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Favourite words found

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  • bwt1213
    Originally posted by Grifir View Post
    Nice word, DrPlacebo! Believe it or not, iatrogenic is one of my mother's favorite words (she was a nurse)

    My new favorite that I just played (and got in before anyone else): CLAIRAUDIENTLY
    I actually knew the meaning of both those words. There was a time in the mid-50s up to about the early 60s when books and stories about psychic powers were popular fiction works. Every term connected to psychic phenomena was used in such books, and I know I saw them frequently. I'd guess that hard science fiction and psychic powers stories were about equally popular back then, though only the hard science fiction stuff has had staying power. Few people remember Theodore Sturgeon's "Baby Is Three" now, though it was extremely popular then, just for one example. And someone really ought to do a movie treatment of "The Stars My Destination" (James Blish, I think, but I keep thinking maybe it was Alfred Bester).

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  • lalatan
    Originally posted by Grifir View Post
    My new favorite that I just played (and got in before anyone else): CLAIRAUDIENTLY
    That's a great find, Grifir. I probably would have never combined those letters to come up with that. It seems there's a word for everything in English. While thinking about it I recalled one time I was looking for something to pair with inter-. I eventually tried INTERTENTACULAR, reasoning that it could describe the space between tentacles. It means "situated between tentacles." Crazy, still makes me laugh even now.
    Last edited by lalatan; 06-26-2020, 03:27 PM.

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  • DrPlacebo
    One of my favorite words in general, not just in this game: ZEITGEIST.

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  • Grifir
    Nice word, DrPlacebo! Believe it or not, iatrogenic is one of my mother's favorite words (she was a nurse)

    My new favorite that I just played (and got in before anyone else): CLAIRAUDIENTLY

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  • lalatan
    Good find DrP! Never heard the word before.
    Although it's not a favorite of mine, I just found a word you're likely familiar with: HAEMOCYTOMETER (26/14) I reasoned that it's some kind of meter that measures blood cells and wasn't too far wrong.

    A favorite that I recently found again is LACTIFEROUSNESSES (32/17). I like the -ferous words, especially ODORIFEROUS.

    currerbell: I include the board that was played so others can see how it was found. Not a problem for me if you do likewise.

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  • DrPlacebo

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  • Guest
    Guest replied
    Thank you, DrPlacebo, I learned something today.

    Happy Summer Solstice, pigletta!

    I can now say that yes, I have found, not only a UNICORN, but UNICORNS!

    And I have proof (and if you look at my stats, yes, I am, and always will be, one of the slowest players ever):

    Last edited by Guest; 06-21-2020, 09:46 PM. Reason: I inadvertently included the board in my first picture, which I believe is a whoopsie.

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  • DrPlacebo
    Also not award-winning, but I was happy to find DASHEEN, which I find more frequently in this game under its more usual name (taro).

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  • pigletta
    Not an award-winning word but I was very happy to find SOLSTICE on this particular day!

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  • RussDNails
    Dear Lalatan,

    Thanks for sharing..........checked it out, your keyboard is still available on Amazon...........pretty weird looking but I'm sure it serves you well and might be advantageous for me too. Alas, I've resigned myself to adjusting to the shallow keys on my new laptop--it's not too bad really but I feel it's prone to making typing errors. I suppose I could try bluetoothing (is that a word?) something like your keyboard to my laptop if I get motivated to try.

    We're also playing a different style--I'm trying to type fast and you're looking for long words. I was hoping some of the other speed demons might share their thoughts as I'm curious about their set ups.

    Anyway, it's always good to hear from you!



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  • lalatan
    I just played 1 of my faves: HORRIPILATIONS. Makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up even thinking of that word.

    Russ: fwiw, I use a Logictech K350 wireless keyboard for game play. I bought it after reading multiple reviews of gamers who flogged it hard and it stood up to it for years. It has the ergonomic curve to it and I love the feel of the keys while typing, a little bit spongy. Cheers to you

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  • RussDNails
    That it is--I was one of your two likes

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  • fasteddieb
    Originally posted by RussDNails View Post
    Thanks for the reply--I think you had posted a different video sometime in the past where there was a distinct "clickety-clack" sound in the background as you were furiously typing away

    That's why I asked--I was wondering if you were still using the old style sounds like from your post that you must also be using the newer "chiclet" style laptop keyboard these days? No worries if you don't want to reveal any trade secrets


    maybe this is the video:

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  • RussDNails
    Thanks for the reply--I think you had posted a different video sometime in the past where there was a distinct "clickety-clack" sound in the background as you were furiously typing away

    That's why I asked--I was wondering if you were still using the old style sounds like from your post that you must also be using the newer "chiclet" style laptop keyboard these days? No worries if you don't want to reveal any trade secrets



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  • fasteddieb
    Originally posted by RussDNails View Post
    Nice work! Do you mind if I ask what type of keyboard you use? I have a newer laptop with a "chiclet" style keyboard that doesn't provide much keystroke "depth". I remember the older "mechanical" type keyboards that typically came with desktops had/have a much deeper key travel depth and I just wonder if I might be able to type more accurately on the mechanical type? I find that the super shallow key depth on my laptop lends itself to a lot of typing mistakes. I'd never be able to achieve your speed no matter what I do but I am genuinely interested to hear about your keyboard.........


    The crazy thing is I don't usually use that keyboard and took a little to get used to it. I didn't know how to record and my brother had experience streaming games online so I used his computer and keyboard. I asked him and apparently it was the Microsoft Natural Multimedia Keyboard 2002~2005 version. I know what you mean with the "mechanical" keyboards having a better touch sense. I haven't played using this type of keyboard in a while so I can't really say whether or not it a) helps with typos b) if the mechanical nature of it helps or slows you down.
    That keyboard lasted at least 12 years just looking at when I took the video. He's using a different keyboard now.

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