If you want your eggs hatched, sit on them yourself."
— Haitian Proverb
bansaisequoia on 2009-09-21 20:17:58
montyb on 2012-03-23 16:20:34
Wouldn't that just make you the butt of all yolks?
opallady on 2012-07-12 18:17:33
chopstix on 2013-04-05 19:37:28
universalmom on 2013-04-10 02:10:10
Good one montyb!
tgreen517 on 2015-01-12 21:49:32
Or if you want them scrambled.
— Haitian Proverb
bansaisequoia on 2009-09-21 20:17:58
montyb on 2012-03-23 16:20:34
Wouldn't that just make you the butt of all yolks?
opallady on 2012-07-12 18:17:33
chopstix on 2013-04-05 19:37:28
universalmom on 2013-04-10 02:10:10
Good one montyb!

tgreen517 on 2015-01-12 21:49:32
Or if you want them scrambled.