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Achievements and Accomplishments Thread

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  • dannyb
    "Like much of Wordtwist stats, the numbers are illusions. The product of lots of selectively dumped games."

    Life could be a dream sh-boom sh-boom.

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  • Naboka
    Originally posted by dannyb View Post
    Naboka, averaging over 600 points per game and over seven points per word! Well done! I am pretty sure that that has never been done before.
    Thanks Danny. Appreciate the shout out.

    My goal is to do a game with ALL ultra-rare words. An entire array of RED! Makes my heart tremble.

    You deserve some credit here. I adopted your approach of not looking at the board as much, relying on memorized word groupings.

    Like much of Wordtwist stats, the numbers are illusions. The product of lots of selectively dumped games.

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  • dannyb
    Naboka, averaging over 600 points per game and over seven points per word! Well done! I am pretty sure that that has never been done before.

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  • lalatan
    Originally posted by bwt1213 View Post

    Come to think of it, how about "fewest words to 100, 200, 300 . . . 1000 points". So I'd have the (temporary) record for 64 words to 700+ points. And no, I couldn't go back and say that I'd take off some low point words and make it 60 words to 700+ points. I got what I got at the end of the game. I'm pretty sure lalatan has the record for 100 points already, with 3 words. But that was back before all the fancy number names happened, so maybe someone can do it in two now. Should we start a new thread for this? What should it be called? Someone will have the perfect name, and his name isn't mine.
    Speaking of "who would play that" competitions, I added 1 more obscure record to my other ones. While collecting 4x4 best/longest word records for the last 3 months, I scored 2 silver and 1 bronze for APPW. Those were the first APPW trophies I won while scoring only words for which I set the best/longest word records. It could be Spike has been doing it since he's very selective about the words he plays, much more so than me. I don't know if there could be a more obscure competition than that one.

    folkslinger, I noticed last month you had played 51 games and had an APPW of 48 pts about 10 days into the month. With your wrist/forearm problems that probably cost you some pain to get there. Then I noticed later in the month, you stepped aside so dadsbricks could score the double gold in 4x4 and 5x5. I thought that was very courteous and sportsmanlike for you to do so.
    Last edited by lalatan; 03-05-2023, 03:22 PM.

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  • bwt1213
    Originally posted by dadsbricks View Post

    Still seems like a typing speed test to me, especially as I can't touch type despite a long ICT career. For a mix of the two interests, would a new high score table that is the multiple of the already collected APPW and either APPG or AWPG stats. That way, if you score from a lot of words and they are reasonably high value words, you will likely outdo the likes of me, only scoring a handful of words per game, but getting the really high value words.
    To be honest, I used to get annoyed at the impossible-looking APPW winners getting an average close to the maximum highest word score. In the end, I couldn't beat them without dumping lower games, so I joined them. I would like a platform that is a balance so I could have fun recording all those new "Best Word" and "Longest Word" challenges that I now find and then leave for someone else, while still competing in a competition that gave me a chance. Perhaps that's thinking hyperegotistically, but perhaps that's better than thinking floccinaucinihilipilificationalistally about the low point boards :-) (Especially as I'm a member of a family that tends towards being hoarders. I like to think of us generally as being antifloccinaucinihilipilificationalists, since we assess everything as having some value somehow - and finally I've found a web platform to use those words with meaning and only a little bit of forced relevance).
    Game Results

    YOUR STATS:Total points: 677 New record!
    Total words: 55 (20 common,15 wide,5 rare,15 ultra rare) New record!
    Best word: QUANTIZERS (25 pts.) New record!
    Longest word: QUANTIZERS (10 letters) New record!

    This was a fresh board, so no one to blow away. I'm sure someone will outscore me, but will they average more than 12 points a word to do it? Please note: just 55 words in 3 minutes. And I'll bet you could beat my score in fewer words.

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  • Brisul
    Originally posted by crazykate View Post
    What makes this even sweeter is that the board had been played more than 30 times when I found it.
    That's the best!!

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  • crazykate
    I forgot to take a screenshot, but I just managed to get 3 records in a 5x5 game by playing all possible variants of VIGINTICENTILLIONTHS, and apart from that monster of a word the game doesn't seem to have been a goldmine for points. I managed to get the total points record with 374 points and just over 40 words played. What makes this even sweeter is that the board had been played more than 30 times when I found it.

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  • dadsbricks
    Originally posted by bwt1213 View Post

    Come to think of it, how about "fewest words to 100, 200, 300 . . . 1000 points". So I'd have the (temporary) record for 64 words to 700+ points. And no, I couldn't go back and say that I'd take off some low point words and make it 60 words to 700+ points. I got what I got at the end of the game. I'm pretty sure lalatan has the record for 100 points already, with 3 words. But that was back before all the fancy number names happened, so maybe someone can do it in two now. Should we start a new thread for this? What should it be called? Someone will have the perfect name, and his name isn't mine.
    Still seems like a typing speed test to me, especially as I can't touch type despite a long ICT career. For a mix of the two interests, would a new high score table that is the multiple of the already collected APPW and either APPG or AWPG stats. That way, if you score from a lot of words and they are reasonably high value words, you will likely outdo the likes of me, only scoring a handful of words per game, but getting the really high value words.
    To be honest, I used to get annoyed at the impossible-looking APPW winners getting an average close to the maximum highest word score. In the end, I couldn't beat them without dumping lower games, so I joined them. I would like a platform that is a balance so I could have fun recording all those new "Best Word" and "Longest Word" challenges that I now find and then leave for someone else, while still competing in a competition that gave me a chance. Perhaps that's thinking hyperegotistically, but perhaps that's better than thinking floccinaucinihilipilificationalistally about the low point boards :-) (Especially as I'm a member of a family that tends towards being hoarders. I like to think of us generally as being antifloccinaucinihilipilificationalists, since we assess everything as having some value somehow - and finally I've found a web platform to use those words with meaning and only a little bit of forced relevance).

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  • rosedraws
    Ah the thrill of flying fingers managing to type in noncommunicableness and noncommunicablenesses, without making a mistake, when there are just 5 seconds left! :-D

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  • Brisul
    Originally posted by ThunderRock View Post
    I actually like the new boards. Average went up some in both 4x4 and 5x5 even though i'm dealing with an eye issue at the moment. Surgery next month so maybe i can up it a little bit more and things wont' be somewhat distorted. But Brisul made a hell of a jump in average so I know he loves the new boards. LOL.... keep it going my friend !!! Mega , Estive and fasteddib are doing their usual.. Blowing everyone away...Keep it going!!! I see lots of others rising to the occasion also.
    Sorry to hear about your eye, but glad to know you're remedying the situation!

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  • ThunderRock
    I actually like the new boards. Average went up some in both 4x4 and 5x5 even though i'm dealing with an eye issue at the moment. Surgery next month so maybe i can up it a little bit more and things wont' be somewhat distorted. But Brisul made a hell of a jump in average so I know he loves the new boards. LOL.... keep it going my friend !!! Mega , Estive and fasteddib are doing their usual.. Blowing everyone away...Keep it going!!! I see lots of others rising to the occasion also.

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  • Brisul
    Originally posted by fasteddieb View Post
    I like the new boards but I think I'm getting old and slower.

    I doubt that. I played a game in December which became my all time highest one time score...only to find out that one score was your average game score that month.

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  • fasteddieb
    I like the new boards but I think I'm getting old and slower.

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  • Brisul
    It's less about bragging for me. I'm curious as to how the Hall of Fame high scorers like Fast Eddie, Estive, Thunder and others are enjoying these new boards.

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  • bwt1213
    Which reminds me of the old Mae West quote: "When I'm good, I'm very, very good. But when I'm bad, I'm better."

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