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Unplayed Boards?

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  • Unplayed Boards?

    Is it just me, or are there more unplayed boards than usual? I can normally go days without seeing any, but yesterday I got 6 (out of 18 boards played) and another 6 today (out of about 25 boards).

    Edit: Just after posting this, my next three boards were also new.
    Last edited by Spike1007; 10-20-2020, 03:06 PM.

  • #2
    I noticed the same thing last night, but I thought it might have to do with the time I played. Same thing this morning, though. I think it's a good thing, overall; if boards are being recycled more quickly, I have a better chance of seeing one I want to play.


    • #3
      I noticed too, I prefer played helps with my inner deals (ie. I will go do something if I don't get any stars in the next game...or the game after that...or...well...), and I like seeing the names of fellow twisters....I feel less alone (in an eight person household).


      • #4
        Nice to know it's not just me. Since I like getting new long words, this makes life easier, at least for now. Then again, there's a lot of satisfaction in finding better words than other players have found. (I'd love to find a new 45 point word on a board that's been played 50+ times. I'm not holding my breath though...)


        • #5
          Yes, noticed lots of new boards in the 4x4 recently. Lots of decent boards with less than 3 plays also, indicating they're fairly fresh.


          • #6
            Perhaps the threshold for recycling has been reduced?

            In recent weeks I had been playing exclusively boards with 40+ plays (for the satisfaction of finding words that 40+ people had failed to find), until the last day or two when I was suddenly seeing only a few boards with more than 30 plays.


            • #7
              The most plays I've seen on any board recently is 33. It looks like the new upper limit has been reduced from 50 to 30. That will make it a little easier to retire a board with your score being the best, your word the longest, or your word the most points. It also means that many of the board with no plays are really not all that good; they had just been played more than 30 times. But it still increases the odds of getting a good board! So I do like it.


              • #8
                All these unplayed boards are not helping with my wordtwist addiction. :-)


                • #9
                  We've increased the number of fresh boards that will be generated each week based off user feedback. Glad you're enjoying them!
                  If you enjoy our puzzles, please consider upgrading to a premium account to remove all ads and help support us financially. Thanks for your support!


                  • #10
                    Stephen, thanks!


                    • #11
                      I'm certainly feeling the pressure to perform well on all the new boards, but in a good way!

                      I think I suffer from the unplayed-wordtwist-board version of white coat syndrome


                      • #12
                        I'm curious what happens to our records that were gotten from boards that have since been recycled.


                        • #13
                          Just replayed a game that I was the only previous player. It had decent points and words and word lengths, so ...


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by komil4 View Post
                            I'm curious what happens to our records that were gotten from boards that have since been recycled.
                            You keep all records for you held for boards at the time they're retired or recycled. (Of course they can go away if someone beats you while the boards are still active.) Once it's recycled, the board is basically "new."


                            • #15
                              I'm only an average player, but I am awed by the passion I see from the great players here. So glad I found this site!

