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Achievements and Accomplishments Thread

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  • folkslinger
    There’s a lot to relate so I will try to keep this confined to the Achievement and Accomplishment idea and will later post more of the why’s and what’s in another forum post.

    Last month I evaluated my 5x5 competition stats and realized that I achieved the personal feeling of accomplishment I was seeking.

    Thank you to all my fellow 5x5 big word trophy competitors!

    I have won the 1st place 5x5 average word score trophy 11 months in a row and I am proud of that.

    I set a record for the highest average word score at over 48 points and I’m proud of that.

    I finally found Quinquasexagintilliardths (been looking for it for most of a year)

    I have not retired from competitions but I need to take a break. I will still play the game. I LOVE it.

    One more thing I am proud of is that I have never had any help from man (or woman) or machine in playing competitively (my wife and I play as a team for the fun and love of the game but never for any of the trophies).

    I thank Lalatan, for the example set and the knowledge shared in both the game play and posts.

    I congratulate Spike1007 for a new personal best average score last month! Wow I think you and I hold the top 4 average word scores as of the end of October.

    I will finish with a last longer word gifted from a friend : hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia (a fear of long words...real thing), If you could add another a and another n you would have hippopotomonstrosesquippdalianophobia or…

    fear of people who use long words.

    Lalatan you could dress up for next Halloween in a huge Hippo suit with one of your word lists fixed to the nose and strike sheer terror into the hearts of all who suffer from that phobia… or would that be to “on the nose”?

    Sorry couldn't resist that one.

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  • JedMedGrey
    Was just about to finish "credentialing" when the timer ran out . . . I did get credential, which is the longest word so far for that 4x4 board after 15 plays.
    Last edited by JedMedGrey; 09-05-2022, 11:31 PM.

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  • JedMedGrey
    Welcome, Squaredle! this is a fun game, and a great group of players - supportive & helpful even to folks like me who will never score over 300 pts a game, much less 700 or 1500! Have a good time!

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  • Squaredle
    First day playing, and I managed to set a new record!

    Granted, it was on a puzzle that had only been played once before... still, I was proud of my best word, RIVEL (shrivel), and longest word, DRIVELED (spoke drivel).

    Fun game. I found it while looking for similar games to the one I made (Squaredle). The timer adds a load of stress!

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  • JedMedGrey
    Chalet Cheese Co-op, N4858 County Hwy N, Monroe, WI 53566. Only company in the country to make Limburger! They just opened an outlet in New Glarus - at the former Maple Leaf Cheese & Fudge Shop. Neither the website nor the FB page have much, but you should be able to send a message through the latter, or call them. Website does say that they are not shipping right now until it cools off.

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  • bwt1213
    Originally posted by JedMedGrey View Post
    bwt1213 - Thank you! Have you tried Chalet Cheese Co-op's Pannaro yet? It is a Gouda/Parmesan blend - Parmesan flavor and Gouda creamy meltiness. Quite good!
    I will have to look for it. I hope it's made in Wisconsin, though; cheeses that are not have trouble passing the Cheddar Curtain.

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  • JedMedGrey
    bwt1213 - Thank you! Have you tried Chalet Cheese Co-op's Pannaro yet? It is a Gouda/Parmesan blend - Parmesan flavor and Gouda creamy meltiness. Quite good!

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  • Spike1007
    Naboka, what I said seems right for 5x5. (There, for a word with n letters, the value is r*(n-1)+s, where r is a rarity multiplier (which 1 for common words, 1.3 for wide, 1.6 for rare, and 2 for ultra-rare (rounding down to the nearest integer when necessary)), and s comes from the special letters as in my previous post.) For your 4x4 board, scoring seems different. I assume that HOT and OAT are "common", but they're both 3 points. OAK and OAKS are both worth 4, which is weird unless there's a difference in rarity values (which I doubt) or something else is going on. My guess is that, for 3-letter words (which aren't accepted in 5x5), scoring is r*n+s (with n = 3), while for 4 or more letter words, it's r*(n-1)+s, the same as 5x5, with s the same in both. (I assume OAT and OAK are both common, and the K in OAK just adds one point.) Maybe I'll play with some 4x4 boards & test my thoughts...

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  • Naboka
    Originally posted by Spike1007 View Post
    I used to think there should be a rarity difference between American & British spellings, but the score difference just comes down to word length (like using -OU- rather than -O-) & "special" letters. Q is worth 4, Z is 3, X is 2, and J & K are 1. (Each letter can only contribute once per word. For instance, two Qs still only add 4 points.)
    Always thought k's and j's generated more points. Maybe I'm misunderstanding what you mean.

    Here's the k portion of a game I just finished. Seems like a lode of points. And who knows what didn't get typed.

    Screen Shot 2022-08-30 at 11.27.45 AM.png

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  • Spike1007
    I used to think there should be a rarity difference between American & British spellings, but the score difference just comes down to word length (like using -OU- rather than -O-) & "special" letters. Q is worth 4, Z is 3, X is 2, and J & K are 1. (Each letter can only contribute once per word. For instance, two Qs still only add 4 points.)

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  • bwt1213
    Congratulations! Personal best records are the only ones that count; there is always a King Kong to make you feel small, otherwise. And for the point difference? The "Z" counts for more points than the "S". I didn't think it was three points, though.

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  • JedMedGrey
    Just got my best single word score on a 4 x 4 - POSTERIZES - for 21 pts. Interesting that POSTERISE is 16 pts, but with a "Z" it is 19 pts.

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  • JedMedGrey
    I believe I recall a post about SEPTENTRIGINTILLIONTH (21 letters, 40 pts by lalatan). Well, I got that board, and although I did not find said word, I did find "GILLIONS", a first for the board.

    Belated Happy Birthday, folkslinger!

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  • lalatan
    Happy birthday folkslinger! Wow, a flight in WW!! bomber would be amazing.
    Last edited by lalatan; 08-14-2022, 02:38 PM.

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  • Spike1007
    Originally posted by folkslinger View Post
    ...we were the same age (until today, now I'm 72.)
    Happy birthday, folkslinger!

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