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How many cheateres are in the game?

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  • #31
    Originally posted by MistMyChance View Post
    I have come across numerous boards that have only been played 1 time, and only 1 word is played, a really big one which, of course, remains the best and longest word. All of these boards were played by the same person. I could be wrong, but I suspect they only have time to enter the letters into some kind of solver. I won't mention any names, but it rhymes with lalala.
    MistMC and the Trogs,

    I downloaded a screen recorder today and recorded the attached video. As you can see, I have no need for a Boggle solver.


    • #32
      Very nicely done lalatan


      • #33
        To provide further evidence of my long word spotting skills, here are some videos I recorded this month:

        video, sharing, camera phone, video phone, free, upload

        Originally posted by fasteddieb View Post
        Very nicely done lalatan
        Thanks fasteddie!
        Last edited by lalatan; 06-18-2020, 02:51 PM.


        • #34
          Originally posted by MegaWord View Post
          305 words, 5x5

          The 256 words was achieved last month. These are the highest recorded words games for 4x4 and 5x5 that I know of. It occurred through much toil and time.

          That's amazing! Thanks for sharing. I'm a turtle compared to you.

          I learned some interesting things watching you: (a) You turn OFF the sound. I've never done that, now I'll give it a try. (b) You know lots of smaller words like myself & don't spend a lot of time trying to find the ultra long words. (c) You sort through the puzzles to find just the right one and so do I. I can't compete w/the people who know the super long words (well, not yet) and I want my experience to be fun or I might as well go play on another site or do something else. (d) You can type really really fast. I wonder how many words per minute you clock. You got me licked, no problem.

          One question: In the background, I can hear strange sounds. Is your computer near a major highway? My guess is that those are trucks driving past your location. Am I right?


          • #35
            Originally posted by lalatan View Post
            To provide further evidence of my long word spotting skills, here are some videos I recorded this month:

            video, sharing, camera phone, video phone, free, upload

            video, sharing, camera phone, video phone, free, upload

            Thanks fasteddie!

            Thanks for posting your play, its very informative. Your screen looks so different from mine.

            So you play only to find the longest word and when you do you stop the game. That is so different than how I play. I've never tried to find only the longest word. I would probably take the entire time, yet; for you that really doesn't matter as that part isn't counted only the score average. Fascinating. Thanks again for sharing.


            • #36
              Originally posted by 2cute View Post
              ...Your screen looks so different from mine.

              So you play only to find the longest word and when you do you stop the game. That is so different than how I play. I've never tried to find only the longest word. I would probably take the entire time, yet; for you that really doesn't matter as that part isn't counted only the score average. Fascinating. Thanks again for sharing.
              I use a custom color scheme on my browser because white backgrounds give me headaches.

              I started out as a speed player but after a while I started developing tendinitis in my hands and forearms from the typing. Consequently I slowly morphed into a long word specialist and am now firmly entrenched in my sesquipedalian ways. I'm glad you found the information helpful.
              Last edited by lalatan; 06-13-2021, 02:26 PM.


              • #37
                Originally posted by 2cute View Post

                That's amazing! Thanks for sharing. I'm a turtle compared to you.

                I learned some interesting things watching you: (a) You turn OFF the sound. I've never done that, now I'll give it a try. (b) You know lots of smaller words like myself & don't spend a lot of time trying to find the ultra long words. (c) You sort through the puzzles to find just the right one and so do I. I can't compete w/the people who know the super long words (well, not yet) and I want my experience to be fun or I might as well go play on another site or do something else. (d) You can type really really fast. I wonder how many words per minute you clock. You got me licked, no problem.

                One question: In the background, I can hear strange sounds. Is your computer near a major highway? My guess is that those are trucks driving past your location. Am I right?
                Yes, those are the sounds of vehicles driving by, particularly the big trucks were loud. I was playing in my car parked under a bridge on the side of the interstate. I'm surprised I got that record during that time of turmoil. I had the blood flowing good to my fingers I guess. I'm not sure about my normal WPM but 256 wds in 2 min is 128 WPM.


                • #38
                  MegaWord, I saw your 5x5 avg pts/game and avg words/game stats for this month. (I actually had to do a double take to make sure of what I saw the first time.) Absolutely STELLAR!! Congrats on smashing through another barrier in a big way!!
                  Last edited by lalatan; 06-13-2021, 03:01 PM.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by lalatan View Post
                    MegaWord, I saw your 5x5 avg pts/game and avg words/game stats for this month. Absolutely STELLAR!! Congrats on smashing through another barrier in a big way!!
                    Thanks! I'm trying to retain 1,500 pt average, don't know about first place in points though. Gonna be hard. Last month on 4x4 I was retaining 200 wd average and managed most points as well.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by lalatan View Post
                      I use a custom color scheme on my browser because white backgrounds give me headaches.

                      I started out as a speed player but after a while I started developing tendinitis in my hands and forearms from the typing. Consequently I slowly morphed into a long word specialist and am now firmly entrenched in my sesquipedalian ways. I'm glad you found the information helpful.
                      Ooo, a new word Sesquipedalian, I like that. Yup, you seem to be a master @ it.
                      I see. Hey when I get migraines & I too have trouble looking @ the white screen. I'll have see if that's available for me too. I make my screen really really dark, like 1 bar only all of the time as usually its too much for me as well.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by MegaWord View Post

                        Yes, those are the sounds of vehicles driving by, particularly the big trucks were loud. I was playing in my car parked under a bridge on the side of the interstate. I'm surprised I got that record during that time of turmoil. I had the blood flowing good to my fingers I guess. I'm not sure about my normal WPM but 256 wds in 2 min is 128 WPM.
                        Ah ha ... so those vehicles were really close! To me though it did sound like you were sitting in a place & the cars/truck were outside. I wouldn't have guessed you were sitting in your car right next to or below the highway.

                        Wow, so your not even using your entire hands, its just your thumbs on your phone! Super duper Amazing! Congratulations on such an achievement!


                        • #42
                          has there ever been an attempt to clear the records of the obvious cheaters (the ones getting every single word?). Or making cheating more difficult? you don't even need a solver, just need to use chrome dev tools (ctrl + shift +i) and network tab to find the json file with the full word list in it. In principle someone could just open that up (it downloads before you click start play) on a second monitor and type off it if they wanted to, but not sure why anyone honestly would want to cheat that way (turning a fun game into a boring typing exercise).


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by 2cute View Post

                            Wow, so your not even using your entire hands, its just your thumbs on your phone! Super duper Amazing! Congratulations on such an achievement!
                            There's room in my car for my laptop. Reclining chair offers good back support. All fingers were used, except the thumbs. Car power inverter allows for charging of laptop. Driving recharges the car battery. Mobile hot spot allows for internet anywhere (almost).


                            • #44
                              MegaWord Good evening. I was watching a few of the clips you posted showing your insanely impressive skills with finding words playing the 4X4 grids. I was wondering if you have any clips that actually show you typing. I thought I was a semi-fast typist, but whoa!


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by jbud1980 View Post
                                MegaWord Good evening. I was watching a few of the clips you posted showing your insanely impressive skills with finding words playing the 4X4 grids. I was wondering if you have any clips that actually show you typing. I thought I was a semi-fast typist, but whoa!
                                Nah, maybe one day I'll do that.

