I've experienced some timeout errors the past two days when playing 4x4. I'll get
to the end of the puzzle time and it will post "Time's up" and my current score, then
as it's loading the gameover.php page one of the ad partners will not respond (forgot
which) and it will just sit there and churn for 500 seconds, then give me a different
message. The scores, words, records, etc. don't get counted. The error message says
I should contact the server administrator.
to the end of the puzzle time and it will post "Time's up" and my current score, then
as it's loading the gameover.php page one of the ad partners will not respond (forgot
which) and it will just sit there and churn for 500 seconds, then give me a different
message. The scores, words, records, etc. don't get counted. The error message says
I should contact the server administrator.