Fellow Long-wordhunters, what is the prefix/suffix/root that you seem to always miss? Mine is ETHNO-, especially combine with -OLOG-.
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Dreaded Prefixes
Unfortunately, I don't know what I'm not finding. I do try to find (and improve, if possible) previously found best words, but any more I'll abandon the board just before the time runs out if I don't find it. (I've developed a bad habit of trying to keep my average words per game close to 1, although it doesn't matter to anyone but me. I should just let them play out so I know what I'm missing. My problem now is finding prefixes/suffixes & not finding things to go along with them. Sometimes they can be red herrings, but other times I'm convinced that I'm just not seeing what's there.
More to the point, it does take me a while to see CRYSTALLO- when it's there, although it's not that common. I know there are others, and when I remember them, I'll let you know.Last edited by Spike1007; 05-04-2019, 10:03 PM.
It's funny that you would list CRYSTALLO- since I think -CRYSTAL- is about the worst one for me. There's a board that comes out every few months that has RECRYSTALLIZATIONS (37 pts I think) in it. I seem to usually miss it but very occasionally get it. I recall 1 time where I saw -stallizations but could not summon the brain power to join it with recry-before time was up.If it really bothers me that I can't find something I think is there, I take a screenshot and analyze it with fresh eyes and no time constraints later on.
Btw I have also missed ethno-/etho- once in a while but have improved over time.Last edited by lalatan; 05-30-2019, 11:54 AM.