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Favourite words found

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  • DrPlacebo
    Oh, another repeat of a word I found and posted on the old forum: TORDION/TORDIONS. (Thank you, Peter Warlock!)

    I'm still hoping to find BRANSLES and MATTACHINS at some point.

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  • bwt1213
    I was astonished today when "silken" was not accepted. I was sure I must have typed it incorrectly. Two more attempts, and no joy. Apparently, "silken" is not in the dictionary for some reason. If you haven't seen it before, it means: "having the qualities of silk; smooth, soft, sheerness, or delicacy". That's MY definition, not copied from anywhere (in case it is not precisely correct, no one else is to blame).

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  • DrPlacebo

    My absolute favorite from before is still probably PROCRUSTEAN, which started the thread.

    Also, just found today: CRIMINY!

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  • Spike1007
    Great word! I don't think I've ever found it or any of it's derivatives, although I have heard it before. I have to say though, that you probably don't have to worry about your average. I'm more or less stuck between you (as lalatan) & Dasan, and I don't see that changing. I found UNIFORMITARIANIST earlier today (for 32 points), but found UNIFORMITARIAN earlier on the board or only 20. I liked them both, so I took them, although it took down my average. I go up & down.
    Last edited by Spike1007; 03-20-2019, 06:01 PM.

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  • thinkbig
    I could hardly believe I found PUSILLANIMITIES just now! It's a derivative of 1 of my favorite words, PUSILLANIMOUS, I learned from a word a day calendar 35 yrs ago. This was the first time I've seen it since I've played here. I set a record of 28 pts and, even though I'm playing as thinkbig and it would drop my avg, I just HAD to keep it.
    Last edited by thinkbig; 03-20-2019, 02:50 PM.

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  • lalatan
    FUTILITARIANISMS is a beaut! Yeah, it was erakis who came up with the list. It was interesting; some of them were eyeopeners, I recall. It's really a shame that all that history from the old forum is blotted out. I just checked the member list for Aussie Mum, my hero when I played 4x4. She's still there but all of her stats got wiped out as if she'd never played. She didn't play much anymore for whatever reason and probably missed the notice about the server migration. Sad, sad

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  • Spike1007
    Originally posted by lalatan View Post
    Good finds both of you. I'm growing a fondness for what I think of as "Frankenstein words." It's when you throw a bunch of word fragments together that seem highly unlikely to work and it comes to life! On a board last month I spotted PERFECTIBI-. That's where it ended though. I thought it would end in -ibilities. So I tacked on -lian instead. , PERFECTIBILIAN was accepted! Yesterday I spotted latitudin-. I had played PLATITUDINALISMS, SOLITUDINARIANS ALTITUDINAL successfully before. So I threw everything in the pot and came up with LATITUDINARIANISM and it worked. lol
    I like those too, obviously, and "Frankenstein words" is a great way to describe them. (One of my favorite found words was FUTILITARIANISMS (or some form of that, anyway).) As for assembling parts, I think it was erakis (with the old forums gone, it's hard to be sure) who did an analysis of about a zillion boards, looking at different pieces (like HYPER, INTER, TRANS, MICRO, GRAPH, etc.) and had statistics for how often those were contained in the longest word. I wish I had copied & kept that list. Anyway, it was very useful in terms of deciding whether something could easily be a red-herring spare part, or might help something come to life.

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  • lalatan
    Good finds both of you. I'm growing a fondness for what I think of as "Frankenstein words." It's when you throw a bunch of word fragments together that seem highly unlikely to work and it comes to life! On a board last month I spotted PERFECTIBI-. That's where it ended though. I thought it would end in -ibilities. So I tacked on -lian instead. , PERFECTIBILIAN was accepted! Yesterday I spotted latitudin-. I had played PLATITUDINALISMS, SOLITUDINARIANS ALTITUDINAL successfully before. So I threw everything in the pot, came up with LATITUDINARIANISM and it worked. lol

    kate, I recall your find of SPHAEROCOBALTITE. I did not know sphaero- was a prefix nor had I ever heard of cobaltite. Amazing find.
    I remember you and I used to have a dread of -logy and medical words. Now I actually enjoy the challenge of finding them. You, Spike and I have come a long, long way since then.
    Last edited by lalatan; 03-16-2019, 01:34 PM.

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  • fasteddieb
    Nice finds!

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  • Jamie_Pi
    I found Quasar, no records or anything but I loved seeing it.

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  • crazykate
    started a topic Favourite words found

    Favourite words found

    Starting this thread again in the new forum.
    Share some of your best or favourite words here!

    I just found WARMONGERING for two new records in a 4x4 that had been played 20 times before. Would have been happy to find it even if it hadn't been for the records, every time I see that word I hear it in my head, spoken in the voice of Karl Urban as Éomer in the LOTR movies.