At least three times today I have seen two players who are at the top of the current boards go from a 100% solution rate to one that is less than perfect, only to have them go back to a 100% solution rate an hour or two later. How is this possible? Is there a window where you can actually go back to an unsolved puzzle and finish it?
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How Can Solving Percentage Change?
It's happened to you, but you weren't looking. You were still trying to solve the puzzle. You can make it happen. While at 100%, stop playing, go to the scorebook and notice you've slipped below 100%. Return and finish the puzzle and look at the scorebook and your back at 100%
It is possible to return to an unsolved puzzle, at least for a time, on the "Recent Games" page:
Here you'll find a list of all puzzles initiated under your account in the past six hours, along with links that will allow you to retry any puzzles which you've not yet completed. This can be useful if you accidentally loaded a duplicate puzzle, or if you were somehow prevented from being able to successfully complete a puzzle due to an internet problem or server glitch.