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Achievements and Accomplishments Thread

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  • crazykate
    Originally posted by bwt1213 View Post

    Your style of play is like taking a walk and counting success when you see a friend, and giving yourself a pat on the back when you've made that friend's day brighter. It's a more relaxed style of play. I ought to adopt it.
    While I currently have a similar playing style to Jed (smiling at unique words and patting myself on the back for records), I personally don't see it as quite so altruistic as you make it sound - like making a friend's day brighter. It's more like making my own day a little brighter ... And even though I'm not playing in a very competitive way, I'm not above a little gloating, particularly if I find a good word that the current record holders missed, and even more so if the word itself sounds a little smug.
    Kind of like this result, on a game that had been played 16 times before, and I recognised the names of the three current record holders:
    Attached Files

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  • bwt1213
    Originally posted by JedMedGrey View Post
    And another minor achievement:
    Best word: QUORUMS (10 pts.) New record!
    Longest word: QUORUMS (7 letters) New record!

    PUZZLE STATS: Played: 13 times

    ​When finding words others have not in games that have been played more than 10 times, I get to smile. When those are the longest or best words, I pat myself on the back.
    Your style of play is like taking a walk and counting success when you see a friend, and giving yourself a pat on the back when you've made that friend's day brighter. It's a more relaxed style of play. I ought to adopt it.

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  • JedMedGrey
    And another minor achievement:
    Best word: QUORUMS (10 pts.) New record!
    Longest word: QUORUMS (7 letters) New record!

    PUZZLE STATS: Played: 13 times

    ​When finding words others have not in games that have been played more than 10 times, I get to smile. When those are the longest or best words, I pat myself on the back.

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  • JedMedGrey
    and my meager contribution to this thread:

    Best word: SOOTED (10 pts.)
    Longest word: LESSENED (8 letters) New record!

    Played: 17 times

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  • Naboka
    Originally posted by dannyb View Post
    Very, very impressive. I think that you will eventually get your "all red" score card in the not too distant future.

    A question: I think that some words have been moved between categories (Rare, common etc,) over the years. Does any one else feel this way?
    hadn't noticed that--not that it hasn't happened.

    have slowly become aware of what really isn't in the category I would expect. Like truly esoteric terms falling into wide or rare rather than ultra rare. Or fairly common terms being in ultra rare.

    (The choice of ultra seems like a stretch.)

    been filling in a chart of points per letter per word for each category. kind of puts it all into perspective. If I could figure out how to do charts, I'd put it all together and post it for the rest of you.

    Takes a lot of the mystery out of it. Not all but a enough.

    As we both know, there are still various words that aren't accepted that leave fingers scratching the skull.

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  • dannyb
    Very, very impressive. I think that you will eventually get your "all red" score card in the not too distant future.

    A question: I think that some words have been moved between categories (Rare, common etc,) over the years. Does any one else feel this way?

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  • Naboka
    Comments are limited to 5 uploads. The game stats for the above, summarized:

    Screen Shot 2023-06-20 at 5.47.44 AM.png

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  • Naboka

    a.png bb.png ccc.png dddd.png

    The absurdity..

    of it all.

    Oh well.


    And start again.

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  • bwt1213
    Congratulations! And just note that 121 words in two minutes is more than 60 wpm. I'm struggling to break 40. So keep going! I'm happy to see someone else set a personal best!

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  • Naboka
    You ever look at the board and just screech?

    You just hit all 7's and the money's pouring out of the slot machine.

    Been trying to pace myself to keep the arthritis at bay: try to stay under 110 words.

    But, somehow or other, time just disappeared for this game, and I started thinking, "damn, just end, this is getting strenuous. I just want to stop typing."

    Then the game ended.

    Looked down.

    And screeched.

    The wife yelled from the bedroom, "are you okay? Do I need to call 911? Why are you screeching?"

    New personal best!!!!

    And no ER visit needed.

    Double win.

    Screen Shot 2023-06-15 at 7.55.56 PM.png

    Sure do miss the old days when everything functioned and I didn't have worry about pacing myself and overdoing stuff. Think a lot of us are experiencing the same thing.

    ps: now my wrist hurts. guess I'll go watch Big Bang Theory with the spouse.

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  • bwt1213
    Beat my old highest score by about 100 points, besides.

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  • bwt1213
    A new personal record high game, and I almost outscored an old nemesis besides. If not for tangled fingers at the end, I might have gone over 1000. I think the British term for how I feel is "Chuffed".

    Game Results

    Total points: 949
    Total words: 93 (42 common,18 wide,5 rare,28 ultra rare)
    Best word: SQUITTERS (20 pts.)
    Longest word: REQUITERS (9 letters)


    Played: 10 times
    Average Score: 654.9 points
    Average Words: 89.6 words
    High Score: 998 points by
    Most Words: 143 words by
    Best Word: REQUIRERS (20 pts) by
    Longest Word: EQUILATERAL (11 letters) by

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  • Naboka
    Another item off my bucket list. Anchorman Ron Burgandy had proven to be elusive. (reference to previous post on this thread.)


    Now just one more player. If only he'd swim closer to the shallow end.

    scene: dark sky periodically lit by lightening. thunder bouncing off the cliffs towering above the ocean. a distant movement in the murky depths. tension mounts.

    Then my bucket would be full, and I could go home, dry off, brush off the sand-- and binge watch The Sopranos--which I've never seen.

    master .png

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  • Callielou
    And here's little ol' me who's feeling chuffed because I found 26/45 words on a new board. It's only on games like those where I'll be able to find more than 50% of the words available

    You guys are amazing!

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  • 2cute
    Originally posted by Naboka View Post
    Still in pursuit of a perfect game with all ultra-rare words.

    A purely red unfolding.

    Kind of tough to remember which is and which isn't. When cose is ultra-rare but coses is wide. Or eserine is rare but eserines is ultra-rare. And the hundreds of similar events.

    Not to mention mistypes--like ice instead of tice.

    Which makes for the challenge.


    Not to mention the thought it was typed like eens when it wasn't.

    Thought I'd post the read out, which will give a list of ultra-rares for people learning. It also provides the order they were entered.

    Screen Shot 2023-05-18 at 8.38.43 PM.png

    Screen Shot 2023-05-18 at 8.33.35 PM.png Screen Shot 2023-05-18 at 8.34.08 PM.png Screen Shot 2023-05-18 at 8.34.44 PM.png Screen Shot 2023-05-18 at 8.35.35 PM.png

    Hope they're big enough to read. And the methodology comprehensible. In case anyone is interested....
    Can I just say ... Wow! Congrats on such a fine achievement!

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