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Favourite words found

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  • crazykate
    I just found NONCARCINOGENIC in a board that had been played 44 times and the previous longest word record was something with 9 letters. I find things like that immensely gratifying.

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  • mcdonna
    Originally posted by Brisul View Post

    Never mind finding these words, how do you even know them?!?!
    I just look for prefixes and suffixes, and then try to make a root word from what's left over! "NESSES" is a pretty common find on these boards, but the SQUEAMISH bit was hidden too well!

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  • Brisul
    Originally posted by mcdonna View Post
    AAAARGH! Just found SQUEAMISHNESSES ... just as the timer ended. Board record was 16/8 ... pretty sure this would have beat it!
    Never mind finding these words, how do you even know them?!?!

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  • mcdonna
    AAAARGH! Just found SQUEAMISHNESSES ... just as the timer ended. Board record was 16/8 ... pretty sure this would have beat it!

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  • RussDNails
    Had to Google that one! Nice find..............

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  • DrPlacebo
    Finally found ABSQUATULATES! Which is just a great word in general.

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  • RussDNails
    So you'll definitely be the first to find ELECTROMAGNETOVALENCES

    I see the various prefixes a lot too but that's not my game and I don't dwell for much time on finding a lengthy word........I just type fast and if it comes, it comes. Most of the longer words I find are ones I've lucked into or have picked up and memorized from the pros like you..........



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  • lalatan
    Originally posted by RussDNails View Post
    Another one I think you were the first to find was SCRATCHBUILDERS. I also had seen that board more than once and found BUILDER and BUILDERS plus SCRATCH but never in a million years thought to tack them together. Now thanks to you I get it every time

    The chemistry word is actually familiar to me--in real life I'm a med tech with a degree in biology and lots of chemistry classes under my belt. It's been many years now since my college days but some of the concepts stuck with me. Never would have found DIASTEREOISOMERISM on a boggle board anyway! Nice work. The plural for this should work too if there is another S in the right place on that board.

    Nice chatting with you--it's been a while!


    Yes, I was the first to play SCRATCHBUILDERS. I heard it on a British TV show about people building their own homes; otherwise, I wouldn't have known it was a word. I only knew of "baking from scratch" up to that point.

    You likely already know this but CHANDLER(S) are valid words, one of the many surnames taken from the trades.

    When I played DIASTEREOISOMERISM, I was careful to check for the plural and it wasn't available but thanks for the tip. I could use some more chemistry knowledge on some boards where I've seen methyl- and other chemistry terms but couldn't come up with a word. I was trained in telecom so that has come in handy for finding some electric/magnetic words. Just found ELECTROVALENCES earlier this month.

    It's always good to chat with you.
    Last edited by lalatan; 02-23-2020, 02:16 PM.

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  • RussDNails
    That was my first thought when I saw your record for CANDLESNUFFERS on that board--it must be two words--apparently it's valid from what you mention in your edit.

    I've seen that board before and was happy enough to have found CANDLER and CANDLERS and was a bit surprised these were even accepted.

    You long word pros come up with so many oddballs not many surprise me anymore but CANDLESNUFFERS really caught my attention.

    Another one I think you were the first to find was SCRATCHBUILDERS. I also had seen that board more than once and found BUILDER and BUILDERS plus SCRATCH but never in a million years thought to tack them together. Now thanks to you I get it every time

    The chemistry word is actually familiar to me--in real life I'm a med tech with a degree in biology and lots of chemistry classes under my belt. It's been many years now since my college days but some of the concepts stuck with me. Never would have found DIASTEREOISOMERISM on a boggle board anyway! Nice work. The plural for this should work too if there is another S in the right place on that board.

    Nice chatting with you--it's been a while!



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  • lalatan
    Russ, I first found CANDLELIGHTERS about a year ago. Two months later I saw snuffers on a board and I started looking for candle to pair with it. Last week I once again found CANDLESNUFFERS and 2 games later CANDLELIGHTERS showed up. At least it was a word I'd heard before and actually knew what the device looked like.

    Maybe it's a good thing you didn't come across the board where I found DIASTEREOISOMERISM 3 weeks ago. I knew isomerism was a word. I first tried STEREOISOMERISM, it was accepted so then I tacked on dia-and, to my amazement, it was also valid. Never saw it before, don't know what it is. Something to do with chemistry. I didn't look it up cuz I'd forget the meaning anyway. That's about the most Frankenstein word I ever stitched together.

    Cheers, amigo

    Edit: It seems CANDLESNUFFERS is not a compound word on many ads I just looked up. Merriam-Webster and dictionary dot com list the compound word but not Wikipedia. So I guess we can take our pick.
    Last edited by lalatan; 02-22-2020, 06:17 PM.

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  • RussDNails
    Candlesnuffers...................................unreal Lalatan.....................

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  • DrPlacebo
    Another brand-name turned generic: VEGEMITES

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  • DrPlacebo
    JEBEL. I try loan words often, but I didn't seriously expect this one to work. (I grew up in the UAE, so am always happy when an Arabic loanword scores points.)

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  • crazykate
    I was happy to be the first to find CAPRICCIO in a 4x4 that had been played 50 times. Would have been the longest word if I hadn't also found CHIROPRACTIC (best and longest). Capriccio was my favourite find though.

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  • lalatan
    Originally posted by crazykate View Post
    I just found TETRAHYDROCANNABINOLS (32 pts.)
    I swear I didn't know the word beforehand (and have no experience with the substance ). I started with the "hydro" part and kept adding letters that seemed to make sense.
    Nice fabrication job Kate! Recently I spotted -METRIC but didn't see any of the usual suspects so I started tacking on prefixes and came up with BIOTELEMETRIC for 24 pts. It's always satisfying when you throw something together and it's accepted.

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