"revoter" is missing.
The lexic.us website does have one that has always puzzled me by its absence here: rationer. Some words are a stretch, but "rationer" surely gets used in times of shortages to refer to the people divvying up the rationed items.
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Words to add to the dictionary
Thanks for the link! I do have that bookmarked as a resource, but it isn't going to be a magic bullet, unfortunately. (And this is a good example of why getting a "perfect" Wordtwist dictionary is really, really difficult.)
If you search that file you'll find that it is missing a LOT of plurals. It has gorer, for example, which is great, but it doesn't have gorers. It has furtiveness, but not furtivenesses. I haven't gone super deep past that point because that alone makes it a non-starter but there are likely many similar issues with missing verb endings, etc. etc.
The problem with just dumping any big list of new words into Wordtwist is that it will often create more problems than it solves. It will add 200,000 new words, sure, but if it adds GYLLEWHAMPUS to the dictionary, but doesn't include GYLLEWHAMPUSES, then we're going to get players complaining why one is in there and the other isn't. Whatever solution we come up with has to be comprehensive.
I do have a plan for this, though, with two separate resources that should pair well together and which seem fairly complete in terms of pluralizations and verb endings. It's just going to take a lot of work to systematically go through these data sets and make sure I'm not including a whole lot of junk with the "good data". Decisions need to be made re: things like abbreviations, "text-speak", highly specialized terms, terms borrowed from other languages, etc. There are a TON of potential 3- and 4-letter words that fall in these gray-area categories, for example... including them ALL in the dictionary update could radically change the nature of the game, and maybe not for the better.
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I hope Stephen reads this. There is a word list file available on line, containing 500,000+ words. If Stephen could dump a list of the words in WordTwist's dictionary, it would save a lot of time comparing each list; it could even be automated. Warning: a lot of the "words" in the other list are obvious acronyms and abbreviations, so it will not be possible to just meld their list to Stephen's. If anyone is interested, here's the list: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dw...ords_alpha.txt
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Good idea - I will add, please check to see if a word is on https://www.lexic.us/ first before you place it here. We've already updated lexic.us with the updated word list we plan to lean most heavily on for the Wordtwist update, so if you see the word currently on that dictionary site, it is absolutely already on the to-be-added list and should not be repeated here.
As an example, parer, shorer and plower (and plurals) are all there. Gorer is not.
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Words to add to the dictionary
Since Stephen has said there will be an update to the dictionary, and that the update will be done all in one chunk, and it will happen later in the year, it seems to me that there should be at least a thread where we can all post words we are certain ought to be in the dictionary. I am tempted to once again ask that all gerunds have plurals, and any noun form ending in "ing" ought to have an "ings", but I know others (who don't know what they are talking about) will disagree. So, bag that. This thread ought to include things that we KNOW are words and ought to be included WITHOUT DOUBT (or argument). There should be a separate thread for adding whole piles of words, and I can think of one immediately. Take any English verb. If it ends in a consonant, adding "er" to it makes it a noun that means "who or which --- (verb)s". Examples: turn/turner, burn/burner, start/starter, storm/stormer, etc. If the verb ends in an "e", add an "r" for the same effect. Examples: bore/borer, pare/parer, stare/starer, fare/farer, etc. Problem: a whole LOT of such words are disallowed. "Parer" is disallowed. I've seen it actually used -- there are old gadgets advertised as "apple parers". And for things like "gorers" and "shorers" and "plowers", anyone who speaks English in any part of the world know exactly what those words mean and the fact that the dictionary says they aren't words is irrelevant (and stupid).
So, if we have a separate thread for the "ings" and "r(s)" and "er(s)" that bedevil us and a main thread (this one) with individual words that each of us feel certain ought to be added, by the end of the year we will have a word list that Stephen can compile and meld with his own list and update the dictionary. And we can hope that WordTwist and Stephen can help regularize English and come down on the side of the angels with the "r/er" and "ings" cases.
So: THIS thread for any words you know are words. Post as many as you like. But they must be words and not in the current dictionary.Tags: None
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