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Originally posted by admin View PostEmailed you this morning bwt1213.... let me know if you have any problems resetting your password now.
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Originally posted by Naboka View Post
Did admin nullify your score?
Bilbo's a tough one. Was on my nebulous New Year's wishlist of players I'd never beaten or seldom beat.
On a side note, I'm part of the 700 club now! However, I scored over 700 on a 5X5 grid, but I'll take it! I bested my high scores on both grids today. Happy playing!
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Originally posted by jbud1980 View Post
No, not to my knowledge. I've noticed that obvious Bots still maintain high scores, so I'm not sure if there is anything that can be done.
On a side note, I'm part of the 700 club now! However, I scored over 700 on a 5X5 grid, but I'll take it! I bested my high scores on both grids today. Happy playing!
As for the beaten score, it's not really relevant in the grand scheme. It's not as if you set a personal best with a mistimed game. Some of the personal bests I've seen make me wonder, but...
Originally posted by Naboka View Post
Congrats on the high scores and reaching the 700 club.
As for the beaten score, it's not really relevant in the grand scheme. It's not as if you set a personal best with a mistimed game. Some of the personal bests I've seen make me wonder, but...
Go Sunheart! :P
Sunheart has never held the coveted #1 trophy.
Happy playing!
Originally posted by jbud1980 View Post
The high score that you have for the month is quite impressive. I feel you'll hit the 700 club soon enough, way before me. I also see you are gunning for #1 again. I wish you the best of luck; however, I always root for the underdog, so...
Go Sunheart! :P
Sunheart has never held the coveted #1 trophy.
Happy playing!
I'm perfectly fine with Chiman and Sunheart beating me. They're both superior players, who probably don't get the fanfare they merit. Both of them deserve the trophies. They're both better players than I am.
Though it probably seems like I'm playing a lot of games, I'm playing less than half the number I usually played in search of a #1 trophy. Part of the missed equation is dumped games.
Dumped games don't appear. When competing, I dump dozens of games--and play games as rapidly as possible. Competing, I don't bother with low-score games because why get 200 points in 2 minutes when you can get 400?
Currently, I'm playing every game to completion, no matter how low scoring, then studying the boards for where I could improve. I've been filling notebooks with new words and their point values. That takes valuable time away from accumulating points for the month. And, for most games, I'm playing much slower, rather than frantically trying to get every point available.
Seems to be working out for the better. I've scored over 500 points every day in January so far, and scored over 600 half a dozen times. Would have been 7 times but I kept trying to spell forms of draughtsman without the s.
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Originally posted by Naboka View Post
Actually, the trophies are an unintended consequence.
I'm perfectly fine with Chiman and Sunheart beating me. They're both superior players, who probably don't get the fanfare they merit. Both of them deserve the trophies. They're both better players than I am.
Though it probably seems like I'm playing a lot of games, I'm playing less than half the number I usually played in search of a #1 trophy. Part of the missed equation is dumped games.
Dumped games don't appear. When competing, I dump dozens of games--and play games as rapidly as possible. Competing, I don't bother with low-score games because why get 200 points in 2 minutes when you can get 400?
Currently, I'm playing every game to completion, no matter how low scoring, then studying the boards for where I could improve. I've been filling notebooks with new words and their point values. That takes valuable time away from accumulating points for the month. And, for most games, I'm playing much slower, rather than frantically trying to get every point available.
Seems to be working out for the better. I've scored over 500 points every day in January so far, and scored over 600 half a dozen times. Would have been 7 times but I kept trying to spell forms of draughtsman without the s.
I bested my longest word/highest score on a 5X5 grid today. I'm really starting to enjoy playing the 5X5 grids, perhaps more than the 4X4 grids...
Total points: 573New record!
Total words: 83 (26 common,9 wide,9 rare,39 ultra rare)
Best word: SUPERRESPECTABLENESSES (42 pts.)New record!
Longest word: SUPERRESPECTABLENESSES (22 letters)New record!
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Originally posted by jbud1980 View Post
The high score that you have for the month is quite impressive. I feel you'll hit the 700 club soon enough, way before me. I also see you are gunning for #1 again. I wish you the best of luck; however, I always root for the underdog, so...
Go Sunheart! :P
Sunheart has never held the coveted #1 trophy.
Happy playing!
Sunheart is ahead by about 40,000 points.
On good authority, I hear that the fellow in 2nd place is far too lazy to try any late month heroics. In fact, he's been spending a lot of time on the couch catching up on novels missed during the remodel and pandemic. He just finished his 5th book since the New Year began, and is already deep into the 6th--an Ace Atkins rendering of Robert B Parker's Spenser novels.
So, perhaps a bit premature, but congratulations to Sunheart for winning the Gold trophy. It's about time to break out the champagne and take the Tour de Victory lap.
(Speaking of winners: hope you got a chance to watch the Chiefs/Bills playoff game. One of the most incredible closing minutes of football of all time.)
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Originally posted by Naboka View Post
Well sir, it looks like you're rooting for a winner.
Sunheart is ahead by about 40,000 points.
On good authority, I hear that the fellow in 2nd place is far too lazy to try any late month heroics. In fact, he's been spending a lot of time on the couch catching up on novels missed during the remodel and pandemic. He just finished his 5th book since the New Year began, and is already deep into the 6th--an Ace Atkins rendering of Robert B Parker's Spenser novels.
So, perhaps a bit premature, but congratulations to Sunheart for winning the Gold trophy. It's about time to break out the champagne and take the Tour de Victory lap.
(Speaking of winners: hope you got a chance to watch the Chiefs/Bills playoff game. One of the most incredible closing minutes of football of all time.)
I didn't catch the game, but I did watch the highlights of the Rams/Bucs game, and boy, that was a nail-biter. Of course I'm rootin' for the Rams due to obligation as I was born and raised in So Cal. Also, one of my earliest memories was when I was about four or five and my dad took my younger brother and I to a Rams game in the mid-eighties. It was at the LA Coliseum, and my dad saved the paper tickets. Haha.
Anyway, happy playing, as always.
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Rooted for the Rams against Tampa Bay. Loved the unsportsmanlike conduct thrown on Brady. He gets away with toooooo much crap. Tooo many beneficial calls going his way because he's constantly whining to the refs. Wonder if the refs heard him talking about how he benefited from confronting the refs and getting beneficial calls.
Good memories for you going to the game.
These days, I wouldn't waste the money. Far too expensive. Guess the owners have to pay the ridiculous salaries somehow.
In the mid sixties a lot of players had to have extra jobs to make ends meet.
As for the gold, doubtful. Too much work. The only reason I'm in the running for trophies at all is purely incidental. Rather share the wealth anyway.
ps: picked up eloin, eloins, eloiner, eloiners from one of your games.
pps: think I've knocked off every big fish in the last two weeks except megaword, mackers and thunderrock. Thunderrock never plays games that will make that possible. Too many words. But, the other two play games where the possiblity exists.
Last edited by Naboka; 01-24-2022, 08:15 PM.
Originally posted by Naboka View PostRooted for the Rams against Tampa Bay. Loved the unsportsmanlike conduct thrown on Brady. He gets away with toooooo much crap. Tooo many beneficial calls going his way because he's constantly whining to the refs. Wonder if the refs heard him talking about how he benefited from confronting the refs and getting beneficial calls.
Good memories for you going to the game.
These days, I wouldn't waste the money. Far too expensive. Guess the owners have to pay the ridiculous salaries somehow.
In the mid sixties a lot of players had to have extra jobs to make ends meet.
As for the gold, doubtful. Too much work. The only reason I'm in the running for trophies at all is purely incidental. Rather share the wealth anyway.
ps: picked up eloin, eloins, eloiner, eloiners from one of your games.
pps: think I've knocked off every big fish in the last two weeks except megaword, mackers and thunderrock. Thunderrock never plays games that will make that possible. Too many words. But, the other two play games where the possiblity exists.
Oh, I wanted to mention that I purchased a MARCY stationary bike that arrived the other day. I set it up today (took the day off from work, hence the obsessive playing today), but set it up in-between playing. It's foldable and appears very stable/well built. I can't wait to try it out.
I'm curious as to how you know I found those words. Yes, those are words I often use (prior POGO days), but how did you know it was me?
Congrats on beating such big fish! I have as well, but I'm not going to say any names as I don't want to jinx myself or have a vendetta out against me. Haha!
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Originally posted by jbud1980 View Post
It appears as though you are becoming a big fish...
Oh, I wanted to mention that I purchased a MARCY stationary bike that arrived the other day. I set it up today (took the day off from work, hence the obsessive playing today), but set it up in-between playing. It's foldable and appears very stable/well built. I can't wait to try it out.
I'm curious as to how you know I found those words. Yes, those are words I often use (prior POGO days), but how did you know it was me?
Congrats on beating such big fish! I have as well, but I'm not going to say any names as I don't want to jinx myself or have a vendetta out against me. Haha!
Psychic I am not. Observant and studious I be.
You have quite a vocabulary. Seen you on the best word a bunch--even when someone's wiped out your other scores. Often wonder why a person came to know particular words.
I suppose I pay more attention to the words and people than most, partly because I study each board after playing and write down the useful words with point values. Spend more time looking at a board and ...
Starting my second notebook of words from Wordtwist, using Moleskine hardbound 240 page 5x8" with a rotring 0.5 pencil 2B lead. Having pleasing tools makes a task more enjoyable.
Becoming a target isn't much of a worry. I've lost up to 15 high scores in a single day. Hard to keep pace some days. Pretty sure I'm a target on some people's list. It's kind of a compliment. I'd just like to be a fly on their wall when they take on some of my exceptional games. Like the 600 pointers. I've done 10 this month now. And scored over 500 every day this month except one where I only got 480. Most days I get a 560 or above.
but, I've also had a lot of sub 200 point games. Lots and lots in the low 200's. A lot of games I spend more attention just looking for patterns than trying to type words--even if it''s a target rich board. Some games where I could have scored 500, I end up with a low 200 because I'm trying to train my eyes and brain to coordinate better in seeing and recognizing words and patterns. Typing becomes a huge distraction. Hurts the old average scores category, but...
All in all, I'm gaining against the hoardes. I had set a goal of reaching 800 high scores by the end of the month and am up to 840.
Of course, if someone has a vendetta against you, mentioning goals or successes will probably stir up their juices.
I doubt that good players like being called out when someone beats them. People that good are pretty competetive. Most of the big fish I've beaten will beat me 900-999 times out of a thousand. Maybe more. Far more. But, you play enough games under the right circumstances... Like Chaminade beating Virginia when Ralph Samson was playing. Huge upset. It happens.
When I finally beat megaword in a game, I'm going to keep my mouth shut. It'll have to be one of those 300 pointers he's played when he wasn't at his peak and probably distracted, but... Played one a few days ago he'd played where there were a couple dozen words he'd missed with a sub 500 point best. It's mastering those missed words. Just finding those extra 50 points on that particular board on that particular day. Stars aligning.
Hope you enjoy the bike.
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I'm going to be very beatable. My grandson made me a computer. It's great. It's fantastic. The display is 21 inches and I've never had one that big with type so large and with resolution so high. Alas, the keyboard is not at all like my old one and I hit wrong keys a lot. My average points per game is going to take a hit, and it already has. On the other hand, I have outscored Megaword on some 5x5 games. No biggie; I assumed he was working on other things. If I played Megaword straight up on whatever board appeared, my chances of posting a higher score would be too low to mention. It strikes me that Megaword does not care about such things, anyway. Megaword is having fun, not competing. I think we should all try to be more like Megaword.
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