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Achievements and Accomplishments Thread

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  • Naboka
    Originally posted by lalatan View Post
    Thanks for the compliment. Some of the words accepted make me lol. Two recent finds in that category were ROMANCEISHNESSES (30/16) and FANTISTICATES (24/13). Some players may think I'm CIRCUMDUCTING them by playing such words. However, much like yourself, I'm just engaging in some PROBLEMATIZATION (33/16).
    So funny.

    Had to look up circumducting as the only definition I had was like when you're circling your arms while exercising.

    The rest...not about to look them up. Self explanitory.

    Think you're right about what some players think. There are a lot of very, very smart people playing here. But, some can't imagine anyone being smarter. Like the girl I ran across in college. She was the smartest person she'd ever met. And everyone seemed to have reinforced that idea her entire life. That anyone could blow her out of the water academically was absolutely beyond her reality. And when it happened... Talk about a woman scorned. The indignation radiating from her could have lit a stadium. If looks could kill--and every other bromide.

    It's probably how some people view your ability to find crazy words. It's just unreal. It challenges their self assessment. As smart as they are, if they can't do it, there's no way someone else can. It insults them in some strange way.

    Probably how they view megaword.

    btw, beat a certain player by 270ish today. Talk about unreal. The advantage of having a new dictionary I guess. Thought of posting it, but.. just didn't feel right.

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  • lalatan
    Originally posted by Naboka View Post
    The number of records you set boggles the mind. No pun intended.

    Hugeousnesses? Cracks me up. The reason why it's so interesting to play What Word Did Lalatan Find: jawdropping combinations making actual words--some of which are hilarious.
    Thanks for the compliment. Some of the words accepted make me lol. Two recent finds in that category were ROMANCEISHNESSES (30/16) and FANTISTICATES (24/13). Some players may think I'm CIRCUMDUCTING them by playing such words. However, much like yourself, I'm just engaging in some PROBLEMATIZATION (33/16).

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  • bwt1213
    Originally posted by lalatan View Post

    Think parthenogenesis was how the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park were reproducing. Also think a lot of Gen Xers and Millenials are attempting it.
    I seem to remember that it's also possible for humans. Yes, virgin birth is indeed possible, though rare. The baby basically comes from a single egg that somehow was spurred to begin division. Generally, the child is defective in a number of ways (intellectually among them). And, of course, the child is ALWAYS female; to be male, the child would have to get a y chromosome from somewhere, and that's not going to come from mommy.

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  • lalatan
    Originally posted by Naboka View Post
    Thanks for the link to the discussion of system glitches. Think I'll shrug and let it be. Ended up with 17 lost most points records yesterday. Mostly I use them as benchmarks for the day's games goals. It's also kind of interesting to see how often someone is beating you. Now I'll just have to speculate: wow, someone knocked me off 5 times today--then again, maybe not. For a while I was going days without losing anything. (other than most words)​ So, on the plus side, I can blame all my losses now on the game glitch with no burden to my inflated/fragile ego.

    Think you might find these game stats interesting. Closing in on a perfect game of all red--ultra-rare words. It's just been a bit hard to abandon all those go-to rare words. Not to mention the mistyping--like trying to type deare and getting dear.

    You're welcome. That's why I built my spreadsheet to track my records. There were some wild swings in the totals, as I detailed in my other post, and I didn't trust the system. Overall, the numbers ironed out over time with a few more long word records that I didn't earn. I raised the issue with Stephen twice, trying to be conscientious, but he didn't have the will to look into it. But, I figured if it's happening for me it is for others too. However, I lost a little less than 1k records because of server upgrades which I doubt happened for others.

    Yeah, I can see why 1 mistyped word could be a real bummer. To get 100 ultra-rare words in 1 4x4 is an amazing achievement. You not only have to find and type them but also know which words are ultra-rare, all within 2 minutes. So large kudos to you. I believe you're going to reach your goal of all ultra-rare words in a game. Just a matter of time and the right board...
    Last edited by lalatan; 03-25-2023, 07:10 PM.

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  • Naboka
    That was an interesting occurrence, never heard of it happening before. Occasionally when I spot -nesses there doesn't seem to be anything to pair with it. It may be I don't see it or don't have enough imagination to fabricate something. Recently I was confronted with -nesses on a board and the only other word that could be formed was "huge." But they couldn't be joined. I typed in HUGEOUSNESSES and it was accepted for 24 pts. The definition said it's an archaic form of huge. I thought, "Well, we asked for all the obsolete/archaic words to included in our dictionaries." It is sort of interesting to see different words used in the past...

    btw, I learned TERATOGENETIC through a word study a few months ago. You mentioned it some time ago. I haven't found it yet but was fortunate enough to learn PARTHENOGENETIC and then had a chance to play it.[/QUOTE

    The number of records you set boggles the mind. No pun intended.

    Hugeousnesses? Cracks me up. The reason why it's so interesting to play What Word Did Lalatan Find: jawdropping combinations making actual words--some of which are hilarious.

    The downside is that I'll get obsessed and have to dump the board whether I've found it or not.

    Think parthenogenesis was how the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park were reproducing. Also think a lot of Gen Xers and Millenials are attempting it.

    One of my game problems is spelling. I'll know a word, but not necessarily which vowel is producing the schwa sound for example. Someone is probably thinking, "just look at the board, stupid," but that's not how I play.

    Thanks for the link to the discussion of system glitches. Think I'll shrug and let it be. Ended up with 17 lost most points records yesterday. Mostly I use them as benchmarks for the day's games goals. It's also kind of interesting to see how often someone is beating you. Now I'll just have to speculate: wow, someone knocked me off 5 times today--then again, maybe not. For a while I was going days without losing anything. (other than most words)​ So, on the plus side, I can blame all my losses now on the game glitch with no burden to my inflated/fragile ego.

    Think you might find these game stats interesting. Closing in on a perfect game of all red--ultra-rare words. It's just been a bit hard to abandon all those go-to rare words. Not to mention the mistyping--like trying to type deare and getting dear.

    Screen Shot 2023-03-25 at 8.01.24 AM.png

    ps: if kajambur reads this, I tried to give you a like for your post, but doing so fileed all of you social bars. From none to all. Seems like the system needs to recalibrate that feature. Anyway, consider your post liked.

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  • lalatan
    Originally posted by Naboka View Post
    Sure wish this player and Thunderrock tried lesser boards. Be fun to see what happens when the superior typing skills are neutralized. There were probably well over 60 common/wide words I saw but didn't bother to type--like meaningless, lessening, snideness, randiness, (lots of e-a-r combos) blah, blah, blah. There was -nesses, but nothing seemed to connect, so... maybe lalatan can find it.
    That was an interesting occurrence, never heard of it happening before. Occasionally when I spot -nesses there doesn't seem to be anything to pair with it. It may be I don't see it or don't have enough imagination to fabricate something. Recently I was confronted with -nesses on a board and the only other word that could be formed was "huge." But they couldn't be joined. I typed in HUGEOUSNESSES and it was accepted for 24 pts. The definition said it's an archaic form of huge. I thought, "Well, we asked for all the obsolete/archaic words to included in our dictionaries." It is sort of interesting to see different words used in the past...

    btw, I learned TERATOGENETIC through a word study a few months ago. You mentioned it some time ago. I haven't found it yet but was fortunate enough to learn PARTHENOGENETIC and then had a chance to play it.

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  • Naboka
    This has got to be the fastest a game has ever been recycled.

    MPD had a score of about 960 with over 160 words. Knew those were well out of my reach, but thought it'd be fun. Maybe learn some new words.

    Surprise, surprise. When time expired, it had played like a newly recyled board. Never had that happen. Thought they recylced after midnight or something...

    oh, wait, it is after midnight east coast time.


    It lasted less than 15 minutes then.


    Screen Shot 2023-03-24 at 11.17.11 PM.png

    Sure wish this player and Thunderrock tried lesser boards. Be fun to see what happens when the superior typing skills are neutralized. There were probably well over 60 common/wide words I saw but didn't bother to type--like meaningless, lessening, snideness, randiness, (lots of e-a-r combos) blah, blah, blah. There was -nesses, but nothing seemed to connect, so... maybe lalatan can find it.

    Ah, the disadvantages of arthritic fingers.

    ps: no new words learned since mpd's board disappeared.

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  • bwt1213
    Not a record high score, but more high-point word hunting (817 points in 64 words is more than 12.7 points per word). And I was typing another 20-point lunker when time ran out:
    Game Results

    YOUR STATS:Total points: 817 New record!
    Total words: 64 (27 common,13 wide,1 rare,23 ultra rare) New record!
    Best word: SQUITTERED (22 pts.) New record!
    Longest word: SQUITTERED (10 letters) New record!

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  • Iamdumberdore
    My first unique word/best word/longest word!
    Attached Files

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  • John13verse34
    Just played my 25,000th game of 4x4... 13 years and 2 months after joining the site. That averages out to 5 games a day for the past ~4805 days. Considering I went a few years without playing at all, the actual average is likely quite higher :-D

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  • lalatan
    Yup, with a few seconds to go I realized cyber- could be married with citizenship, I got it typed in just before it submitted. It's exhilarating when successful. Nice to find out we all have the same citizenship here.

    Nice catch there btw.
    Last edited by lalatan; 03-11-2023, 08:00 PM.

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  • Naboka
    Anyone else get a thrill from the last second catch?

    Screen Shot 2023-03-11 at 11.05.13 AM.png

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  • JedMedGrey
    Not anywhere close to the best players, but the board had been played at least 7 times, including by Sunheart, who is way better than I am!
    Best word: FASCINS (12 pts.) New record!
    Longest word: FASCINS (7 letters)

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  • lalatan
    Originally posted by folkslinger View Post
    Thank you for the mention but I have to demure as the the decision as to how I was playing was made for me by a series of errors that affected how I had been playing (not necessarily to win APPW but because I LOVE finding REALLY big words) (My wife seamonster and I were playing our usual game to achieve average status on number of words and score and I realized I had mistakenly logged in as myself and so my average dropped to around 7.00appw) when I saw what my mistakes had done to my average I changed how I was playing and actually (for the first time) concentrated on finding records. It was fun and different to go for records as a goal but I still like REALLY big words whether I found them first or not they make me smile, they make me think.
    With regard to "dumping games" (frequently mentioned of late) I dump if I haven't found a big enough word in one minute cause it takes the rest of the time to get my fingers to do it right (typos spell etc).

    With regard to pain it seems that the endorphins released by REALLY big words help a lot!
    Haha, that sort of thing can happen sometimes. I did that to myself once a few years ago when I was logged into one of my other usernames. Thereafter I put a post-it note on my computer to remember when I wasn't logged into my usual ID. It must be cool to have a wife who enjoys the game as well. My wife's participation is usually the rolling of her eyes when I show her the bizarre word I found, although she says she's proud of my accomplishments. She has stated more than once she wishes I would play a different game. (Ironically, she only plays 1 game and has gotten through over 4k levels in it.) I get your obsession with playing the game. For me it is really hard to break away from it when I get on a roll. Much easier to quit when I have to click through scores of games to even find 1 worth playing, which has occurred a lot since the new games were released.

    I first started playing WordTwist because I was bored waiting for the ferry to sail. I also found it was good for getting my chronic pain off my mind. Still use it for that. I have no desire to play any other games than this one...

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  • folkslinger
    Originally posted by lalatan View Post
    Speaking of "who would play that" competitions, I added 1 more obscure record to my other ones. While collecting 4x4 best/longest word records for the last 3 months, I scored 2 silver and 1 bronze for APPW. Those were the first APPW trophies I won while scoring only words for which I set the best/longest word records. It could be Spike has been doing it since he's very selective about the words he plays, much more so than me. I don't know if there could be a more obscure competition than that one.

    folkslinger, I noticed last month you had played 51 games and had an APPW of 48 pts about 10 days into the month. With your wrist/forearm problems that probably cost you some pain to get there. Then I noticed later in the month, you stepped aside so dadsbricks could score the double gold in 4x4 and 5x5. I thought that was very courteous and sportsmanlike for you to do so.
    Thank you for the mention but I have to demure as the the decision as to how I was playing was made for me by a series of errors that affected how I had been playing (not necessarily to win APPW but because I LOVE finding REALLY big words) (My wife seamonster and I were playing our usual game to achieve average status on number of words and score and I realized I had mistakenly logged in as myself and so my average dropped to around 7.00appw) when I saw what my mistakes had done to my average I changed how I was playing and actually (for the first time) concentrated on finding records. It was fun and different to go for records as a goal but I still like REALLY big words whether I found them first or not they make me smile, they make me think.
    With regard to "dumping games" (frequently mentioned of late) I dump if I haven't found a big enough word in one minute cause it takes the rest of the time to get my fingers to do it right (typos spell etc).

    With regard to pain it seems that the endorphins released by REALLY big words help a lot!

    Congratulations to dadsbricks on the well earned 1st place!

    I LOVE this game and I'm thinking about starting a new thread soon and titling it KUDOS to the game ADMINISTRATOR.

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