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Favourite words found

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  • Razorflame
    A classic long word....finally found it. QUINQUAGINTACENTILLIONTHS
    Last edited by Razorflame; 11-20-2022, 05:05 AM.

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  • DrPlacebo
    SOCCERING is a word, which seems like an appropriate discovery on the eve of the World Cup. (And I've done a lot of it myself -- former college soccer player, and continued playing in amateur leagues for more than a decade afterward.)

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  • admin
    That's great to hear - thanks bwt213!

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  • bwt1213
    Originally posted by bwt1213 View Post

    Chrome/Windows 10. Main game board, not the legacy one. The problem is that the issue is intermittent. For me, it seems to have been happening every three or four games. I haven't seen the problem on the Linux Mint machine running FireFox, but I don't like the keyboard as much on that machine and don't play as often there. I will let you know if the problem goes away, but it will take some time to be relatively sure that it has.
    The problem with the entry window losing focus seems to have been fixed, at least on this machine. I've played at least 30 games and the problem has not recurred. If I see it again, I will let you know. But it seems fixed. Thanks!

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  • kittencaboodle
    Originally posted by admin View Post
    Hi kittencaboodle - can you email me a screenshot the next time you see this happen? I just tried to replicate this on my (admittedly extremely outdated) MacBook Air / Safari and neither time did the board rearrange itself after a very long word was played. So seeing it in action via screenshot will be a big help toward tracking down the source of the problem. Thank you!
    It's not a very frequent occurrence but I'll try and remember if and when there's a next time. Thank you!

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  • admin
    Hi kittencaboodle - can you email me a screenshot the next time you see this happen? I just tried to replicate this on my (admittedly extremely outdated) MacBook Air / Safari and neither time did the board rearrange itself after a very long word was played. So seeing it in action via screenshot will be a big help toward tracking down the source of the problem. Thank you!

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  • kittencaboodle
    Originally posted by admin View Post
    What browser/operating system are you using when the text-entry field loses focus? And are you using the main game board or the legacy, Version 1.0 game board? Thank you!

    EDIT: I still can't replicate this issue here, but I've added a quick line of code that may fix it for those who are experiencing it. Please let me know if there is any improvement after around 10:15am Eastern this morning (Sunday).
    Hi Admin, Just to report that the issue reported previously with the board rearranging itself after adding a very high (20+?) letter word hasn't gone away. Using Safari 15.1 on Mac 11.6.1. Thanks kindly for looking into this!

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  • Razorflame
    Originally posted by bwt1213 View Post

    Chrome/Windows 10. Main game board, not the legacy one. The problem is that the issue is intermittent. For me, it seems to have been happening every three or four games. I haven't seen the problem on the Linux Mint machine running FireFox, but I don't like the keyboard as much on that machine and don't play as often there. I will let you know if the problem goes away, but it will take some time to be relatively sure that it has.
    I've had this happen when certain adverts load, and I definitely know what you are talking about as I experienced this as well, UNTIL I got Premium, and then the issue went away, which is why it makes me feel as though it has to do with the adverts.

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  • bwt1213
    Originally posted by admin View Post
    What browser/operating system are you using when the text-entry field loses focus? And are you using the main game board or the legacy, Version 1.0 game board? Thank you!

    EDIT: I still can't replicate this issue here, but I've added a quick line of code that may fix it for those who are experiencing it. Please let me know if there is any improvement after around 10:15am Eastern this morning (Sunday).
    Chrome/Windows 10. Main game board, not the legacy one. The problem is that the issue is intermittent. For me, it seems to have been happening every three or four games. I haven't seen the problem on the Linux Mint machine running FireFox, but I don't like the keyboard as much on that machine and don't play as often there. I will let you know if the problem goes away, but it will take some time to be relatively sure that it has.

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  • admin
    What browser/operating system are you using when the text-entry field loses focus? And are you using the main game board or the legacy, Version 1.0 game board? Thank you!

    EDIT: I still can't replicate this issue here, but I've added a quick line of code that may fix it for those who are experiencing it. Please let me know if there is any improvement after around 10:15am Eastern this morning (Sunday).

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  • Railroader66
    bwt sorry its happening to you too but it does make me feel better somehow...i wonder if the administrator has any suggestions???

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  • bwt1213
    Originally posted by Railroader66 View Post
    Hi there! When I'm typing there are times when the typing is interrupted and no longer happening. I have to re-click on the typing space to start up again. I replaced my keyboard thinking that might solve the problem but it did not. Does this happen to anyone else and is there a way to avoid it from happening? I get really frustrated. Thanks ahead of time for your input.
    Yes. Happens to me all the time -- but, oddly, only when I'm playing this game. I thought I was doing it by clumsily striking a wrong key.

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  • Railroader66
    Hi there! When I'm typing there are times when the typing is interrupted and no longer happening. I have to re-click on the typing space to start up again. I replaced my keyboard thinking that might solve the problem but it did not. Does this happen to anyone else and is there a way to avoid it from happening? I get really frustrated. Thanks ahead of time for your input.

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  • kittencaboodle
    Once I've played a board I'll sometimes run it through a solver to see what long words I've missed. Lately what's been coming up are ever more obscure bits of medical and scientific equipment! I mean I guess if you play around with the elements you might hit on them. I used to be quite good at some of the more science-y words but, really, these will be words known only to a tiny handful of specialists. Good luck everyone!

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  • crazykate
    I just found the word PERIPATETICISM (20 pts.) on a board that hat been played 16 times, and the best/longest word records stuck at 12 points/7 letters.
    I credit Calvin and Hobbes for my knowledge of this word. The only time I've ever come across the word "peripatetic" was in a Calvin and Hobbes comic where Calvin asks, quite out of the blue, "what if someone calls us 'a pair of pathetic peripatetics?'"
    I had to look it up, never used it since.

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