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Favourite words found

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  • jbud1980
    It's not my favorite word I've found playing 4X4, but due to it being October and the month of Halloween, this is my favorite word I found for the month. Muah ha ha (vampire laugh).

    Best word: BLOODSUCKERS (15 pts.) New record!
    Longest word: BLOODSUCKERS (12 letters) New record!

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  • crazykate
    Not a particularly high-scoring words, but it was satisfying to play THEORBO. In my opinion, one of the best musical instruments ever invented, if a tad impractical. (If you've never seen it heard one, try searching for it on YouTube.)

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  • DrPlacebo

    I'm reminded of some lyrics:

    "I come from a land down under
    Where beer does flow and men chunder
    Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder?
    You better run, you better take cover, yeah"

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  • randlan
    I found GOATSE tonight. It doesn't show up in the site dictionary, so you'll just have to google it

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  • randlan
    I found COPROPHILIAC last month, which is just hilarious, and tonight found my first 16-letter word – HYPERSENSITIVITY – on a 4x4 board.​

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  • crazykate
    Originally posted by bwt1213 View Post
    I read about 15 pages from LOTR when I was in college. Someone handed me a copy and told me I liked SF and Fantasy, so I'd like it. I gave it back the next day. I don't often hate books that much and I can't even tell you why it was so distasteful ( 50 years gone, besides) but it was unreadable. I've read some pretty bad books cover to cover, but there was something about this particular book that got to me. It wasn't that it was badly written, it was something else undefinable. I think we all have books like that -- some inner censor says "nope!" and you can't read it. Narnia was another such. A Wrinkle In Time. I've read reviews of them all and they're pretty innocent stuff, all of them. And yet --

    So I think I will miss all the Tolkien references.
    Oooh I don't think I've ever met someone who's passionate about words but passionately hates Tolkien. I've met people with aphantasia who hate Tolkien, which is understandable, considering all the lengthy descriptions, but usually word nerds are drawn in by Tolkien's use of language. Interesting.
    I don't think "mathom" or other fantasy words pop up often enough for it to hamper your gameplay, so I think you're good.
    I have stumbled across some of Lewis Carroll's word creations before, though.

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  • bwt1213
    I read about 15 pages from LOTR when I was in college. Someone handed me a copy and told me I liked SF and Fantasy, so I'd like it. I gave it back the next day. I don't often hate books that much and I can't even tell you why it was so distasteful ( 50 years gone, besides) but it was unreadable. I've read some pretty bad books cover to cover, but there was something about this particular book that got to me. It wasn't that it was badly written, it was something else undefinable. I think we all have books like that -- some inner censor says "nope!" and you can't read it. Narnia was another such. A Wrinkle In Time. I've read reviews of them all and they're pretty innocent stuff, all of them. And yet --

    So I think I will miss all the Tolkien references.

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  • crazykate
    I just played the word MATHOM and it was accepted! I wasn't expecting that. Clicked on the definition, and it's exactly what I thought - a word that Tolkien invented for the Lord of the Rings, that somehow made it into the dictionary. I love it.

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  • bwt1213
    The Oxford English Dictionary (unabridged, three very heavy volumes) was the dictionary my family used to play Scrabble. The rule was that any word in the dictionary you used, no matter how obscure, was allowed -- but you had to define it correctly or you took the word back and lost your turn. And no, you weren't told the definition until the word couldn't be played anywhere. I hate SOWPODS, because it's an amendment to the original rules; and the one I quoted was actually in the game rules at the time. It was NEVER intended that the words in the non-existent standard dictionary were the only words you could use, and it was also stated that all standard derivations of dictionary words were also allowed even if they weren't in the dictionary. And our dictionary was so large that it was basically impossible to memorize. GOOD!

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  • crazykate
    So back before I played games on the internet, I'd play Boggle with my mum, with a 3-volume edition of Webster's dictionary for reference whenever we played a word that looked like it might mean something, but we didn't know what.
    I still remember some of the words I learned that way. It's especially gratifying when a word I've never been able to use in a conversation pops up here on Wordtwist.
    I just found MULCT and MULCTING.

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  • 2cute
    Originally posted by lalatan View Post
    Although I never saw or heard this word before I found it, it has since become 1 of my favorite WordTwist finds. When I first saw it, I thought, "No, that couldn't be, could it?" It could. TOPSYTURVIFICATION (34/18) After I submitted the game, I clicked the link. It was so confused by the word that it suggested maybe I was looking for toponarcosis. lol
    I didn't realize TopsyTurvy was a real word, I thought it was just a slang to represent things messed up.

    That's cool that it accepted it. Congrats!

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  • Naboka
    Originally posted by lalatan View Post
    Although I never saw or heard this word before I found it, it has since become 1 of my favorite WordTwist finds. When I first saw it, I thought, "No, that couldn't be, could it?" It could. TOPSYTURVIFICATION (34/18) After I submitted the game, I clicked the link. It was so confused by the word that it suggested maybe I was looking for toponarcosis. lol
    Crazy, funny word.

    Sort of a self-implicating word.

    Pretty sure that if I had an hour I wouldn't have found it. Somewhat glad it's in the 5x5's because I'd have felt guilty finding it now.


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  • lalatan
    Although I never saw or heard this word before I found it, it has since become 1 of my favorite WordTwist finds. When I first saw it, I thought, "No, that couldn't be, could it?" It could. TOPSYTURVIFICATION (34/18) After I submitted the game, I clicked the link. It was so confused by the word that it suggested maybe I was looking for toponarcosis. lol

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  • lalatan
    Originally posted by Naboka View Post


    Hate to bother him. It is what it is.

    And it's likely a failure in spelling or typing skills.

    Since I don't have your long-word skills, was curious if you've noticed an incongruity between number of long words available and actual long/high point words that actually are long/high point words to aspire for.

    Just played a game with dozens (40 plus) of "ultra rare" 7+ letter words, where the best find was 8 letters/12 points. Thought that would be easy to exceed-- with that many opportunities.

    Finally just dumped it cause I got distracted/obsessed with WhereTF is a better word--and would never make up the lost time. Found several 8/12's, but...
    After the dictionary upgrade, I wrote something about a similar situation on 1 of Stephen's threads. He rectified the problem I pointed out and also about a dozen others (I think. It's what I recall.) I was unaware of.

    Yes, since the new games release I have a new paradigm about which games to take on. A plethora of ultra-rare words is no guarantee of a long word worth keeping. If I start a game, I give it a quick look over. If I don't see any word fragments that may lead to a quality long word, I dump the game. Of course, having analyzed tens of thousands of games has enabled me to have that ability. Even if there are some promising word fragments and I don't find anything fairly soon (roughly in the first minute), I also dump the game. I may make mistakes sometimes but overall I trust my training. When the new games first came out, like you I tried finding something worthwhile for some time and often wound up with a low scoring word with lots of letters.

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  • bwt1213
    I found it. Took me two minutes, easily. In retrospect, I should have found it much more quickly. I agree; if that singular is acceptable, the plural really has to be.

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