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Achievements and Accomplishments Thread
[QUOTE=Master Of The Universe;n31886]I can't speak for other players that prefer to go for high scores versus long words, but I don't post because it would feel too much like this.
Good book for everyone to read: Rethinking Narcissism by Dr. Craig Malkin.
Nothing unhealthy about sharing one's success--or feeling really positive about oneself.
Being unable or unwilling to share one's success is probably problematic in itself.
Trouble, though, with sharing too much success comes resentment.
And who in their right mind wants to be resented?
As long as we're successful but not too successful, others can be happy for us.
Then you cross the threshold, and...
Strange world we live in.
Ps: Only playing for trophies has a bit of Burgandy somewhere in the mental hash. Lot of ego involved. Look at all the dumped boards lost trying to keep up a pretense. Playing the humble boards has its own merit. It's own challenge.
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I can't speak for other players that prefer to go for high scores versus long words, but I don't post because it would feel too much like this.
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Originally posted by crazykate View PostI think this thread in particular started off as lalatan's personal achievements and accomplishments, and other long word players started comparing their own results to his.But I clutter the forum too much already.
John13verse34, those things can happen, as you likely know. I know I've played the word you found before. About 2 weeks ago I found a word with parallel in it, something like PARALLELNESSES. As soon as I submitted the game, I saw un- I could have added. Stuff like that used to irk me but now I think it's only 2 records lost amongst tens of thousands gained. I wrote about how I was attempting to get out of competitive mode. Every day I say to myself this is just for fun. I think I'm making progress...Last edited by lalatan; 02-04-2023, 04:12 PM.
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Originally posted by lalatan View PostJohn13verse34, I don't know if you'll see this post. Just to give you some feedback: while playing 4x4 for the last month, I tried to better your best/longest word records 10 times. The stats suggested there could be more. I couldn't surpass you until the 10th attempt. You found EVIDENCES (8/9) and I found COUNTEREVIDENCES (30/16). So, you're doing a great job of locking up the board with your finds. That's a difficult thing to do when pt values are low. I accidently beat another of your records when I manufactured DEXTROROTATIONS and it was accepted. I can't fault you for that one since I'd never seen or heard the word before I tried it.
I snagged a 4x4 record from you this morning, which I consider a prime achievement :-)
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Originally posted by Brisul View PostIt seems like these threads are dominated by the long word players but never the high scoring crowd.
But the "high-scoring crowd" in general seems to be less active in the forums than the long word hunters and the more casual players. Maybe they're just playing all the time, leaning no time to chat?
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It seems like these threads are dominated by the long word players but never the high scoring crowd.
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This forum has drawn me out of only ever playing the boards. Beating lalatan is definitely an achievement, and I often skip over boards where lalatan has the highest score (unless it's a 45+ point board :-)). Today I was trawling through a few games and for no real reason took a shot at one of those games. Having been playing on and off since at least 2012, though my account says 2017, and only have a few of these:
Total points: 78
Total words: 2 (0 common,0 wide,0 rare,2 ultra rare)
Best word: PALAEOENVIRONMENTALLY (40 pts.)New record!
Longest word: PALAEOENVIRONMENTALLY (21 letters)New record!
Played: 38 times
Average Score: 182.9 points
Average Words: 44.4 words
High Score: 282 points by hughk
Most Words: 72 words by monkeycat
Best Word: PALEOENVIRONMENTALLY (38 pts) by lalatan
Longest Word: PALEOENVIRONMENTALLY (20 letters) by lalatan
Sadly my hands don't let me type fast enough to ever go for a big score or tally of words, so I'm glad there's a category in which I can compete.
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Originally posted by bwt1213 View PostCome to think of it, how about "fewest words to 100, 200, 300 . . . 1000 points". So I'd have the (temporary) record for 64 words to 700+ points. And no, I couldn't go back and say that I'd take off some low point words and make it 60 words to 700+ points. I got what I got at the end of the game. I'm pretty sure lalatan has the record for 100 points already, with 3 words. But that was back before all the fancy number names happened, so maybe someone can do it in two now. Should we start a new thread for this? What should it be called? Someone will have the perfect name, and his name isn't mine.
I'm not going to list any of those words because, as Naboka said, the spectacular soon becomes the mundane in this game. I wouldn't bother starting a thread for it since numerous players have learned and played those words.
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Scores are up, but it's not a sign that the games are any easier. These new boards with the thousands of words have been a great addition to the selection! This past month's 5x5 high scores finishers saw six players with over 1000 point averages for the month...which was awesome! But I don't think it means the boards have gotten any easier. There are just finally that many more games to play which feature super high scoring boards and it's been really great!
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Originally posted by lalatan View PostThat's quite an APPW achievement while playing 64 words. Congrats! I'd probably give the 20 words/game version a go...
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Originally posted by bwt1213 View PostIt would be nice to have a records category (most points per word average) for people who played at least 20 words per board, more than 50, etc. But now we're going into "who would PLAY that?" territory.
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Originally posted by bwt1213 View Post
This is 5 x 5, so I'm sure you'd surpass it. It might take you a day or two, but that would be all. It would be nice to have a records category (most points per word average) for people who played at least 20 words per board, more than 50, etc. But now we're going into "who would PLAY that?" territory.
or this
or him
or them
As George Mallory said, "because it's there--but, damn it, I sure wish it wasn't now that there is here, and I just lost my toes."
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Originally posted by Naboka View Post
Wow! That's impressive.
Good thing you're channeling YOUR INNER WHATEVER cause that other guy hasn't come anywhere near that much.
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Originally posted by bwt1213 View PostSo I channeled my inner Naboka. I averaged 11.1875 points per word:
Game Results
YOUR STATS:Total points: 716New record!
Total words: 64 (28 common,11 wide,3 rare,22 ultra rare)New record!
Best word: QUANTIZERS (25 pts.)New record!
Longest word: QUANTIZERS (10 letters)
Good thing you're channeling YOUR INNER WHATEVER cause that other guy hasn't come anywhere near that much.
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