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Achievements and Accomplishments Thread

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  • Naboka
    Originally posted by BoggleOtaku View Post
    Maybe Usonia/Usonian is a proper noun/adjective.
    That seems like a valid point. Some words seem to be accepted even though they're apparently proper nouns. All I can do at this point is shrug.
    Last edited by Naboka; 04-04-2022, 03:21 PM.

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  • BoggleOtaku
    Maybe Usonia/Usonian is a proper noun/adjective.

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  • Naboka
    Originally posted by jbud1980 View Post

    Wow, congrats on so many 600+ scores this month. I think I only have about 4-8 this month, though I don't keep track. That's an interesting theory about retiring boards after a score of 600 is obtained. I never thought about that, but it seems plausible. Do you think the board in which I scored 699 and earned the highest score/most words was retired even though it had only been played a couple of times?

    The WordTwist mystery thickens...

    Probably not retired. Just pulled for recycling. I don't think it's immediate though.

    I've run across a couple of 600's that I'd played within a day or two. Have no idea how long it takes to be flagged and pulled--if that is, in fact, what occurs. Also, ran across an exact 600 score today from someone else and have no idea how long it's been sitting there.

    think admin should leave the boards up for a week or so, at least, so the person can have a little victory parade. They aren't like to be found by the head hunters for a while with so many thousands of games to sort through.

    I've blown a couple of 600 opportunites in the last few days by trying to play words that I know exist, but aren't accepted. When you have to retrype a long word several times, you're fryed. Didn't accept usonian (not an especially long word) for some reason. Tried usonia with nothing. Grrr. Anyone who's studied Frank Lloyd Wright usually knows that word.

    Though I did manage to throw in teratogeneses on a board that topped 600. Or maybe not. I was more thrilled with the word than the score.

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  • jbud1980
    Originally posted by Naboka View Post

    jbud, always a thrill to top a board that's been played 30 plus times. Especially when the puzzle stats are salted with good players.

    The 800 club's impressive.

    I think btw1213 floated the idea that games were retired after 600.

    Seems like a workable explanation as to why we almost never see games that high. And there's a bunch so they should be more common.

    If you look at the average high scores, three players are over 700, which they pretty much do every single month. Granted they normally play fewer than a hundred games. But Megaword is averaging over 600 having played more than 600 games. Then you have probably a dozen players capable of putting up 600's each month somewhere along the way. I've done 61 games over that this month all by myself. (tally board.)

    So, what other explanation is there for all the disappearing games over 600?

    And the influx of so many new games. Lots of new games coming from somewhere. And since new games depend on old words, the long old words are numerously scarce. Seems that retiring and restoring games would make things easier on admin to keep the games fresh.

    I just don't know. And am curious as to the exact standards used to retire games.
    Wow, congrats on so many 600+ scores this month. I think I only have about 4-8 this month, though I don't keep track. That's an interesting theory about retiring boards after a score of 600 is obtained. I never thought about that, but it seems plausible. Do you think the board in which I scored 699 and earned the highest score/most words was retired even though it had only been played a couple of times?

    The WordTwist mystery thickens...

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  • Spike1007
    Before the dictionary was expanded, boards were retired after 50 plays, although I'm not sure how often they'd check that. I saw some boards make it up to 53 plays before disappearing. I'm also pretty sure I read about the 600 point rule, but that was before the server migration when all old forum posts were lost. No idea any more whether that was from Stephen or just a reasonable deduction from observations. It seems pretty clear that 40 is the new 50, but from what others have said, it looks like the 600 point thing is still in place.

    Like Naboka & others, I've been curious about the criteria used for board recycling (like is there one connected to having the best words on a board found?) Some boards obviously are recycled, while I think some are retired (at least for a while). A few years ago, there seemed to be a lot of -QUAVER words (like SEMIDEMISEMIQUAVERS), but I've probably only seen one in the last couple of years.

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  • Naboka
    Originally posted by jbud1980 View Post

    LOL, I don't think the 600 boards get retired, I'm just not as good as the upper echelon, which includes you. However, since you mentioned it, when do grids get retired? Today I bested the high score of a previous player and the board had been played 39 times. I can't say I've seen grids played 40+ times.

    No, it wasn't excruciating to miss the 700 club by one point, as I'm part of the 800 club playing 5X5 grids. I play for fun and if anything i was proud of besting my highest score.

    As always, happy playing.
    jbud, always a thrill to top a board that's been played 30 plus times. Especially when the puzzle stats are salted with good players.

    The 800 club's impressive.

    I think btw1213 floated the idea that games were retired after 600.

    Seems like a workable explanation as to why we almost never see games that high. And there's a bunch so they should be more common.

    If you look at the average high scores, three players are over 700, which they pretty much do every single month. Granted they normally play fewer than a hundred games. But Megaword is averaging over 600 having played more than 600 games. Then you have probably a dozen players capable of putting up 600's each month somewhere along the way. I've done 61 games over that this month all by myself. (tally board.)

    So, what other explanation is there for all the disappearing games over 600?

    And the influx of so many new games. Lots of new games coming from somewhere. And since new games depend on old words, the long old words are numerously scarce. Seems that retiring and restoring games would make things easier on admin to keep the games fresh.

    I just don't know. And am curious as to the exact standards used to retire games.

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  • mclag
    I just saw a game in which gpt4 got 87 of 87 possible words. Hopefully the administrator will take care of this?

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  • jbud1980
    Originally posted by Naboka View Post

    congrats on the record. They just keep going up, don't they. See a lot of boars where you have 500's. Guess the 600's get retired.

    One more point. That must have been excrutiating to miss 700 by a single point.

    On the plus side, it's better than before.

    I probably owe some of my success to your faith. You kept suggesting, and I kept denying. Then...why not give it an honest shot and stop being lazy, me said to self.
    LOL, I don't think the 600 boards get retired, I'm just not as good as the upper echelon, which includes you. However, since you mentioned it, when do grids get retired? Today I bested the high score of a previous player and the board had been played 39 times. I can't say I've seen grids played 40+ times.

    No, it wasn't excruciating to miss the 700 club by one point, as I'm part of the 800 club playing 5X5 grids. I play for fun and if anything i was proud of besting my highest score.

    As always, happy playing.

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  • Naboka
    Originally posted by jbud1980 View Post

    Very impressive, and congratulations, Naboka! I always knew you were destined to become a big fish.

    I bested my previous high score playing 4X4, and just barely missed being a member of the 700 club (699). I also bested my longest word/highest word score playing 5X5 (REINSTITUTIONALIZATIONS) 23 letters, 47 points. Of course the word had already been found, but the icing on the cake was getting the high score on that grid, and besting a 5X5 big fish.

    As always, happy playing.
    congrats on the record. They just keep going up, don't they. See a lot of boars where you have 500's. Guess the 600's get retired.

    One more point. That must have been excrutiating to miss 700 by a single point.

    On the plus side, it's better than before.

    I probably owe some of my success to your faith. You kept suggesting, and I kept denying. Then...why not give it an honest shot and stop being lazy, me said to self.

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  • jbud1980
    Originally posted by Naboka View Post

    A streak resulting from the unintended consequence of obsessively analyzing systems and trying to figure out how to improve performance.

    All streaks must end. The wife informed me that she's not getting a share of the gold, and the husband has far too many things to do to be wasting his time with computer games.
    Very impressive, and congratulations, Naboka! I always knew you were destined to become a big fish.

    I bested my previous high score playing 4X4, and just barely missed being a member of the 700 club (699). I also bested my longest word/highest word score playing 5X5 (REINSTITUTIONALIZATIONS) 23 letters, 47 points. Of course the word had already been found, but the icing on the cake was getting the high score on that grid, and besting a 5X5 big fish.

    As always, happy playing.

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  • Naboka
    Originally posted by dannyb View Post

    Don't worry that gold us safe. You are on a nice little streak.
    A streak resulting from the unintended consequence of obsessively analyzing systems and trying to figure out how to improve performance.

    All streaks must end. The wife informed me that she's not getting a share of the gold, and the husband has far too many things to do to be wasting his time with computer games.

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  • dannyb
    Originally posted by Naboka View Post

    Ps: I'm just tapping through games to find ones where I have the record to see if I can beat them. So I'm playing very few games--just 4 this morning so far. Now would be the time to turn on the jets if you're wanting the gold.

    Don't worry that gold us safe. You are on a nice little streak.

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  • Naboka
    Originally posted by dannyb View Post
    Naboka, as I have said before, you have moved up another level. Congratulations on an impressive morning.

    This morning I have had some very good openings with my initial look at the board. Scored 387 and 353 points before taking a second glimpse at the board. I was close to 300 points on four other occasions. I should learn how to type!
    Wow! It took me a second read to really grasp what you're saying. That's some impressive memory.

    Your method was one of the inspirations for the hybrid approach I've developed. Unable to read quickly made memorizing numerous overlapping anagrams necessary. So looking at the board constantly wasn't necessary.

    Yeah, learning to type helps. But later in life, it's not as easy as it was. The fine motor skills seem more elusive. My typing has improved a lot, but it's still inconsistent. I'll get in a rush and the trashcans start rattling down the alley.

    Seems to come in phases of competence and incompetence. One day typing is sooooo easy, then the next the fingers won't cooperate at all. And the brain is wondering "where is the 'b' key again?"

    Ps: I'm just tapping through games to find ones where I have the record to see if I can beat them. So I'm playing very few games--just 4 this morning so far. Now would be the time to turn on the jets if you're wanting the gold.
    Last edited by Naboka; 03-28-2022, 10:33 AM.

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  • dannyb
    Naboka, as I have said before, you have moved up another level. Congratulations on an impressive morning.

    This morning I have had some very good openings with my initial look at the board. Scored 387 and 353 points before taking a second glimpse at the board. I was close to 300 points on four other occasions. I should learn how to type!

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  • BoggleOtaku
    Lalatan, thanks for your reply.

    I had been interested in how many records you may lose, so thank you for sharing that number. That's a good way to put it--I probably lose 25-50% of my "best" records.

    I was surprised to see both TAME- and SAD- prefixes in the same puzzle, maybe the first time I've seen that. I may have seen WILD- before.

    Thanks for the congrats. I am working on high scores and was happy to break 900 this month after a couple stagnant years.

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