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Achievements and Accomplishments Thread

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  • lalatan
    Originally posted by BoggleOtaku View Post
    I have a personal target trying to best the word recorded from whom I consider our top best word player.
    Here are my meager results since last summer.

    New record .................................................. .......Previous record
    TAMEHEARTEDNESSES ................................SADHEARTEDNESSES
    UNTRAGICALNESSES .....................................TRAGICALNESSE S
    UNBURNABLENESSES ..................................BURNABLENESSES
    CANTONIZATIONS ..........................................CANONIZA TIONS
    UNINSIDIOUSNESSES .....................................INSIDIOUSNESS ES
    HYPEREXCITABLE ...........................................HYPEREX CITED

    I conclude I usually only succeed when the root word is common and I catch a simple prefix like "UN-".
    I estimate my success rate was on order of 1 out of 100 games where this player was the record holder.
    By contrast, I bet one-quarter to one-half from my records are not the actual best word in the puzzle.
    Thanks for the intel, BoggleOtaku. I recognize that I played all those words. I didn't know I missed un- that often. I know when I'm in pursuit of a major goal I get impatient at times and don't look around as much for prefixes. I just want to set the record and move onto the next game. I assumed the 5% of the records I lose was due to mainly 16 pt words but now I'll reconsider that assessment.

    TAMEHEARTEDNESSES, smh at the volume of -heartednesses words. I suppose we better be on the lookout for WILDHEARTEDNESSES too.

    Just last week I saw your ID on 2 records and thought you don't leave me as many lunches as you used to. Also I've noticed on a lot of games you not only have a high pt score but also high pt value best words and longest words. So, congrats on that!

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  • Naboka
    Once again, the incredible advantage of having played a game within the last hour and having studied that board, and having written down any odd words. Got 100 of the 109 played words.

    22 words and 58 points better than the earlier attempt.

    Screen Shot 2022-02-25 at 12.39.26 PM.png
    Last edited by Naboka; 02-25-2022, 01:46 PM.

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  • BoggleOtaku
    I have a personal target trying to best the word recorded from whom I consider our top best word player.
    Here are my meager results since last summer.

    New record .................................................. .......Previous record
    TAMEHEARTEDNESSES ................................SADHEARTEDNESSES
    UNTRAGICALNESSES .....................................TRAGICALNESSE S
    UNBURNABLENESSES ..................................BURNABLENESSES
    CANTONIZATIONS ..........................................CANONIZA TIONS
    UNINSIDIOUSNESSES .....................................INSIDIOUSNESS ES
    HYPEREXCITABLE ...........................................HYPEREX CITED

    I conclude I usually only succeed when the root word is common and I catch a simple prefix like "UN-".
    I estimate my success rate was on order of 1 out of 100 games where this player was the record holder.
    By contrast, I bet one-quarter to one-half from my records are not the actual best word in the puzzle.

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  • Brisul
    Whoa! I thought it was kind of amazing that I had exactly 10,000 points after ten games. My next two scores were over and under, so it changed my average. But just now in my 13th game, my final score gave me exactly 13,000 points in 13 games. Totally unplanned (by me any way) and really neat. Ok, I guess I can get some work done now

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  • mdyak
    Originally posted by 2cute View Post

    On a Mac you can move between the tabs in the window by pressing Option & Command, but it doesn't create a new game window, it just changes the window that you're using (like if you couldn't use the mouse). Like right now I have 3 windows open, so I can move between them. One of them is a game I could play. Yet it won't advance to another game only change to another tab.

    You're welcome!

    Yep, but you don't have to buy hardware very often like a PC. You upgrade the software only. Like my Mac hardware is 7 years old & still top of the line in comparison to PCs, every so often I just have to upgrade the software to stay with current technology.

    Thanks! I'm an idiot when it comes to anything about PC's.

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  • 2cute
    Originally posted by bwt1213 View Post
    You're right, and I should have noted that the shortcut works only for Windows PCs. Basically, you're going ahead a window and back one or back one and then ahead one. One command is illegal and the other gets you a new game. The advantages are: (1) you don't have to keep the pointer on a single line, especially one that moves, and (2) you don't get hand cramps by holding and clicking the mouse. Another advantage is that it's easier to avoid clicking "new game" with your mouse hand when you find a board you want to play. I mean, you still can, just not as often.
    On a Mac you can move between the tabs in the window by pressing Option & Command, but it doesn't create a new game window, it just changes the window that you're using (like if you couldn't use the mouse). Like right now I have 3 windows open, so I can move between them. One of them is a game I could play. Yet it won't advance to another game only change to another tab.

    Originally posted by bwt1213 View Post
    And now I used the "Control-R" command, and that works even better than mine. Thank you, 2cute! You're a blessing!
    You're welcome!

    Originally posted by bwt1213 View Post
    I'll repeat 2cute's recommendation: Command R. I don't have a Mac now. I had one of the original Macs and wrote one of the first applications that wasn't from Apple or Microsoft, and sold it at the first computer show after the Mac's introduction. The new Macs aren't like that first one. I think I'd like everything about the new Macs except for the price.
    Yep, but you don't have to buy hardware very often like a PC. You upgrade the software only. Like my Mac hardware is 7 years old & still top of the line in comparison to PCs, every so often I just have to upgrade the software to stay with current technology.

    Originally posted by mdyak View Post

    What's the Mac equivalent?? Don't have ALT key.

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  • bwt1213
    I'll repeat 2cute's recommendation: Command R. I don't have a Mac now. I had one of the original Macs and wrote one of the first applications that wasn't from Apple or Microsoft, and sold it at the first computer show after the Mac's introduction. The new Macs aren't like that first one. I think I'd like everything about the new Macs except for the price.

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  • mdyak
    Originally posted by bwt1213 View Post
    Keyboard shortcut I discovered. ONCE YOU'VE PLAYED A GAME OR ABANDONED IT, hold down the ALT key. Then alternately press the left and right arrow keys to see a new game. The cursor does not have to be in any particular place, it doesn't matter if you get a board never played before, and no other actions are needed until you get a board you like and then you can play it as usual.
    What's the Mac equivalent?? Don't have ALT key.

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  • bwt1213
    And now I used the "Control-R" command, and that works even better than mine. Thank you, 2cute! You're a blessing!

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  • bwt1213
    You're right, and I should have noted that the shortcut works only for Windows PCs. Basically, you're going ahead a window and back one or back one and then ahead one. One command is illegal and the other gets you a new game. The advantages are: (1) you don't have to keep the pointer on a single line, especially one that moves, and (2) you don't get hand cramps by holding and clicking the mouse. Another advantage is that it's easier to avoid clicking "new game" with your mouse hand when you find a board you want to play. I mean, you still can, just not as often.

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  • 2cute
    Originally posted by bwt1213 View Post
    Keyboard shortcut I discovered. ONCE YOU'VE PLAYED A GAME OR ABANDONED IT, hold down the ALT key. Then alternately press the left and right arrow keys to see a new game. The cursor does not have to be in any particular place, it doesn't matter if you get a board never played before, and no other actions are needed until you get a board you like and then you can play it as usual.
    Okay so I tried it (on my Mac), it didn't work for me. It must be a PC only thing. I usually find another game by another keyboard shortcut, Command R or for you Control R .

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  • 2cute
    Originally posted by bwt1213 View Post
    Keyboard shortcut I discovered. ONCE YOU'VE PLAYED A GAME OR ABANDONED IT, hold down the ALT key. Then alternately press the left and right arrow keys to see a new game. The cursor does not have to be in any particular place, it doesn't matter if you get a board never played before, and no other actions are needed until you get a board you like and then you can play it as usual.
    That's a great find! Thanks!

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  • bwt1213
    Keyboard shortcut I discovered. ONCE YOU'VE PLAYED A GAME OR ABANDONED IT, hold down the ALT key. Then alternately press the left and right arrow keys to see a new game. The cursor does not have to be in any particular place, it doesn't matter if you get a board never played before, and no other actions are needed until you get a board you like and then you can play it as usual.

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  • Brisul
    Originally posted by John4tee View Post
    Hit 1000 "best words" today. Dead chuffed!
    That's awesome! I just realized that I'm not even close to that...and I've been playing for a while!

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  • John4tee
    Hit 1000 "best words" today. Dead chuffed!

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