Originally posted by bwt1213
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Yes, I've heard of this concept before. I knew a man who once lived in California that always wanted to buy a home but could never afford it til he was offered a job in Kansas and he took it. The cost of houses there were so low in comparison. He said he bought his house in Kansas for same price he paid for his truck in California.
That's how it goes with supply and demand. If there's a large supply and little demand, the cost is very inexpensive. If there's a large demand and low supply, the cost is very expensive. The reasons why something is inexpensive varies and there's always drawbacks.
As far as outsourcing small town jobs to other countries I simply don't agree with that concept. Why can't Americans pay more for better quality merchandise? Why do we have to be the throw away society? When possible I always try to buy high quality well made products. So I'd rather go without so I can own better quality things that last longer. I KNOW my perspective is unpopular and I really can't understand why.
