Originally posted by dannyb
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Hilarious about Superman and the capon. In high school, had no clue what capon meant. That was before words and meanings were interesting. Trying to memorize the seven stages of man speech was about as easy as memorizing Mandarin.--and as meaningful.
Can sympathize with your friend for not getting it.
Fascinating about widower, widow and having lost a child. Never thought of that before. Curious that we have no words for it. (At least that I know of.)
Love colored pencils. They can be a work of art in and of themselves.
Got the full set Caran D'ache Museum Aquarelles in a wooden box. They were so beautiful I couldn't bear to use them. had to buy another set of them for use.
Also have a couple of full sets of their Luminance. So friggin' pretty. And a joy to use.
Had to get the Derwent Lightfasts when they hit the market. Another beautiful pencil, with pigments designed for museum preservation of artwork.
Econimcally, when any of those pencils get halfway or less, you have to resort to pencil extenders. Insert the shortened pencil into the extender and you can use it down to an inch or two.
Used to be a fad among colored pencilists that when their pencils got to nibs, they'd accumulate them in a glass container. Something of a badge of labor.
Wonder if you've tried other media. One of my cartoonist friends has gone strictly to digital rendering. She says it's far far faster. And easier to correct mistakes or make changes.
For physical media, pigment is pigment, whether it's water color, acrylic, ink, pastel, etc. Just a matter of getting the pigment to the surface in a manner that 's pleasing.
One of the advantages I find using watercolor pencils is how quickly you can spread the pigment over larger areas. (Not large, just larger than lines.) But nowhere nearly as quickly as the Daniel Smith watercolor sticks and tubes for that. The Derwent Inktense pencils, being ink, lay down really deep, rich colors and behave like watercolor. The Caran D'ache Neocolor II's are bascially watercolor sticks that work nicely-but probably aren't precise enough for cartoon outlines. Just fill in.
Excuse the rambling. An artsupply hoarder be I.
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