Conversely, I learned a long and odd word last week: QUERIMONIOUSNESSES. I first saw -nesses, then -monious- so I assumed the word would be CEREMONIOUSNESSES. But it wasn't there and I saw queri-. My internal voice said, "I'm pretty sure that's a word." Then I replied, "Don't be silly. You've never heard or seen that anywhere." (I suspect speed players miss out on these mental arguments.) So I spent a minute looking for an alternative word and none was to be found. I typed in the word and it was accepted for 38 pts/2 records. The correct part of my mind told the other, "See, I was right!" (I'm pretty sure I'm not schizo, btw) So apparently somewhere, sometime I saw or heard the word and for some strange reason I recalled it. That type of thing irks me at times. I wish my memory resources could be used for different activities, like remembering why I went into a room after sometimes forgetting.
But I suppose it's a case of mea culpa; for 5 years I've been jamming copious amounts of long words into my memory through gameplay and word studies.
The word is obsolete and means: prone to complaint
currerbell, I abandoned playing for 4x4 records after 3 days. The routing of boards seems to have changed and there weren't enough opportunities to continue. Or other players filled in the previous holes of missing high-scoring words. Since Feb there has been an explosion of players who get high-scoring words on the best words played lists for both 4x4 and 5x5. Everyone and their dog seems to have a newfound ability to see them at least once a month. (I may be exaggerating; I didn't see maxthebordercollie anywhere near the top of the list.)
Edit: it's interesting (somewhat intended pun) I played the same board you posted as a new game today.

The word is obsolete and means: prone to complaint
currerbell, I abandoned playing for 4x4 records after 3 days. The routing of boards seems to have changed and there weren't enough opportunities to continue. Or other players filled in the previous holes of missing high-scoring words. Since Feb there has been an explosion of players who get high-scoring words on the best words played lists for both 4x4 and 5x5. Everyone and their dog seems to have a newfound ability to see them at least once a month. (I may be exaggerating; I didn't see maxthebordercollie anywhere near the top of the list.)
Edit: it's interesting (somewhat intended pun) I played the same board you posted as a new game today.