As the screen shot shows, "phosphorescent" is a 14 letter word worth only 13 points.
Because it's common? !
When was the last time you used phosphorescent in a sentence? Or read it anywhere? Or heard anyone use it over lunch?
At least two very good players had done the board previously and they didn't see it. The board had been played over 30 times. So, how is so common?
Because the board stats indicated the longest word found thus far was 8 letters, when I saw the pho (6 points) and phos (6 points) with another phor attached, I was thinking phosphor-something! Good points! Has to be. And far more than 8 letters!
Had I known phosphorescent was garbage points I would have ignored it like so many common long words worth less than a point a letter.
I want a refund.
I think I'm behaving like a spoiled brat.
Screen Shot 2022-04-09 at 9.43.05 AM.png
Because it's common? !
When was the last time you used phosphorescent in a sentence? Or read it anywhere? Or heard anyone use it over lunch?
At least two very good players had done the board previously and they didn't see it. The board had been played over 30 times. So, how is so common?
Because the board stats indicated the longest word found thus far was 8 letters, when I saw the pho (6 points) and phos (6 points) with another phor attached, I was thinking phosphor-something! Good points! Has to be. And far more than 8 letters!
Had I known phosphorescent was garbage points I would have ignored it like so many common long words worth less than a point a letter.
I want a refund.
I think I'm behaving like a spoiled brat.
Screen Shot 2022-04-09 at 9.43.05 AM.png