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Achievements and Accomplishments Thread

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  • Originally posted by Emerging View Post
    Still doesn't happen that often, but I beat Naboka's high score again. I don't want to freak you out Naboka, but it feels particularly good to get more points than you.

    Understand. Know the feeling. It's always a bit of thrill.

    Propably what makes the game a bit addictive.

    So, not bothered that you're having fun and topping my games. Kind of a compliment that anyone wants to beat my scores at all. Wasn't like that for a long time.

    Took a lot of study and analysis to come to this point. Think I've easily put in more work learning this game that any full semester (probably year) of college. And I got my bachelors in three years, so they were loaded semesters.

    The especially nice thing is you put the game back into cirulation so others have a shot at the longest/best word.

    PS: it might be a good thing not to show the best/longest words. Makes it more of challenge so we all have to work for the rewards rather than being given the answers. I realize that anyone who's played a particular board will be exposed to the longest word if it's been played, but that's a very limited audience. Just a courtesy to the long word players who like to discover these things on their own.
    Last edited by Naboka; 09-14-2024, 04:09 PM.


    • If I post achievements in the future, I think I'll exclude the best and longest words. Thanks for your input.

      There have been numerous times that I get more words than you, but don't even close to outscoring you. Obviously it's because your propensity to play high-scoring words. So on the the unusual occasion I outscore you too, it's really gratifying.


      • Finally broke the into the 1100s!!
        Attached Files


        • Congratulations! Almost none of us will get anywhere near that, even on the 5x5 game.


          • Originally posted by Spike1007 View Post
            "Zero" boards resulted when someone got an unplayed board but didn't enter any words before the time ran out. This was when boards were counted as played but no words had been entered. I assume that these zero boards are holdovers from that time & haven't been recycled yet.
            Just for grins I purposely let a board run out without playing it--before which I recorded my number of games played, average score, average points per game, and average points per word.

            You're right: nothing changed. All my stats remained the same.

            The board had been played by others also.

            Screen Shot 2024-09-20 at 11.16.01 AM.png

            Guess that's one less worry. I often open boards and leave the keyboard untouched so I can excercise the mental recognition aspect without the complication of fingers finding keys. It's the same strategy used in improving any activity: break it down into fundamental parts and drill those parts to improve efficiency.

            Unfortunately, sometimes I got distracted and left the board open without any plays leaving a bunch of zeros.

            That was always exasperating since I assumed it impacted averages.

            Now I can just exercise that fundamental without the distraction of worrying about when time runs out.


            • Originally posted by boysmom View Post
              Finally broke the into the 1100s!!
              All the more impressive to me since you're a fellow swiper! I think fast typists generally have an advantage in this game, but you're definitely the fastest big-league swiper!


              • Finally, finally, finally I won the first place in APPW in 5x5 board.
                Thanks to the cryptogram keeper for not competing this time. Otherwise I would have to wait god knows for how long.
                And what an honor it is to play alongside lalatan spike1007, folkslinger, dasan and other legends here.
                Congrats to you all guys.
                Last edited by kjambur; 10-01-2024, 12:35 PM.


                • kjambur, congrats to you!


                  • kjambur, congrats! To achieve an APPW like you did is akin to running an ultramarathon. Not only does it take a lot of long word knowledge but also requires a willingness to filter through hundreds or thousands of games to find high scoring words. Well done.

                    Nice find you made with BROMOCHLOROFLUOROMETHANES. I never saw it in a puzzle or in the best words list (although I don't always read that list so may have missed it).

                    the cryptogram keeper, congrats on your recent string of gold trophies in 5x5 APPW!
                    Last edited by lalatan; 10-02-2024, 04:17 PM.


                    • Sometimes when I get frustrated by failing to meet expectations, I try to step back and be pragmatic. Instead of dumping half of the games started, I play them through just to readjust my inflated expectations back to reality.

                      Self-delusion's a bitch.

                      Life is just easier when you don't beat yourself up for not being able to do what you really can't.

                      Started this game and figured with 182 UR words I should easily get in the upper 600's.

                      Nope. Couldn't get traction.

                      And that's really par for the course.

                      (or coarse as we hoi polloi are oft considered).

                      Screen Shot 2024-10-05 at 5.27.51 PM.png

                      I sometimes imagine Wordtwist having an apples-to-apples contest for high averages where a given set of 50 boards is available for that month's result. A board can only be played once, and can't be dumped. Be interestng to add a timer where a player entering over 4-5 words (20-25 letters) in a second would be disqualified. That should weed out anyone running some sort of computer assist. But, I also realize having such a contest probably has limited and diminishing value where most players are just having fun rather than obsessing over what mountain must be climbed or which trophy must be won.


                      • In roughly two hours and twenty minutes I will have completed another trip around the sun. That cookie jar better look out tonight. Those chocolate chips are calling my name!!


                        • Think this is the first time I've gotten over a hundred UR words while getting a 16/30 and a 15/28.

                          Screen Shot 2024-10-17 at 4.05.29 PM.png

                          Would have been 112 UR's but mistyped sains as sans.

                          Not gonna post the long word because it's ultra-ultra rare. Though it has to do with a weird thing that happened in our yard. Out of nowhere, dozens of mustard plants started growing in the flower beds. Good eating, but have absolutely no idea where they came from. The wife claims birds pooped the seeds, but it would require a squadron of of B52 robins carpet-bombing the place there were so many.

                          Wouldn't have known the word if the plants hadn't grown where they shouldn't have.

                          Sometimes, the connections of the universe...

                          ps: Happy Birthday dannyb


                          • Thanks Naboka.

                            16/30 and 15/28 while scoring 847 is mind boggling! You have become a certified WordTwist butt-kicker.

                            If the plants you mentioned are garlic mustard, they can spread rapidly, especially in disturbed ground such as flower beds. You must have had one plant flower and drop seeds. Seeds will usually sprout one or two years after being introduced to the soil, but they can stay dormant and active for maybe a decade. Since you only have dozens of plants they can be controlled by hand pulling for the next several years until all of the dormant seeds have sprouted and the plants removed. Just don't let the plants flower and seed.


                            • Originally posted by dannyb View Post
                              Thanks Naboka.

                              16/30 and 15/28 while scoring 847 is mind boggling! You have become a certified WordTwist butt-kicker.

                              If the plants you mentioned are garlic mustard, they can spread rapidly, especially in disturbed ground such as flower beds. You must have had one plant flower and drop seeds. Seeds will usually sprout one or two years after being introduced to the soil, but they can stay dormant and active for maybe a decade. Since you only have dozens of plants they can be controlled by hand pulling for the next several years until all of the dormant seeds have sprouted and the plants removed. Just don't let the plants flower and seed.
                              Thanks right back atcha.

                              Being a Wordtwist butt-kicker is getting harder and harder. The rebellion of the neural networks between brain and fingers has intensified. We really take for granted how amazing and miraculous it is for a brain to communicate to typing fingers in a precise letter order. One reason I haven't abandoned the game is trying to keep the brain's cells productive. Fascinating seeing video of neural cells trying to reach out and make connections. Trying to make more new connections than those lost seems to be an increasingly steep slope.

                              As for the plants, fortunately, it's sinapis alba rather than garlic mustard. Yellow flowers. Which makes it such a mystery. From whence did the seeds from a cultivated plant suddenly appear. Unlike seeds spread by weeds.

                              Yikes! on the thought of garlic mustard getting a foothold.

                              I've been harvesting the mustard leaves for salads. Pretty tasty. And extremely healthy. If I were able to get it at the healthfood store, it would cost a small grocery fortune for what's sitting there free. Supposedly good for a lot of things that ail us. Studies have shown that a chemical in the plant can help build muscle tissue in older folk.

                              (Learning the chemicals might be worth 16/30. buuuuut shhh.)

                              Gonna also harvest the seeds and perpetuate the good fortune nature has been kind enough to bestow. It's always a good idea to appreciate our fortunes and foster their perpetuation.

                              So many kinds of seeds in life. Always a consideration as to what we cultivate in the gardens of our heart, mind and soul --as well as the backyard.


                              • Originally posted by kjambur View Post
                                Finally, finally, finally I won the first place in APPW in 5x5 board.
                                Thanks to the cryptogram keeper for not competing this time. Otherwise I would have to wait god knows for how long.
                                And what an honor it is to play alongside lalatan spike1007, folkslinger, dasan and other legends here.
                                Congrats to you all guys.

                                Sorry It took me so long to post this-- A Big Hearty Congratulations!--. That was a well deserved big word win.

                                As for me I'm still playing a little (I was elected president of a nearly 50 year old volunteer based 501C3 and that has kept me quite busy and was one of the main reasons I had to pull back from the competition) (so much for retirement ) and still looking only for big words.
                                I also read the Word Twist related forums and occasionally look in on the big word competitions to keep track of (hope I'm not being presumptuous) all my Word Twist friends including lalatan,( I still love playing "what word did lalatan get) spike1007, dasan, youself (kjambur), crazykate, bwt1213, DrPlacebo, Naboka, 2cute, and too many more for my sore fingers to list.

