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Words to add to the dictionary

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  • JJBeanie
    Originally posted by BoggleOtaku View Post
    I can't find it. Wow, that looks a lot more complex than 5x5! Do you mean INTRAGENERATIONAL?
    Yes, I did mean INTRA not INTER. Good catch. I know I defintely typed it correctly in the game at least 3 times just to make sure, lol.

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  • BoggleOtaku
    I can't find it. Wow, that looks a lot more complex than 5x5! Do you mean INTRAGENERATIONAL?

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  • JJBeanie


    INTERGENERATIONAL was not accepted. It's not in lexic but is in Merriam-Webster

    Edited to fix my poor typing: the word should be INTRAGENERATIONAL
    Last edited by JJBeanie; 01-14-2025, 03:52 AM. Reason: Edit because I can't type: INTRAGENERATIONAL not inter

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  • Naboka
    This cracked me up.

    Maybe a subcategory of words to add to the dictionary might be: definitions to add to words in the dictionary.

    Got dealation/s which is when insects like ants lose their wings after being naughty. Just out of curiosity, clicked on the word in the readout to see what Lexic had to say.

    Screen Shot 2024-11-01 at 11.23.13 AM.png

    "absolutely nothing!" (rendered in my best Edwin Starr impersonation)

    but heh, what the heck, 34 points. I'll take it.

    On a plus, Lexic came through with alation, which is the state of being winged. It comes up now and then, so...

    But none of these were the best/longest of that board or I would have kept my yap shut.

    Screen Shot 2024-11-01 at 11.22.54 AM.png
    Screen Shot 2024-11-01 at 11.41.44 AM.png
    (And to think I almost didn't play this game because I needed to do some other things.)
    Attached Files

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  • DrPlacebo
    BIRRIA should probably be in the dictionary, considering how many food words are already in there.

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  • lalatan
    admin Stephen, I was disappointed that brachydactylisms and brachydactylism were not accepted on this board as I thought it was a good find. They are not in but brachydactyly is. Would you please add them and the words in the quote below to the WordTwist dictionary?


    Originally posted by lalatan View Post
    Stephen, I played this board and found that maternalisation was not accepted. However, it is in


    Also, I played hyperdiminutivized for the first time today. But hyperdiminutivize was not accepted. Neither is in
    Last edited by lalatan; 10-31-2024, 03:22 PM.

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  • dannyb
    Edda is not allowed in WordTwist?

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  • lalatan
    You're welcome.
    In 2018 I created a folder to save screenshots of any words worth >= 24 pts I found for the first time and I set records with. When I use the save as... option it lets me know if I already found the word by prefilling in the text box as I type. Since the folder has expanded into the thousands I am more often convinced that I never found the word before. But I am sometimes wrong so it's a good memory aid that way. And it's a handy way to search for previous finds. This time I just typed klep into the search box and there it was. To find out when it was found I just look at the file's properties.

    Your efforts to recycle 16/30+ games are appreciated.

    p.s. I have never seen that word in any puzzle since then...
    Last edited by lalatan; 09-21-2024, 02:52 PM.

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  • Naboka
    Originally posted by lalatan View Post
    Found this Jan 2022. Didn't know it was a word for sure. Noticed klepto- and hunted for something to pair with it. Was 1 of those words that made me lol when it was accepted. Then I had to look up the meaning of it.

    I've watched many nature shows like you mentioned as well as frigate birds, pikas and squirrels thieving from each other or other species. No morality in the animal kingdom it seems... 33 PTS KLEPTOPARASITICAL.jpg
    Dang! You have one impressive reference system!

    That's at least twice you've rescued my word wonderments.


    You'd think that as many games as I've played I would have run into some of these words. Seems like some 16/30+ we encounter at least once a month. I put several back into the system today.

    Having information is only as useful as you can retrieve, arrange and apply it. The first is my achilles heel. I'm a slob by nature, always attracted to the next thing before I take care of the first.

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  • lalatan
    Originally posted by Naboka View Post

    Haven't run across kleptoparasitism here, but what a wonderful word to use as the basis for a board. 16/31

    That is, if it hasn't been already.[/SIZE]
    Found this Jan 2022. Didn't know it was a word for sure. Noticed klepto- and hunted for something to pair with it. Was 1 of those words that made me lol when it was accepted. Then I had to look up the meaning of it.

    I've watched many nature shows like you mentioned as well as frigate birds, pikas and squirrels thieving from each other or other species. No morality in the animal kingdom it seems... 33 PTS KLEPTOPARASITICAL.jpg

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  • Naboka
    Just watched a video of lions bringing down a baby giraffe. Before they could have their meal, a large pack of hyenas came--their numbers overwhelming the lions and allowing them to claim the kill.

    It's called kleptoparasitism, where one animal steals food from another. Interesting to watch pelicans, hawks and the like rip food from other birds midair.

    Haven't run across kleptoparasitism here, but what a wonderful word to use as the basis for a board. 16/31

    That is, if it hasn't been already.

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  • lalatan
    Originally posted by admin View Post
    Good idea - I will add, please check to see if a word is on first before you place it here. We've already updated with the updated word list we plan to lean most heavily on for the Wordtwist update, so if you see the word currently on that dictionary site, it is absolutely already on the to-be-added list and should not be repeated here.

    Stephen, I played this board and found that maternalisation was not accepted. However, it is in


    Also, I played hyperdiminutivized for the first time today. But hyperdiminutivize was not accepted. Neither is in
    Last edited by lalatan; 08-23-2024, 12:49 PM.

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  • Nylimb
    TERRAN is not accepted. It means an inhabitant of Earth, and can be a noun or an adjective. It's mostly used in science fiction. It's in the dictionary, with no indication of always being capitalized, although it often is.

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  • Naboka
    Originally posted by Spike1007 View Post
    I've never heard of BROMOPYRIDINE(S) before, but it sure looks like it should work & be THE word for that board. However, according to google (but not, BROMOPYRAZINE also works.
    Thanks, Spike,

    Didn't think of bromopyrazines. That would have to get more points, having a z.

    Did try pyrazine, though, and it wouldn't take either.

    So, semi-frantic that time was running short, I had other words queued and didn't want to waste them: riz, riza rizas izar izars, izard, nazi, nazir, nazirs. They all worked. But, that was a given. Had already done the azine/azines, zaire/zaires -- which have yet to lose their zest.

    Hope all of these new ones get added to the new dictionary. It's a bit of a rush when something new works.

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  • Spike1007
    I've never heard of BROMOPYRIDINE(S) before, but it sure looks like it should work & be THE word for that board. However, according to google (but not, BROMOPYRAZINE also works.

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