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  • #16
    Originally posted by Naboka View Post

    Thanks, Jbud.

    Definitely moved from welter weight to light heavy. Still can't compete in the heavy weight and super heavy weight ranks. But have been beating those players when they bother to drop down to lighter classes.

    My play still isn't consistent. Scored a 173 vs the high 438 a couple of days ago. Barely got 400 yesterday against one of your games where you were at the doorstep of 600.

    The successes mask the considerable number of failures and miscues. But failure is just succes waiting to happen. If you never fail, you'll never succeed. How frigging inspiratioinal is that?

    Think what defines the really talented is consistency. That I be not. Inconsistent still. Impressive at moments.

    Have learned a lot of new words from your games. So, thanks for the help.

    ​​​​​​​You're not doing too shabby yourself: averaging over 100 words and close to 500 points per game. And your average points per word is impressive. All the top 9 average pointers play few words.
    I'd say that's pretty inspirational, Naboka.

    I'm very inconsistent as well. I've played grids with a generous amount of words and scored low, yet I've scored high on grids with half the words as the generous grids.

    I seem to be improving on the 5X5 grids as this month I bested my previous high score by 139 points and my previous most words by 10 (877/140). I've also been finding some pretty stellar long words.

    As always, happy playing.


    • #17
      Originally posted by jbud1980 View Post
      Oh, what a bummer John, and yes, STRAINLESSNESSES is a valid word. I played it a while back, and of course, it had already been found. Best of luck!
      Ah... thanks for letting me know! Bummed that I missed it, but at least I know for next time now :-)


      • #18
        Originally posted by jbud1980 View Post

        I'd say that's pretty inspirational, Naboka.

        I'm very inconsistent as well. I've played grids with a generous amount of words and scored low, yet I've scored high on grids with half the words as the generous grids.

        I seem to be improving on the 5X5 grids as this month I bested my previous high score by 139 points and my previous most words by 10 (877/140). I've also been finding some pretty stellar long words.

        As always, happy playing.

        139 points! Wowser! That's quite a jump.

        Congratulations on moving up a couple of notches. All in one go.

        Sometimes, it's a shock to see the points after playing some game--both good and bad. Played games that seemed to be going spectacularly and the total points were abysmal. Played others that just seemed normal and the total points were out the roof.

        Guess all we can do is keep on keeping on.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Naboka View Post

          we need a laugh button.

          ... And push the new game button.
          Here here! Yes, we need more emoticon expressions. A laugh would be great! Also puzzled (confused is not the same), thinking (this is one of my favs) & exclamation (!).


          • #20
            Tried to type in "blacktie" twice and it didn't take, then time...poof! Is that not an allowable word here?


            • #21
              Originally posted by Naboka View Post
              The successes mask the considerable number of failures and miscues. But failure is just success waiting to happen. If you never fail, you'll never succeed. How frigging inspirational is that?

              Think what defines the really talented is consistency. That I be not. Inconsistent still. Impressive at moments.

              Have learned a lot of new words from your games. So, thanks for the help.
              Very inspirational.

              I don't think consistency is always required to be successful. Think of a cheetah she runs after the gazelle for her dinner, she doesn't always succeed, yet eventually she does & enjoys a meal, its enough for her to survive. If she were successful every time she may not have developed her need for speed (ability to run 75mph in one shot). So inconsistency can be a good thing too.


              • #22
                kept trying to put in psychogenesis, then realized there was no "i" on the board, got to psychogenese---and the time ran out. Just one more "s." Grrrr. I'm pretty sure it's a word here.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Naboka View Post
                  kept trying to put in psychogenesis, then realized there was no "i" on the board, got to psychogenese---and the time ran out. Just one more "s." Grrrr. I'm pretty sure it's a word here.
                  Ahh yes, psychogenesis, the cover band for Genesis. You are doing so well, and I wish you the best of luck. Happy playing, as always.


                  • #24
                    And so here I am just finishing a game, a decent game for me, and proud that I found indeterminablenesses for 38 points, and all the parts of that nice word. And with just a few seconds to go, I spotted "undeterminablenesses". Is that a word, too? Can't be, can it? But I typed as fast as my fingers could, and got most of the word in as time ran out.
                    And discovered that the most points was indeed 38. For "undeterminablenesses". But I could feel good that I scored nearly 600, that I averaged almost 8 points per word, and that I had the most points scored on that board -- something like 30 more, on 20 fewer words, probably because of all the high-point words. Small successes, to be sure, but I will take them.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by jbud1980 View Post

                      Ahh yes, psychogenesis, the cover band for Genesis. You are doing so well, and I wish you the best of luck. Happy playing, as always.
                      LOL ... This word (& comment) reminded me that recently I was reading the credits of a new show I began watching & I realized the music was Peter Gabriel (now I know he hasn't been a member of Genesis for a long time). I love how his music expands into different genre's & wasn't just for popular radio play. Of course now I can't remember exactly which of the 2 new shows (Servant or The Morning Show) I recently began to watch he was @ the end of, yet I am excited to hear the music. That music was certainly psychogenetic.


                      • #26
                        Well, I'm sure I entered it: eutocia.

                        Without eutocia, most of us wouldn't be here.

                        Why, oh why, doesn't Wordtwist accept eutocia?

                        Does it prefer dystocia?


                        • #27
                          just saw this and almost had it typed when time ran out. Don't even know if it's accepted here. So many, many interesting words aren't. If you've seen this played or played it, let me know.

                          Screen Shot 2022-03-24 at 10.54.35 PM.png


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Naboka View Post
                            just saw this and almost had it typed when time ran out. Don't even know if it's accepted here. So many, many interesting words aren't. If you've seen this played or played it, let me know.

                            Screen Shot 2022-03-24 at 10.54.35 PM.png
                            First game of the day, and there it was: kairos. No, it is not accepted here. Typed it twice and made sure I'd spelled it correctly. No go.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by bwt1213 View Post

                              First game of the day, and there it was: kairos. No, it is not accepted here. Typed it twice and made sure I'd spelled it correctly. No go.
                              Thanks for trying.

                              Kind of sad. What a wonderful word.

                              Is there a means to submit words for acceptance? I know that over time some words are now accepted that once were not.
                              Last edited by Naboka; 03-25-2022, 11:23 AM.


                              • #30
                                You can always message Stephen. I suspect (don't know and don't want to speak for him) that adding words to the dictionary one at a time would be kind of time-consuming, and while not entirely thankless perhaps not nearly as rewarding as the accomplishment of necessary maintenance and program upgrades and creating new boards, etc.

