Just a quick note to let you know that the entire Wordtwist board library has been reaudited this week to fix the occasional "impossible" word glitch that a few players have found since our update earlier this year. In total, about 2.2% of 5x5 boards were updated (i.e. found to have had this bug), and 0.3% of 4x4 boards.
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Wordtwist board audit complete
Wordtwist board audit complete
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No records were changed.
I didn't keep exact stats on the splits but within the 2.2% of boards that needed to be updated, many many more boards had valid words missing than had invalid words allowed. I'd guess around 90-95%. For the 40-50 boards that actually lost a "valid" word in this update, those records will naturally be reset over time anyway once each board has been played a certain number of times.If you enjoy our puzzles, please consider upgrading to a premium account to remove all ads and help support us financially. Thanks for your support!
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