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Gallant Efforts

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  • dannyb
    I've been to one. They serve tea and cucumber sandwiches.

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  • DrPlacebo
    No points for PALEOSOCIAL.

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  • DrPlacebo
    CEREALISM isn't a thing, even if some of us like Schoenberg for breakfast.

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  • crazykate
    I knew it wouldn't be accepted... But when I saw this game, I just had to try PUMBAA.
    Hakuna matata!
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  • DrPlacebo
    No points for SUPERPANTS...

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  • dannyb
    Originally posted by DrPlacebo View Post
    I could imagine what being IMMUNOADVENTUROUS might mean, but it's not actually a word.
    I love this "word" I am definitely going to use it.

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  • DrPlacebo
    No points for MIGRAINIER.

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  • crazykate
    Originally posted by DrPlacebo View Post
    I could imagine what being IMMUNOADVENTUROUS might mean, but it's not actually a word.
    I love the words you come up with! Why is it so hard to get these words into a dictionary? Shakespeare had it easy!

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  • DrPlacebo
    I could imagine what being IMMUNOADVENTUROUS might mean, but it's not actually a word.

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  • DrPlacebo
    OTTOMANCY isn't a thing. So much for the idea of conjuring up some furniture.

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  • DrPlacebo
    SALTINI is neither a cocktail nor the plural of saltine.

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  • Naboka
    Well, this is looking promising.

    Trying to average 10 points a word with at least 80 words. Not a concerted effort--just a casual, opportunistic approach when the board stats suggest the possibility.

    Disciplining oneself not to type in all those smaller words that have become automatic over the years is proving to be harder than anticipated. Seems that trying to stop yourself really throws a wrench into your rhythms and the whole train loses momentum.

    Not the kind of numbers bwt1213 puts up on 5x5, but I'm pretty happy.

    Screen Shot 2024-11-09 at 3.16.11 PM.png

    Nothing like a challenge to keep things interesting.

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  • bwt1213
    Well, Naboka, on the 5x5 game you don't have an average to defend. You could type a lot slower -- many fewer words per minute -- and push your appw score up far better than mine, AND average a higher total score than you do on the 4x4 game. You could simultaneously be among the leaders for total score and appw, and probably do pretty decently on the words/game score as well. But it is just a game, and you can choose to spend your recreation time as you wish.

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  • Naboka

    The 5x5 game is easier for that kind of goal. I tried to go over 800 and came up a little short. But I did go over 10 ppw.

    Yeah, I've been impressed by some of your APPW on 5x5. Haven't come anywhere near those numbers on 4x4.

    Which makes me entertain the idea of moving to 5x5...

    for about a fraction of a second.

    At least a couple of times a day, my fingers get so tired about 90 seconds into the game that I can't wait for the timer to end the misery. Can't imagine what adding an extra minute of exhaustion would be like.

    Your idea about using some kind of dictation would be nice, but the insane results from simple texting make that a nonstarter for me. Maybe my diction sucks.

    Thought I'd try it with a few words from the game I just finished. Brassers=bastards?! sebiferous=cirus seb ferris?! Frasses=francis?! umbers=(initially umber then quickly shifted to numbers) umbriferous=umber ferous? And the long ones weren't even ultra rare.

    Pretty sure the dictation dictionary differs greatly from what Wordtwist employs.

    Not to mention the disasters of homophones.

    Fair makes me tempted to pull out the brother-in-law's little word-computer-assist program and....

    Oh wait, I got rid of it.



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  • bwt1213
    "what if one concentrated on longer UR words and set a goal of averaging over 10 PPW with at least 80 words played?"

    The 5x5 game is easier for that kind of goal. I tried to go over 800 and came up a little short. But I did go over 10 ppw.

    Total points: 782 New record!
    Total words: 75 (35 common,13 wide,3 rare,24 ultra rare)
    Best word: SQUITTERED (22 pts.)
    Longest word: SQUITTERED (10 letters)

    Played: 8 times
    Average Score: 399.4 points
    Average Words: 54.3 words
    High Score: 714 points by
    Most Words: 119 words by
    Best Word: UNSEQUENTIAL (26 pts) by
    Longest Word: UNSEQUENTIAL (12 letters) by

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