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Favourite words found

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  • DrPlacebo
    I love when I find something from my neuroscience background. Today, it was ANTICHOLINERGICS.

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  • DrPlacebo
    A topical word for 2022: IRREDENTIST.

    Also, I was a little surprised to find that REBOP (an older name for bebop) counts.

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  • Naboka
    A couple of good words that have popped up on back to back days. Neuk and neuks, meaning a corner or nook.

    Adds to kue and kues, meaning the letter Q. Flipped to euk and euks, meaning an itch or restless desire or any skin disorder characterized by intense itching. Each worth 7 points.

    That's 44 points for 2-6 seconds of typing. (depending on one's speed)

    Screen Shot 2022-07-18 at 9.41.50 AM.png

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  • leabhar
    I like words like gnat and gnus. No scoring words, I just like them.

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  • 2cute
    Originally posted by crazykate View Post
    I have a new favourite word: QUILLOW (worth 16 points, 18 for the plural).
    "A quilt with an attached pocket into which the whole blanket can be folded, thus making a pillow."
    I love it, I want one!
    Great find & yes, sounds like a great blanket!

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  • crazykate
    I have a new favourite word: QUILLOW (worth 16 points, 18 for the plural).
    "A quilt with an attached pocket into which the whole blanket can be folded, thus making a pillow."
    I love it, I want one!

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  • DrPlacebo
    One I remember from p-chem: ADIABATIC.

    (Which was good for a longest word record on the board, but probably wasn't the longest word on that board.)

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  • Naboka
    I've yet to find Rutherfordium, but will settle for kurchatovium any day. (just love those k's)

    Adding an "s" was a bit unexpected. (Who in a lab ever pluralizes single elements?)


    Why not gamble?

    This game has so many unexpectednesses.

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    Last edited by Naboka; 05-14-2022, 01:18 PM.

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  • Naboka
    Here's a fun one: detraque, detraques, meaning someone who is dangerously deranged.

    Certainly, that's a word that most of us could find use for every day. Whether accurate or exaggerated.

    Screen Shot 2022-05-12 at 5.08.23 PM.png

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  • 2cute
    Originally posted by bwt1213 View Post
    First symptom of Covid for me: intensification of sense of taste. Things that were moderately salty became intensely salty. Items that had just a little pepper in them were almost unbearably intense. I could barely stand to eat anything because the tastes were so strong. I had loved to put salt and hot pepper flakes on everything, but suddenly I couldn't bear to add spice to anything at all.. Even milk tasted like someone had added brown sugar to it. The dietary part of it was minor, because the trouble breathing and the need for supplementary oxygen got in the way. Good thing I had the nebulizer and two different ways to increase lung function besides the supplementary oxygen at home, or I'd have been hospitalized. It's more than three weeks on and I'm still nowhere near 100%. Yeah, my O2 readings are often 95%, but if I sit up and take a step they're back to 86 or so. This is going to take a while.
    Wow, I hadn't heard of that symptom. Mostly I'd heard of the opposite (no taste no smell). Sorry its hard for you!

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  • Naboka
    Originally posted by bwt1213 View Post
    First symptom of Covid for me: intensification of sense of taste. Things that were moderately salty became intensely salty. Items that had just a little pepper in them were almost unbearably intense. I could barely stand to eat anything because the tastes were so strong. I had loved to put salt and hot pepper flakes on everything, but suddenly I couldn't bear to add spice to anything at all.. Even milk tasted like someone had added brown sugar to it. The dietary part of it was minor, because the trouble breathing and the need for supplementary oxygen got in the way. Good thing I had the nebulizer and two different ways to increase lung function besides the supplementary oxygen at home, or I'd have been hospitalized. It's more than three weeks on and I'm still nowhere near 100%. Yeah, my O2 readings are often 95%, but if I sit up and take a step they're back to 86 or so. This is going to take a while.
    Glad to hear you're recovering. Was worried about you. Known a few people who didn't make it.

    What a weird virus. Such a wide range of strange repercussions. Read an article where some guys are suffering ED after having it.

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  • bwt1213
    First symptom of Covid for me: intensification of sense of taste. Things that were moderately salty became intensely salty. Items that had just a little pepper in them were almost unbearably intense. I could barely stand to eat anything because the tastes were so strong. I had loved to put salt and hot pepper flakes on everything, but suddenly I couldn't bear to add spice to anything at all.. Even milk tasted like someone had added brown sugar to it. The dietary part of it was minor, because the trouble breathing and the need for supplementary oxygen got in the way. Good thing I had the nebulizer and two different ways to increase lung function besides the supplementary oxygen at home, or I'd have been hospitalized. It's more than three weeks on and I'm still nowhere near 100%. Yeah, my O2 readings are often 95%, but if I sit up and take a step they're back to 86 or so. This is going to take a while.

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  • Naboka
    For those interested in COVID symptoms: ageusia, which is loss of sense of taste.

    Exactly why you lose 3 points for adding an s?


    Seems like the plural would be even more rare or less used. Heard doctors say, "ageusia," but never "ageusias."


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  • FelixTheCat
    My favourite words are not particularly high-scoring, just amusing: NUDER (how can you be nuder than nude?) and UTERI (like, unless you were a gynecologist or something, where would you ever use that word in ordinary conversation?)

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  • lalatan
    Originally posted by fert View Post
    I just found DREAMLESSNESSES -The state or condition of being dreamless; lack of dreams. My new best word (really exciting)!
    That's a pretty good find, fert. Congrats!
    Your excitement and enthusiasm made me recall how I felt when I first started finding long words. Now my excitement has changed to satisfaction when I get on a roll or find a new high-scoring word. But I still enjoy playing the game; I'm surprised I haven't tired of it yet...
    Enjoy the word hunt, fert!

    Naboka, you're coming up with some remarkable words. I wonder if you now have the best vocabulary. Also, it's one thing to have a good vocabulary but recalling all of it while playing a game is another. Impressive.

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