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Clueless Crosswords Migration

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  • Clueless Crosswords Migration

    Hi everyone -

    We've migrated this site over into our main Puzzle Baron platform this week. All user accounts have been brought over and our same user/pass combinations should work as before but if they don't please email me at and I will fix it for you ASAP.

    The new site should work just as the old one did but if you notice anything that isn't working properly please contact me via email and I'll check it right away.

    The one thing that won't be working properly for a short while is avatars - we will be performing one final upgrade later this month and I expect to have avatars reinstalled and working as they have in the past at that point.

    Thanks for your understanding and patience during the transition!
    If you enjoy our puzzles, please consider upgrading to a premium account to remove all ads and help support us financially. Thanks for your support!

  • #2
    I love the new interface. Very user friendly


    • #3
      I totally like this game & patchwords ......Have not figured out how to submit the Clueless Crosswords ? Thank you.


      • #4
        I keep getting the same Clueless Puzzles to solve....Can u email me?


        • #5
          In the Acrostics, there suddenly appears a keyboard at the bottom of the screen which is non-functional and there seems to be no way to get rid of it. Is it just me? What can I do to get rid of it?


          • #6
            On clueless crosswords ,about 4 of every 10 puzzles don't give a score when finished. Then I erase a letter ,then put it back and it will flash to "this puzzle has already been solved " .It is doing it more when I get fast times (so it


            • #7
              Originally posted by RobertLonger View Post
              On clueless crosswords ,about 4 of every 10 puzzles don't give a score when finished. Then I erase a letter ,then put it back and it will flash to "this puzzle has already been solved " .It is doing it more when I get fast times (so it
              I think when that happens, you have actually set a record for that puzzle, but that the record is not recorded. What you describe has happened to me many times also, but only when I solved the puzzle VERY quickly, like in under 50 seconds -- which is why I think it must be a quirky response to a new record for the puzzle. The reason I suspect that the new record time is not actually recorded is that (a) I've never, ever seen my username (or any recent Fastest Solver's username) on any puzzle's record time, and (b) I see a lot of the same names over and over again for record times, but none of them are names that I've seen in recent monthly player lists.

              So I think the charted record times for Clueless Crosswords are all old records, and that any new record times are going unrecorded. Hmm, I bet this was a glitch after the site migration.

              ADMIN: If you're reading this, can you look into this issue? Is there a programming error for how "new record" is processed in Clueless Crosswords?

