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Another surprising rejection

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  • Another surprising rejection

    I had the word "fulgurize" in a puzzle today, but it wasn't accepted. Disappointing.

  • #2
    Originally posted by mclag View Post
    I had the word "fulgurize" in a puzzle today, but it wasn't accepted. Disappointing.
    According to Merriam-Webster the word doesn't exsist. So it the rejection is correct


    • #3
      I found it here:
      online encyclopedia search engine searching in over 3000 online dictionaries

      Most of the commonly used online dictionaries didn't have it though. When I tried to search for it on Google, the search engine went so far as to change my search to "fulgurite" because there were so few entries for "fulgurize" that they concluded I must have meant something else.

      Compared to a lot of the more commonly known words that have been rejected by WordTwist, the omission of "fulgurize" doesn't seem very surprising at all.


      • #4
        You can also find it at I suspect it is a back formation from fulguration.


        • #5
          Soooooooo many words accepted that aren't in normal dictionaries. That a particular word fails to make Webster isn't the benchmark for Wordtwist.

          I had muneration rejected. Typed it in 5 times because I was sure I was making a typing mistake. Finally dumped the game. Webster doesn't have it, but you can find it in numerous places.

          If Webster were the standard, 1,000 point games would probably disappear. As would most of our highest scores.


          • #6
            I'm still stunned that hydrochlorofluorocarbons (i.e. plural) is not accepted! Apparently there is only one hydrochlorofluorocarbon existing on the planet. I've run into it twice and even complained about it (to no avail). It's especially frustrating because including it would expand the number of 24-letter words from 8 to 9... and I imagine everyone else is probably more than a little bored already with those 8.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Naboka View Post
              Soooooooo many words accepted that aren't in normal dictionaries. That a particular word fails to make Webster isn't the benchmark for Wordtwist.

              I had muneration rejected. Typed it in 5 times because I was sure I was making a typing mistake. Finally dumped the game. Webster doesn't have it, but you can find it in numerous places.

              If Webster were the standard, 1,000 point games would probably disappear. As would most of our highest scores.
              That to me would be no loss!


              • #8
                Originally posted by leabhar View Post

                That to me would be no loss!
                My wife would agree with you. I can take it either way. My objective is build new neural pathways in the old brain. Neural pathways apparently don't care whether the stimulus is logical, culturally acceptable or utter nonsense. Just like your muscles don't care whether the exercise is from gym weights, moving rocks in the garden, or carrying buckets of horse manure.


                • #9
                  Had to have a little giggle that a lot of the words we use are not in normal dictionaries...I thinking that normal dictionaries are for normal people. One of my favourite things about you all is that you are not normal.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by flops View Post
                    Had to have a little giggle that a lot of the words we use are not in normal dictionaries...I thinking that normal dictionaries are for normal people. One of my favourite things about you all is that you are not normal.
                    When people passive-agressively criticize me with "you're not normal," I ask, "what are you, an advocate for mediocrity?"

                    Who the hell wants to be normal? Normal is average. Average is a C. Normal is living paycheck to paycheck, and not being able to send your kids to college. Normal is not being good enough to make the team, much less excel. What kind of aspiration is "normal?"


                    • #11
                      One of my teachers used to always say, "A normal person is just somebody you don't know very well."


                      • #12
                        Now that's possible, mdyak, when we consider how many friends we have that might be considered "normal", and I don't mean the people that present as normal in some circumstances, but really aren't. I've given this some thought recently, I think like attracts like when it comes to odd, and in forums like this "normal" and "intelligent" are fairly mutually exclusive. I was wondering if I was some kind of weird magnet, but then I had to consider that maybe, just maybe...we don't attract, and are not attracted to, "normal". Finally, it's a really, really, good thing (let's face it, when you are in the odd/weird spectrum, being with like others, kinda makes contextually normal, right?).

                        Nakoba, when people "accuse" me of being not normal, I take is as a compliment...these days...when I was younger I just found it very confusing. I've mostly worked out that if I either just keep it to myself and enjoy what I'm thinking or doing privately, or I explain how I arrived to whatever conclusion/thought/etc I've gotten to (I didn't understand how it wasn't obvious to others in the past), you can actually take others on the ride with you!

                        As you may have observed, I find brackets and commas particularly useful in mapping my mental meanderings!

                        I could only find "fulgurize" as a term meaning "to be apart from something, but also feel close to it", I went down the "fulgurate" line, to no avail. ...Odd.


                        • #13

                          Nakoba, when people "accuse" me of being not normal, I take is as a compliment...these days...when I was younger I just found it very confusing. I've mostly worked out that if I either just keep it to myself and enjoy what I'm thinking or doing privately, or I explain how I arrived to whatever conclusion/thought/etc I've gotten to (I didn't understand how it wasn't obvious to others in the past), you can actually take others on the ride with you!

                          Flops, I find "normal" is accepting, demonstrating or adhering to expected patterns.

                          Birds expect certain patterns or no fertilization. Society expects certain patterns or you're in trouble. Isn't it wonderful that humans are the center of the universe and the Sun rotates around us?

                          Until it didn't.

                          Questioning expected patterns can get you in deep doo-doo.

                          But, really bright people question almost everything. Why do we have five fingers? Why are there hairy parts of plants? What caused all those striations in rocks?

                          Normal is accepting patterns you've been fed without question.

                          Without those who question we'd still be crapping in caves and chasing rabbits on bare feet--if we survived at all.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by mdyak View Post
                            One of my teachers used to always say, "A normal person is just somebody you don't know very well."
                            We had a sign in our cafetaria at work (University) that read: "Ever met a normal person?.......And, did you like it?"


                            • #15
                              By the way, "fulgurize" is used in my field (medicine) as a verb to refer to the destroying of tissue with a form of electrocautery. I am most familiar with it as a treatment for bladder cancer.

