations of puzzle finishings, 0-n penalties) / (number of puzzle finishings)
So, say the puzzle for the statistics above was presented 1,000 times to various users (Attempts = 1,000).
680 users finished the puzzle with 0 penalties.
203 users finished the puzzle with at least 1 penalty.
117 users didn't finish the puzzle (117 = 1,000 - 680 - 203)
The so-called MedianTime = (durations of puzzles for the 680 + 203 users) / (680 + 203)
Thus, a low SuccessRate means a hard puzzle.
Given a low SuccessRate, a low PenaltyRate means a fiendishly difficult puzzle, because it implies a high Didn'tFinishRate.
Given a low SuccessRate, a high PenaltyRate means a moderately difficult puzzle, because it implies a low Didn'tFinishRate.
Fascinating factoid: the few times I've tried, I can finish a puzzle in less than the MedianTime by NOT reading the clues at all, (a) just putting X in a few boxes, (b) then checking if they were correct, (c) revising as needed, (d) repeating steps a-c until done. Of course, the numerous penalties make my adjusted time awful.
Reply to uigrad (see original post below):
"The chart doesn't ever show the "slowest", and there is no way to know the slowest."
That is not necessarily correct. On several puzzles, I have had the slowest time, because of numerous penalties due to not reading clues (see Fascinating factoid, above), or because I saved the puzzle to finish later, not realizing that (a) the saved time counts as part of my time taken to finish, and (b) the maximum save time is only a single-digit number of hours, not adequate if you need to do other stuff for a day. When I have the slowest time, it seems to immediately update as a new slowest-of-all-time on the far right of the chart.
Maybe someday I will have a new fastest-of-all-time. Sure. I can die happy if, just once, I finish in the fastest category. I've finished in the next-to-fastest category many times, so it is conceivable that I will eventually, once, finish in the fastest category. I need to get a life.
Success Rate: | 68% |
Penalty Rate: | 20.3% |
Median Time: | 321 seconds |
Record Time: | 71 seconds by babs528 |
Your Time: | 473 seconds |
Success Rate - Is this the number of attempts that finished divided by the number of times the puzzle was presented?
Penalty Rate - Is this, for the number of attempts that finished, how many had at least one penalty?
Median Time - Is this, for the number of attempts that finished, the average or the median (part of the website uses median and average as interchangeable terms, but they are different: the median is the point where half are below and half are above, while the average is the total time divided by the number of (attempts that finished?).
Update, 13 June 2020:
Ok, I think I finally understand.
Attempts (100%) = SuccessRate (%) + PenaltyRate (%) + Didn'tFinishRate (% not shown)
Attempts = presentations of a puzzle, regardless of what the user did thereafter;
SuccessRate = finished the puzzle without any penalties for hints or wrong entries;
PenaltyRate = finished the puzzle but had at least one penalty for hints or wrong entries; and
Didn'tFinishRate = did not finish (didn't even start, computer died, abandoned without finishing)
MedianTime = (durations of puzzle finishings, 0-n penalties) / (number of puzzle finishings)
So, say the puzzle for the statistics above was presented 1,000 times to various users (Attempts = 1,000).
680 users finished the puzzle with 0 penalties.
203 users finished the puzzle with at least 1 penalty.
117 users didn't finish the puzzle (117 = 1,000 - 680 - 203)
The so-called MedianTime = (durations of puzzles for the 680 + 203 users) / (680 + 203)
Thus, a low SuccessRate means a hard puzzle.
Given a low SuccessRate, a low PenaltyRate means a fiendishly difficult puzzle, because it implies a high Didn'tFinishRate.
Given a low SuccessRate, a high PenaltyRate means a moderately difficult puzzle, because it implies a low Didn'tFinishRate.
Fascinating factoid: the few times I've tried, I can finish a puzzle in less than the MedianTime by NOT reading the clues at all, (a) just putting X in a few boxes, (b) then checking if they were correct, (c) revising as needed, (d) repeating steps a-c until done. Of course, the numerous penalties make my adjusted time awful.
Reply to uigrad (see original post below):
"The chart doesn't ever show the "slowest", and there is no way to know the slowest."
That is not necessarily correct. On several puzzles, I have had the slowest time, because of numerous penalties due to not reading clues (see Fascinating factoid, above), or because I saved the puzzle to finish later, not realizing that (a) the saved time counts as part of my time taken to finish, and (b) the maximum save time is only a single-digit number of hours, not adequate if you need to do other stuff for a day. When I have the slowest time, it seems to immediately update as a new slowest-of-all-time on the far right of the chart.
Maybe someday I will have a new fastest-of-all-time. Sure. I can die happy if, just once, I finish in the fastest category. I've finished in the next-to-fastest category many times, so it is conceivable that I will eventually, once, finish in the fastest category. I need to get a life.