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Server issues and warnings

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  • #16
    I think it worked!. Thanks, Stephen.


    • #17
      Server issues and warnings

      Okay, I was logged off for an hour or so and logged back on about a half hour ago. I was playing on the old server then lost my puzzle and I was on the new server. It seems I've lost somewhere between 30 and 35000 total points. I happened to write down my points earlier today. Will this correct itself or am I stuck.


      • #18
        Hi damsel22 -

        Unfortunately most everyone's lost some points in the transfer, there's no way to avoid it, at least without shutting down the entire site during the 3-4 days it took to migrate everything over.

        But now that the new box is up there should be no further problems.


        • #19
          Server issues and warnings

          okay, thanks for all your hard work, Stephen.


          • #20
            I lost most of the puzzles I played yesterday, too. I had kind of figured there was a 50-50 chance of that happening. Whatever. I do love the points and contests, but I also love to learn about new quotes and authors. That's why I've been playing logged-out all week. Thanks for the site, Stephen.


            • #21
              Server issues and warnings

              I think I was fine up until just recently. I may have lost a puzzle here or there, but that was about it. It was like in a few seconds most of today's puzzles were gone. Oh, well, I rolled the dice and lost. I still really enjoy the site and playing the games anyway.


              • #22

                I'm fairly new to the site, but I want to thank you, also. The puzzles seem to load much faster. I also lost at least one day's points and had the puzzle I had just completed charged as a non-completion. However I am in it for the sport and play catch and release. Thanks again for your dedication over this last harrowing weekend.
                [B][I]"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds."[/I] [/B]-- Albert Einstein


                • #23
                  Thank you, Stephen, for all your hard work the past several days. The new server seems to working just fine. I was able to access the site from my favorites just like I usually do. The only thing is that my points from last night didn't carry over, but I'm okay with that because at least I still have my 100% solve rate.


                  • #24
                    Thanks everyone! It's been a bit more brutal than previous migrations, but hopefully we'll get some much better performance as a result.

                    So far the server has performed even better than I'd hoped... whereas we'd normally be maxing out at around 75-85% resource usage on an average Tuesday night, this new server is barely even registering a load of 5-10%. This should translate to faster load times and fewer failed page loads for everyone. It also gives us some breathing room for adding new features down the line.

                    Happy solving!



                    • #25
                      That is impressive, Stephen!
                      [B][I]"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds."[/I] [/B]-- Albert Einstein


                      • #26
                        I'm still waffling between servers if I put my computer to sleep and come back. I hope it's just my computer having a hissy fit today, because it is taking a reboot, cache dump, and Safari reset to find the new server every time I come back.

                        Anyone have any idea why a Mac is being this difficult?


                        • #27
                          Hi Lurker -

                          Some systems can be fussy for up to 24-48 hours after a DNS switch and switch back and forth a few times before the new info becomes permanent... hopefully today it will be better for you.


                          • #28


                            • #29
                              highlighting an erratum

                              I've never made a complaint about the general operations of this site before, and everyone else's complaints seemed like trivialities beneath my concern. A new problem has arisen that I find greatly annoying, and I feel it will have an averse effect on people's solution times. Before the change, if you highlighted an incorrect letter, you could type the new letter over it and the incorrect letter would disappear. Now, it is necessary to highlight the incorrect letter and delete it before typing over it. Keyboards may be mostly in a neatly ordered QWERTY, but the delete key can appear in various places. The aughties are over and we're in the '10s. This is so unwieldy, I feel like I'm using a computer in the '70s again. I want innovation in computers, not nostalgia.

                              (is this secretly bansaisequoia on prom night???)


                              • #30
                                Hi bansai -

                                None of that code has been changed in over 2 years... and I'm not seeing that on my system. What browser/OS are you using? I'll try my best to replicate it on my end.

