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Favourite words found

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  • Naboka
    Originally posted by lalatan View Post
    Just send Stephen an e-mail about the missing plural and he'll probably fix it or tell you why it's not valid.

    Hate to bother him. It is what it is.

    And it's likely a failure in spelling or typing skills.

    Not to mention, what would the world be without something to complain about?

    Since I don't have your long-word skills, was curious if you've noticed an incongruity between number of long words available and actual long/high point words that actually are long/high point words to aspire for.

    Just played a game with dozens (40 plus) of "ultra rare" 7+ letter words, where the best find was 8 letters/12 points. Thought that would be easy to exceed-- with that many opportunities.

    Finally just dumped it cause I got distracted/obsessed with WhereTF is a better word--and would never make up the lost time. Found several 8/12's, but...

    While there are other games where there's a 16/30 ish with nothing else of note.

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  • lalatan
    Originally posted by Naboka View Post

    Found a 16 letter word on this board. Not accepted, while the 14/26 point version was.

    Thought plurality had become an added feature to this grand journey.
    Just send Stephen an e-mail about the missing plural and he'll probably fix it or tell you why it's not valid.

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  • crazykate
    Originally posted by lalatan View Post
    20 seconds for a 16 letter word.
    I didn't time myself and was probably slower, but I did find it. Curious that the plural wasn't accepted.

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  • lalatan
    Originally posted by Naboka View Post

    (wonder how many seconds it will take lalatan and the other long-worders since it's flashing all the usual signals they use)
    20 seconds for a 16 letter word. I scrolled down slowly to read your text so didn't see the board until I was ready to go.
    Last edited by lalatan; 01-28-2023, 02:50 PM.

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  • Naboka

    Found a 16 letter word on this board. Not accepted, while the 14/26 point version was.

    Thought plurality had become an added feature to this grand journey.

    Tried it twice. Very careful the second time--which reeeeeallllllly messed up total points and number of words, but...

    For those who can see it, please don't give it away.

    (wonder how many seconds it will take lalatan and the other long-worders since it's flashing all the usual signals they use)

    Or is simply a perception error on the author's part?

    Screen Shot 2023-01-28 at 12.36.23 PM.png

    As an added note: ese and eens are both now accepted and worth 6 points each. Don't remember them as being such before the Great Enlightenment, but... senility and all.

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  • lalatan
    That's pretty cool, kate. It seems the mythical "air guitar" (so to speak) untold millions have played over the decades has been built. Congrats on taking musical therapy. Like art therapy, I think it's a good tool to help people open up.

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  • crazykate
    Originally posted by 2cute View Post

    That is cool. How does she play midi without touching it?

    That's how a theremin works, the distance between the hand and the upright pole controls pitch, and the distance between the other hand and the loop controls the volume.
    It sounds like halfway between a violin and the human voice, so sometimes you don't realise what you're hearing.
    I believe it's part of the Star Trek theme as well.
    And have a look at this:

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  • 2cute
    Originally posted by crazykate View Post

    I was thinking of this, actually...
    That is cool. How does she play midi without touching it?

    I was thinking Wizard of Oz because of the Ooo-ee-oooo ... you know when the Dorothy is locked into the witches castle, that's the music that plays ...

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  • crazykate
    Originally posted by 2cute View Post

    Wizard of Oz?
    I was thinking of this, actually...

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  • 2cute
    Originally posted by crazykate View Post
    Not a particularly high-scoring word, but I was glad to be the first to find a THEREMIN on a recent board.

    Ooo-eee-oooooo Eee-oo-eeeeeee... (Guess the theme tune!)
    Wizard of Oz?

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  • crazykate
    Not a particularly high-scoring word, but I was glad to be the first to find a THEREMIN on a recent board.

    Ooo-eee-oooooo Eee-oo-eeeeeee... (Guess the theme tune!)

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  • DrPlacebo
    LEMONIZING and LEMONIZE, where were shots in the dark that panned out.

    As per online dictionaries, "lemonize" = "to add or apply lemon to"...

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  • lalatan
    Not really a favorite word, just one a looooooong time coming. I finally played THALASSOGRAPHERS yesterday. crazykate found it 5-6 years ago. I made a point of memorizing it and have waited ever since then. Now I can erect a tombstone of remembrance here and be done with it. Still waiting since I started playing for AMELIORATIONS or some variant like OVERAMELIORATIONS to make it worth keeping. But, no rush, lots of others to find in the meantime.

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  • DrPlacebo
    COURANTE. I think I should listen to some Bach now.

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  • Naboka
    With the influx of new boards comes new words to enjoy.

    Have tried to play hedon before. It's a theoretical measure of pleasure. Not sure how many hedons this find provides, but certainly enough to light a smile visible from the other side of the mountain.

    Also new( I'm pretty sure) is irideous, . We have hundreds of iris along the pathways and ponds. One of our favorite.

    Screen Shot 2022-11-30 at 10.31.21 PM.png

    Screen Shot 2022-11-30 at 10.35.28 PM.png


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