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Favourite words found

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  • #16
    I didn't really have a choice. I started with DAMMER, stared a little bit, and saw that it was preceded by a GOTTER. That rang a bell, and I saw that if I put those together, I could add the -UNG. There was an S after that. I didn't have much faith in it, but I typed it. Anyway, I've gotten "better" words this month, but nothing that's amazed me so much.


    • #17
      I think my current favorite word that I have seen found (I have not found it) was found by Spike as QUATTUORDECILLIONTHS? Pretty interesting


      • #18
        I found that again, but it was on a board where I'm pretty sure that lalatan had already found it. I'm trying to take only new words this month, but there, I couldn't help myself. I liked it so much that I took it.
        Last edited by Spike1007; 03-30-2019, 12:18 PM.


        • #19
          Today I found LYSOGENIZATIONS. Wasn't sure that was a real word until it got accepted.


          • #20
            Spike, I've played that word for records a few times over the last year. DrP blazed the trail for me with that one. There'd be about a quattuordecillionth of a chance of me ever coming up with that one on my own. I usually misspelled the prefix once or twice before I got it right. But now I finally have it straight in my head by pronouncing it phonetically.

            The first time I saw it I looked up QUATTUORDECILLION: 1. a cardinal number represented in the U.S. by 1 followed by 45 zeros, and in Great Britain by 1 followed by 84 zeros. adj. 2. amounting to one quattuordecillion in number. Quite a disparity in value between the UK and US! Thank God for scientific notation.

            Nice find, kate!
            Last edited by lalatan; 03-30-2019, 12:40 PM.


            • #21
              kate, LYSOGENIZATIONS is a great word. I can imagine finding -GENIZATIONS, and then trying to tack something onto the front of it. Whether LYSO- would occur to me, I have no idea. (I don't know the word, but that's where you go for whatever you can find.)

              I forget who here introduced me to the QUATTUOR- prefix & what word it was part of. Whoever you are, thanks!

              By the way, one of my all-time favorite words here was TRISKAIDEKAPHOBIA (fear of the number 13). I've only run across that twice. The first time, I was sure it was there, but didn't remember how it was spelled & just couldn't put it together. I looked it up, and was ready (more or less) for the next time. I got it then, but haven't seen it since.
              Last edited by Spike1007; 03-30-2019, 01:36 PM.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Spike1007 View Post
                kate, LYSOGENIZATIONS is a great word. I can imagine finding -GENIZATIONS, and then trying to tack something onto the front of it. Whether LYSO- would occur to me, I have no idea. (I don't know the word, but that's where you go for whatever you can find.)
                That's exactly what happened, spike!
                ​​​​​​I think "oxygenization" wasn't quite there and I tried different combinations until I landed on LYSO-.

                Triskaidekaphobia is a great word! I'm not sure I'd have recognized it on a board, but you never know.


                • #23
                  kate, This sounds fair. The next time I see LYSOGENIZATIONS, I'll get it (maybe) and you'll get TRISKAIDEKAPHOBIA. Let me know...


                  • #24
                    BOURGEOISIFICATION. I actually saw BOURG- and -IFICATION and guessed at the rest. (Also guessed BOURGEOIS from seeing only part of the word.)

                    Pretty sure I've gotten points for BOUGIE before, but it wasn't on this board.


                    • #25
                      Nice find DrP! I was pretty sure I played that about 2 weeks ago so I searched my word finds folder. it was actually last Oct 25! (Time and words fly when you're having fun, I guess. ) What I found 2 weeks ago was actually a related topic: PROLETARIANNESSES.
                      Last edited by lalatan; 04-02-2019, 01:07 PM.


                      • #26
                        DENUCLEARISATIONS and GRAMMATICALIZATIONS were both found by me. DENUCLEARISATIONS was fun to find, and I haven't had GRAAMATICALIZATIONS before, so I decided to keep that and will keep that as my word for the month, unless I find a board with a 40+ point word I haven't found yet.


                        • #27
                          It's not as impressive as the great words appearing in this thread, but my new favorite word is SILLILY which I found yesterday :-D


                          • #28
                            I would not have found QUATERNIONS (high scoring word record on the board) if not for Academic Decathlon in the late 1990s...


                            • #29
                              Good find DrP! I saw or heard the word somewhere but never played it.

                              In the past we briefly talked about PAINTERLINESSES. I recently found it again as well as some other -linesses words: CURMUDGEONLINESSES, SLUGGARDLINESSES and HOUSEWIFELINESSES. I've always liked the first 2. Down the road from here a neighbor has a faded sign posted at the entrance to his driveway which reads "BUGGER OFF" (all caps). I always thought he is the epitome of curmudgeonliness. At least everyone knows where they stand with him. lol

                              kate: when I saw your post at the top of the thread about warmongering it reminded me that I played FASHIONMONGERING. Until I played it I had been blissfully unaware you could "monger" fashion. I've always like the word fishmongering but haven't seen it on a board yet.


                              • #30
                                FEDEX and FEDEXES count! I guess it's been genericized by now...

                                (I also broke the longest/best words records on the same board with DEDIFFERENTIATES, which is a nice find, but not nearly as interesting as FEDEXES.)

