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End of an era

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  • End of an era

    Saw this today: asdf with a game played 40 times. Only one more play and he's gone. (At least from that board.)

    The last of the perfect board players.

    Screen Shot 2024-07-23 at 5.29.14 AM.png

    Fairly makes me want to shed a tear for the loss of such greatness.

    But, life adapts.

    Recently, a boa in England gave birth to 14 babies--after being alone in captivity for over a decade. A snake they thought was a boy.

    Boy oh boy. What a boa.

    Wonder if parthenogenisis is hidden in one of the boards. Love to find that word.

    So many things I'd love to find. Like the snake in this picture. I wanted to be a herpetologist when I was a kid. Used to find copperheads all the time walking through the woods. But couldn't find the snake in this picture. Bet I could have in real life. But pictures...


    What a world. Where snakes hide in plain sight. And supposed males give birth after a decade of being alone.

    (Maybe there's hope for incels.)




    An endless cycle of death and rebirth.

    Always changing

    Never ending



    Or not.

    Attached Files

  • #2
    This is driving me crazy! You sure there is a snake there?


    • #3
      Originally posted by ILIKEBIGWORDS... View Post
      This is driving me crazy! You sure there is a snake there?

      the photograph conveniently blurs out the head. but if you look for the S shape. It's a copperhead. Just an imaging trick.

      In real life stereopsis would make the snake easily detectable. The picture hampers our depth perception.


      • #4
        I did a Google image search to find other versions of the picture. It turns out that what Naboka posted here is only about 1/3 of the original. I couldn't find the snake in the original either, and eventually I gave up and looked at one where someone had marked the location of the snake. It really is there, but in Naboka's version most of the snake is missing; it's below the bottom edge of the picture. Here's a link to a complete version of the picture:


        • #5
          Originally posted by Naboka View Post
          Wonder if parthenogenisis is hidden in one of the boards. Love to find that word.
          28 PTS PARTHENOGENESES.jpg

          I first found this variant of the word March 2022. In April of the previous year I played PARTHENOGENETICALLY. Strangely both were worth 28 pts. Since then I found variants of the words a few times. I didn't pay attention whether they were in 4x4 or not. But most 5x5 words <= 16 letters long show up in 4x4. Happy hunting.

          p.s. I couldn't find the snake.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Nylimb View Post
            I did a Google image search to find other versions of the picture. It turns out that what Naboka posted here is only about 1/3 of the original. I couldn't find the snake in the original either, and eventually I gave up and looked at one where someone had marked the location of the snake. It really is there, but in Naboka's version most of the snake is missing; it's below the bottom edge of the picture. Here's a link to a complete version of the picture:
            I went to the site, didn't see the snake. Read further, to where the snake was circled. Still didn't see the snake. Mind you, I've seen and caught many snakes as a lad and watched where I stepped so I wouldn't be bitten. I'm glad I never had to worry about a copperhead in pine and leaf litter like this; I'd probably have thought I'd stepped on a branch that broke and cut me, not an invisible snake!


            • #7
              Originally posted by lalatan View Post

              28 PTS PARTHENOGENESES.jpg

              I first found this variant of the word March 2022. In April of the previous year I played PARTHENOGENETICALLY. Strangely both were worth 28 pts. Since then I found variants of the words a few times. I didn't pay attention whether they were in 4x4 or not. But most 5x5 words <= 16 letters long show up in 4x4. Happy hunting.

              p.s. I couldn't find the snake.

              Look directly above the "give birth after" in the last sentence immediately under the picture. Not a full snake as Nylimb pointed out. I just grabbed the first common picture I found about hidden snake so didn't really bother to see if it were a complete picture or not.

              So many snakes in our lives, hiding in plain site. Kind of hard to keep track. Reading Partrice Gagne's Sociopath A Memoir. Interesting stuff. Seems that 4 out of 25 people are sociopaths. Yikes!


              • #8
                I've noticed recently that whenever any of my posts touch on the subject of players like asdf the number of my records suddenly dives.

                It's as if there's a player out there who becomes incensed by the subject. As if some player out there is so upset that they want to get even badly enough to spend entire days skipping through thousands of games trying to bring justice to the world.

                Those lost records are having a serious impact on my life.

                Tonight, I was in a bar, trying to pick up a very hot young lady. She just grimaced, called me a loser. Confused, I asked, "Hunh?!" To which she responded, "have you seen your Wordtwist records? Loser!" Then she flipped her hair dismissively, sneered and turned back to her friends.

                All around me, people have been whispering and pointing. Even in the line at the DMV.

                The shame.

                When I went to the store for baby formula, the cashier asked me to leave, saying, "we don't serve your kind here." My kind? I tried to pay her double, pleading that my granddaughter would starve. She just pointed to the door heartlessly and called me...


                To make matters worse, my wife is demanding I find somewhere else to live until I can get my scores up. "But I'm playing against a machine!" I beg. "Please, please, please. I'll do anything. I'll call up Don and have him reinstall that program where we were racking up astronomical scores! I can beat anyone with it! Anyone!!!!! Just give me another chance!!!"

                "You'd better do something," she demanded, "or you're out of here."

                So, I called up Don. He took control of my computer 900 plus miles away and reinstalled my only hope.

                Suddenly, I saw radiant light pouring down from heaven. God had given me Her Blessing.

                Within the hour, that cashier stopped by the front door with baby formula. "Get it together," she said, "prove that you're worthy of those kids and grandkids."

                I dropped to my knees and wept.

                The phone rang. It was the young woman from the bar, apologizing for being so shallow, asking if I wanted to go out for drinks some time.

                How had she gotten my number?

                The wife wanted to know who I was talking to. (whom?) When I told her, she took the phone, talked for a while, then handed it back. "She'll call you when you get your scores up. Now go clean the bathrooms."

                Still on my knees, I lifted my hands to the heavens.


                The chance to be loved once again.

                You can go 3 days without water. 21-ish without food. minutes without oxygen (at least 22) Shelter is nice. Supporting friends and family are a definite plus. So many things that make our lives better.

                And so many ways to become obsessed about nonsense.

                Humans are nuts.

                Oh well...

                Il faut cultiver notre jardin.

                Though, Francois-Marie didn't exactly address what constitutes a garden worth cultivating.

                A garden of poison ivy and bindweed?

                Well, deer eat poison ivy and certain insects eat bindweed...

                Chacun son gout.


                • #9
                  I think that there are more good players now than in previous years, and many long time players have improved dramatically. I am sure that many players see a board you have played and scored 600+ points on, and they know it is a board worth their time. I look for those kinds of boards, because I know that I will do well on them. Me? I haven't beaten one of your scores in years. These other players are not truly hunting you, you are just showing them the good hunting spots.

                  PS: About your screen name? Very obscure Star Wars reference or an Eastern European sir name?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by dannyb View Post
                    I think that there are more good players now than in previous years, and many long time players have improved dramatically. I am sure that many players see a board you have played and scored 600+ points on, and they know it is a board worth their time. I look for those kinds of boards, because I know that I will do well on them. Me? I haven't beaten one of your scores in years. These other players are not truly hunting you, you are just showing them the good hunting spots.

                    PS: About your screen name? Very obscure Star Wars reference or an Eastern European sir name?
                    Have no idea why my screen name is Naboka. Had to have one and that flashed across me skull, so...

                    You're correct. A lot of long time players have improved dramatically and there are bunches of really good players who have come on the scene lately. Other than one particular player, I doubt that anyone is targeting my games. What would be the point? You'd have to have some reason that supersedes rational thought. Chasing any player's games is a fantastic waste of time. Just look at all the incredible things you can do with your life that don't involve such nonsense. Riding your bike. Floating in the pool. Going to the beach. Going out for dinner. Reading a good book. Holding someone's hand and watching the sun set.

                    So many good things in life to do.

                    If I didn't consider Wordtwist a mental exercise, I wouldn't play it at all. It's kind of time consuming. But, for me, it was also an exploration in how we learn. What mental abilities go into playing, and how can we improve those abilities? That interest coincided with helping the wife in her kindergarten class. How do they learn? How can you improve their ability to learn? What are the elements involved in learning and improving ability?

                    Coincidentally, I'm also fascinated by human behavior. What drives us? Why do we adopt the mindsets we do? Why do our minds become obsessed with crazy ideas that lead to insane behavior? Why do we latch onto ideas that are so patently false and then fight like hell against any information that contests those beliefs? Obsessive behavior is just friggin' fascinating.

                    But, I've probably reached my systemic limitations with the game. Every system has inherent limitations. Reach those and where do you go? The wheels fall off and the engine explodes.

                    Unknown to you, you have beaten me several times in the last few years. Many, many times. It's just that I dump games when I go off the rails and start to crash. Not to mention that I seldom get more words than you.

                    We just had a garage sale, with the wife urging (URGING!) me to reduce my various inventories. As an artist, you would have loved it. We had people coming in and buying a couple hundred dollars in art supplies. Professional quality stuff that seemed expensive to those unfamilar with Faber Castell, Caran D'ache, Golden, Daniel Smith, Arches, blah, blah blah; but was going for bargain bin prices vs actual value. $36 tubes of paint going for $4. And then some clown would ask if I'd take 50 cents. I'd just shake my head and tell them I'd wait for someone who appreciated the stuff.

                    For fellow artists, I'd drag out the wooden box sets of Derwent Lightfast pencils and Caran D'ache museum aquarelles. Not to sell. Just to admire. So beautiful. Works of art in and of themselves. First time I got each set I realized I couldn't use them. They were just so beautiful. So I bought another set. Then couldn't use those either so had to buy sets in metal tins. Talk about obsession. So many art supplies, so little time.

                    Wasting it just seems....


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Naboka View Post

                      Have no idea why my screen name is Naboka. Had to have one and that flashed across me skull, so...

                      You're correct. A lot of long time players have improved dramatically and there are bunches of really good players who have come on the scene lately. Other than one particular player, I doubt that anyone is targeting my games. What would be the point? You'd have to have some reason that supersedes rational thought. Chasing any player's games is a fantastic waste of time. Just look at all the incredible things you can do with your life that don't involve such nonsense. Riding your bike. Floating in the pool. Going to the beach. Going out for dinner. Reading a good book. Holding someone's hand and watching the sun set.

                      So many good things in life to do.

                      If I didn't consider Wordtwist a mental exercise, I wouldn't play it at all. It's kind of time consuming. But, for me, it was also an exploration in how we learn. What mental abilities go into playing, and how can we improve those abilities? That interest coincided with helping the wife in her kindergarten class. How do they learn? How can you improve their ability to learn? What are the elements involved in learning and improving ability?

                      Coincidentally, I'm also fascinated by human behavior. What drives us? Why do we adopt the mindsets we do? Why do our minds become obsessed with crazy ideas that lead to insane behavior? Why do we latch onto ideas that are so patently false and then fight like hell against any information that contests those beliefs? Obsessive behavior is just friggin' fascinating.

                      But, I've probably reached my systemic limitations with the game. Every system has inherent limitations. Reach those and where do you go? The wheels fall off and the engine explodes.

                      Unknown to you, you have beaten me several times in the last few years. Many, many times. It's just that I dump games when I go off the rails and start to crash. Not to mention that I seldom get more words than you.

                      We just had a garage sale, with the wife urging (URGING!) me to reduce my various inventories. As an artist, you would have loved it. We had people coming in and buying a couple hundred dollars in art supplies. Professional quality stuff that seemed expensive to those unfamilar with Faber Castell, Caran D'ache, Golden, Daniel Smith, Arches, blah, blah blah; but was going for bargain bin prices vs actual value. $36 tubes of paint going for $4. And then some clown would ask if I'd take 50 cents. I'd just shake my head and tell them I'd wait for someone who appreciated the stuff.

                      For fellow artists, I'd drag out the wooden box sets of Derwent Lightfast pencils and Caran D'ache museum aquarelles. Not to sell. Just to admire. So beautiful. Works of art in and of themselves. First time I got each set I realized I couldn't use them. They were just so beautiful. So I bought another set. Then couldn't use those either so had to buy sets in metal tins. Talk about obsession. So many art supplies, so little time.

                      Wasting it just seems....
                      Wow. You have real deal art supplies. I just use what I find around the house. I do like new pencils though. Don't care for them when they become too short (about half used).

                      When I taught I would collect all kinds of things that I could use in my class. Every so often my wife would say, " Use that stuff or lose it.". My most successful transformation was a hovercraft. Made with a four foot diameter piece of decking plywood, pool liner, plastic coffee can lid, a garden hose (cut open) to secure the pool liner to the plywood, a shop vac, extension chord and some fasteners. Kids would go zipping up and down the hallway. It was a great advertisement for my class.

                      Now being retired, I no longer go "collecting" on bulk garbage days, and I had to lose all of the stuff that I didn't "transform". It took several trips to the recycling site to get rid of my trove.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by dannyb View Post

                        Wow. You have real deal art supplies. I just use what I find around the house. I do like new pencils though. Don't care for them when they become too short (about half used).

                        When I taught I would collect all kinds of things that I could use in my class. Every so often my wife would say, " Use that stuff or lose it.". My most successful transformation was a hovercraft. Made with a four foot diameter piece of decking plywood, pool liner, plastic coffee can lid, a garden hose (cut open) to secure the pool liner to the plywood, a shop vac, extension chord and some fasteners. Kids would go zipping up and down the hallway. It was a great advertisement for my class.

                        Now being retired, I no longer go "collecting" on bulk garbage days, and I had to lose all of the stuff that I didn't "transform". It took several trips to the recycling site to get rid of my trove.
                        Your hover craft makes my brain smile.

                        For a while collecting pencil stubs was something of a thing. Think Heather Rooney was the first artist I saw doing it. She had a jar filled with them. When you're using expensive pencils, it's prudent to use them for as long as possible.

                        Initially, I bought a bunch of pencil extenders. You could get down pretty far with the core pigments. Then I had a friend fashion a bunch from hickory, walnut and sycamore that we salvaged from the property and adjoining land. Loved them so much I had him make some pens that would hold the Mont Blanc ink cartridges idling in the office desk.

                        Loving the tools of your craft adds something to the experience. Like a mechanic with a good wrench. Not only makes the job easier, but the journey more satisfying.

                        Teaching is such an art. My bet: you were good at it.

                        So many think it's all about transference of information. The great data dump of the American school system. But, that bromide about giving a person a fish rather than teaching them to fish applies. Information isn't at all primary. It's all about developing the ability to not only acquire information, but to assess that knowledge, to put to in perspective, to analyze and extrapolate; and then, most importantly to use that knowledge to create or produce whatever the student can envision.

                        Producing anything with faulty information is incrementally more difficult.

                        A while back I read that some Texas legislators were trying to ban teaching crital thinking in school. Why? Because students began to question what they were told.

                        When you only manage to get students to regurgitate information on a test, but they have no clue as to the value or use of that information...???

                        When you've taught someone to think for themselves you've really succeeded.

                        And being able to reason is no less an ability than dancing. People may be able to move their bodies, but becoming an elite dancer... Takes lots and lots of dedication, work and practise.


                        • #13
                          Apart from the fact that I am already married, have four adult offspring, and a grand offspring, live on a very big island, have a very full life, and play for no particular reason, Naboka's prose sends me, every time, all of the time (in fact, if I am really, really, busy, I make a conscious effort to not read any Naboka posts), I would be very prepared to propose, just so I could immerse myself in the beauty and lyricism of Naboka's words.....sigh...(it's Sunday AM here, one of the few times I have alone, as 50% of my offspring still live at home, but visit their 95 year old grandmother every Sunday morning, my music is LOUD, and my person is open.


                          • #14
                            [QUOTE=floppers;n35296]Apart from the fact that I am already married, have four adult offspring, and a grand offspring, live on a very big island, have a very full life, and play for no particular reason, Naboka's prose sends me, every time, all of the time (in fact, if I am really, really, busy, I make a conscious effort to not read any Naboka posts), I would be very prepared to propose, just so I could immerse myself in the beauty and lyricism of Naboka's words.....sigh...(it's Sunday AM here, one of the few times I have alone, as 50% of my offspring still live at home, but visit their 95 year old grandmother every Sunday morning, my music is LOUD, and my person is open.[/QUOTE

                            You are so much fun.

                            The wife might whisper in your ear and roll her eyes. Though she says she loves me dearly, she often finds me arrogant, slovenly and irritating--amongst a longer list of things that provoke brooding discontent.


                            So easily defined. So little understood.

                            Like house, we think we know what it is, but... So many types of houses. From shacks to mansions.

                            We wed someone, each of us having our own definition of marriage. How shocked we might be to discover our spouses have glaringly differnt blueprints--both busily constructing houses that don't go together. Not because we might not want the same outcome, just because our blueprints are so different.

                            Always a good idea when building a house that the crews are all using the same blueprint. Everyone knows that.

                            Wonder why we seldom take the same approach to building a life together. Just sitting down and talking. Agreeing on the plan and structure and material.

                            While drawing or painting people lately, I've begun to wonder how to capture a likeness of that person's soul. We don't see their soul. Can't hear it. Can't outline it. Can't smell or taste it. Yet, for brief moments, we perceive it. Just a glance that flickers across our minds.

                            Perhaps a perfect relationship is when you can sit with someone, each learning to capture the work of art that is their soul.

                            If only for a moment.

                            If only just a glance.

                            ps: as much as we loved our kids, having them live separately has been such a relief and blessing. No more worrying every time they aren't home on time or every time we hear sirens.


                            • #15
                              I'm lazy and won't look it up, but I think an ancient Greek said it best. He was asked to define "love" and said: "Two bodies, one soul". That usually requires time, in my experience. He should have mentioned that.

